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Change Management

Change Management


Change Management
Keep renewing yourself Surround yourself with people who are open to change Play to win!!! Do your best and leave the rest Respect yourself. The world will Reward you on your successes Never change your core values We must remember that succeeding in a changing world is beyond just surviving

Change Management
Change is the only thing that will Never change. So better adapt to it. Change is universal Change is permanent. Be ever willing to change.. For, change alone leads you to Success and happiness!!! If one desires a change, one must Be that change before that change Can take place

Change Management: Definitions

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired . When you introduce a change to the organization, you are ultimately going to be impacting one or more of the following four parts of how the organization operates: Processes Systems Organization structure Job roles

Change Management: Definitions

The coordination of a structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lasting change within an organization. Objectives Review the basics of change management and how change affects us all Understand that change is a continuous process Focus on the Transformation Programme and identify what changes will occur and how they can be best managed

Personal Change


Personal change means improvement in an individuals life. Personal change is s process of movement of an individual from current undesirable level to a desirable level of behavior to improve the organizational & individual effectiveness & efficiency. Here the main focus is to improve an individuals life through personal change. The aim of personal change is to tap the unlimited potential available in an individual.

Personal Change
Personal change is possible by oneself or by seeking the help of professionals or well wishers.
By Oneself Individual Current Undesirable behaviors Personal Development (Change to desired behavior)

Personal Change

By the Identified desired to change assistance of others

Personal Change
Step 1 Personal change starts with discovery, which involves finding out more about yourself, how you do things, how you have been limiting your options. Discovery involves willingness to learn. Learning might be unexpected & surprising. Step 2 Once the discovery phase is over, the clearing phase starts which involves the process of realizing & rejecting the wrong answers which have become a part of us. These wrong answers are returned to the time, place & context where they belong. Clearing is a key element in personal change.

Personal Change
Step 3 Clearing then leads to programming which is establishing useful ways of how to do things. That might involve the discovery of how things are being done & the creation of more powerful new methods. Once the programming phase is over, the processing phase starts.

Personal Change
Elements of Personal Change Self Analysis Self Awareness Self Esteem Self Efficacy

Personal Change
Self Analysis: Self analysis has to do with a personal SWOT analysis, analyzing ones strengths, weaknesses as well as opportunities & threats on the environment. Self analysis helps a person in understanding: Whether or not one has a suitable aptitude for a given job. Whether or not one is capable of handling various roles & responsibilities one has accepted. What motivates & what drains ones energy. Whether one brings out the best in others or

Personal Change

Whether one brings out the best in others or worth in others. Ones stress tolerance potential Whether one is doing the work that is meaningful to himself & others around him. An important aspect of self analysis is to examine whether one has meaningful relationship with others & to move away from relationships that are not fulfilling.

Personal Change

Whether one brings out the best in others or worth in others. Ones stress tolerance potential Whether one is doing the work that is meaningful to himself & others around him. An important aspect of self analysis is to examine whether one has meaningful relationship with others & to move away from relationships that are not fulfilling.

Personal Change
The Strengths of an individual can be analyzed effectively the strengths may be: Numerical ability Verbal Comprehension Perceptual Speed Inductive reasoning (Individual to general) Deductive reasoning (General to individuals) Special visualizing (Understanding the regular structure) Emotional Quotient Creativity Quotient Memory, Critical Thinking, Spiritual Quotient etc.

Personal Change

Self Awareness: Self awareness is the stepping stone is personal

change after self analysis. It is important to answer the question who is a self aware person? A Self aware person is one who: is aware of ones strengths & limitations has a clear idea of ones priorities. is aware of ones attitudes, values & beliefs. know how others behavior is affecting others. know how others are affecting oneself. one is aware of his fears and anxieties and defenses he usually employee to protest his sanity. Awareness is the foundation for personal change. Once an individual is aware of himself, one can better manage ones behaviour & function effectively

Personal Change
Basic assumptions about self awareness are; 1] Self awareness is self responsibility. 2] Self awareness involves internalizing, i.e., perceiving self behaviour to have certain outcomes. 3] Self awareness is a continuous learning process. Self awareness can be defined as the ability to perceive ones own existence, including ones own traits. Self awareness is important to the development of an individual, because without it one is inclined to repeat the same old mistakes

Personal Change

Personal development through self awareness:

Self awareness helps managers identify gaps in their management skills, which promotes skill development. But self- awareness also helps managers find situations in which they will be most effective, assists with intuitive decision making & aids stress mgt & motivation of oneself & others.

Skill development. Knowing your strengths & weaknesses. Developing intuitive decision making skills Stress Motivation Leadership Practicing management skills Ask somebody who know your habits, needs & values. Questionnaires Seek professional help (Professional Counselors & Executive Coachers)

Personal Change

Models Of Self Awareness 1. Johari Window 2. MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) 1] Johari Window Model: Johari Window Model is also referred to as disclosure or feed back model of self awareness. The Johari window actually represents inform feelings experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions, motivations etc., within or about a person in relation to their group from four perspectives, which are given below 1 OPEN OR FREE AREA 3 HIDDEN AREA 2 BLIND AREA 4 UNKNOWN AREA

Personal Change

The Johari Windows perspectives are called regions or area or quadrants. 1] Open or free area: What is known by the person about him/herself & is also known by others. 2] Blind self area: What is unknown by the person about him/herself but which other know. 3] Hidden self: What a person knows about him or herself that do not know by others. 4] Unknown self: What is unknown by the person about him/herself & is also unknown by the others. Without self awareness, self analysis is not possible, therefore it is important to first by to understand the meaning the self awareness.

Personal Change

3] Self Esteem: Self esteem or self worth is defined as a persons self-image at an emotional level, circumventing reason & logic. Self esteem is a widely used concept both in popular language & in psychology. It refers to an individuals sense of his or her value or worth or the extent to which a person values, approves of appreciates prizes or likes him or himself. A persons self esteem develops & evolves through ones experiences with different people & activities. Experience during ones childhood play a particularly large role in the shaping of ones large role in the shaping of ones basic self esteem. People with love self esteem often relay on how they are doing in the present to determine how they feel about themselves. They need positive external experiences to counteract the negative feelings & through that constantly plague them.

Personal Change

People with the healthy self-esteem are able to assess oneself accurately (know oneself) & skill be able to accept & to value oneself unconditionally.

Consequences of low self-esteem are;

It can create anxiety, stress, loneliness & increased likelihood for depression. It can cause problems with friendships & relationships. It can seriously impair academic & job performance It can lead to underachievement & increased vulnerability to drug & alcohol abuse.

Personal Change

Measures to improve or overcome low self esteem; Before one can begin to improve ones self- esteem one must first believe that one can change. Change doesnt necessarily happen quickly or easily, but it can happen. 3 steps to be taken to change ones self esteem are; a] Rebut the inner critic: Begin to challenge negative messages of the critical inner voice. Eg: If a student failed in test, he should challenge that he can score well in next test. i.e., I can do it well in next test. b] Practice self nurturing: To treat oneself as a worthwhile person. Start to challenge part negative experiences or messages by nurturing and caring for oneself in ways that show that one is valuable, competent, deserving etc .,

Personal Change

Components of self-nurturing are:

Practice basic self-care i.e., enough sleep, eat healthy, good hygiene, regular exercise etc., Plan fun & relaxing things for yourself. Reward yourself for your accomplishments. Remind yourself of your strengths & achievements. Forgive yourself when you dont do all you had hoped. Self-nurture even when you dont feel you deserve it. Get help from others i.e., friends, teachers or parents

Personal Change

4] Self Efficacy A persons belief that he or she has the ability, motivation, & resources to complete the task successfully. People with high self-efficacy have a can do attitude towards a specific task & more generally towards other challenging life.

In managing personal change, self-efficacy is a major determinant for success. Employees with higher levels of efficacy can overcome obstacles & challenges that are a inevitable part of any change effort.
Change leaders can increase employee self-efficacy by showing employees that they possess the necessary knowledge & skills by displaying the confidence in the employees competencies & by settling them challenging goals & then helping them achieve those goals.

Personal Change

How self- Efficacy affects human function? The self efficacy has four major effects on people It affects their thinking and analytical ability or cognitive ability. It affects their motivation. It shapes their emotions. It also affects the activities & task people choose to pursue. Factors Influencing Self- Efficacy Four Main Sources of influence are 1. Experience
If people experience only easy successes they come to expect quick result and are easily discouraged by failure. Resistant sense4 of efficacy requires experience in overcoming obstacles through perseverant effort. Some set backs and difficulties in human perceives serve a careful purpose in teaching that success usually requires sustained effort.

Personal Change

2. Social Models The second way of creating & strengthening self- beliefs of efficacy is through the vicarious experiences provided by social models. Seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers beliefs that they too posses the capabilities to succeed. E.g.: Role Models Modeling influences do more than provide a social standard against which to judge ones over capabilities. People seek proficient models who posses the competencies to which they aspire. Through their behavior & expressed ways of thinking, competent models transmit knowledge & teach observers effective skills & strategies for managing environmental demands Acquisition of better means raises perceived self-efficacy.

3. Social Persuasion It is a third way of strengthening peoples beliefs that they have what it takes to succeed. People who are persuaded verbally that they possess the capabilities to master given activities are likely to mobilize greater effort & sustain. If than if they harbor self- doubts & dwell on personnel deficiencies when problems arise. To the extent that persuasive boosts in perceived self-efficacy lead people to try hard enough to succeed, they promote development of skills & a sense of personal efficacy. 4. Psychological Factors Psychological indicators of efficacy play an especially influential role in health functioning in athletic & other physical activities. It is imperative that individual seek to improve self efficacy for the benefit of self as well as organization. It is necessary to develop high efficacy for personal as well as for the organization.

Role Efficacy Role effectiveness depends on having high role efficacy on the part of the role occupant & by developing a style & strategy to cope with the role conflict or stress.

Role efficacy is the performance of a person working in an organization depends on his own potential effectiveness, technical competence, managerial experience etc., as well as on the design of the role that he performs in an organization.
Role efficacy is the integration of the two i.e., person & the role, that ensures a persons effectiveness. To be an effective employee, a person should have the requisite knowledge, technical competence & skills to perform the role.

Organizational Change

Presentation Outline

Define Organizational Change What is there to manage? Resistance to Change Managing Organizational Change

Definition of organizational change

One of the reasons why most of us change is because we used to adjust and adapt to the changing life and circumstances (Lack of money, offer of new job, sickness or work pressures). There are some situational reasons which impel 1. Readjust our self to new conditions 2. Like human beings organization are also open systems They are also characterized by openness of environmental influences and the processes of differentiation & negative entropy. Thus organizational change occurs because of both situational fluctuations in the environmental demands as well as because it is in their nature to grow and develop.

Definition of organizational change: Organizational change means significant change in any one or more of the tasks, techniques, structure and the people of the organization. Changes in these however tend to be correlated. A change in tasks can after lead to changes in people, structure and techniques. Organizational change may be a planned effort to increase organizational effectiveness and health through changes in the organization dynamics using behavioral science knowledge.

Revolutionary Change: Organizations do not evolve but are more likely to change in strategic reorientations that demand significantly different patterns of Scientific fields .Truth is probably not discovered through the accumulation of individual findings, but more likely in paradigmatic shifts, that is breaks in the prevailing mode of thinking. Evolutionary Change: No doubt, more than 95% of organizational changes are evolutionary. As noted above, the resistances to revolutionary change are indeed strong. The second case vignette, at the beginning of this chapter (improvement in customer service at the pharmaceutical-chemical company), is illustrative of evolutionary change. Most organizational change consists of improvements, incremental steps to fix a problem or change a part of the larger system

Organization-wide Versus Subsystem Change Examples of organization-wide change might be a major restructuring, collaboration or rightsizing. Usually, organizations must undertake organization-wide change to evolve to a different level in their life cycle, for example, going from a highly reactive, entrepreneurial organization to one that has a more stable and planned development. Experts assert that successful organizational Transformational Versus Incremental Change An example of transformational (or radical, fundamental) change might be changing an organizations structure and culture from the traditional topdown, hierarchical structure to a large amount of self-directing teams. Another example might be Business Process Re-engineering, which tries to take apart (at least on paper, at first) the major parts and processes of the organization and then put them back together in a more optimal fashion. Transformational change is sometimes referred to as quantum change.

Remedial Versus Developmental Change

Change can be intended to remedy current situations, for example, to improve the poor performance of a product or the entire organization, reduce burnout in the workplace, help the organization to become much more proactive and less reactive, or address large budget deficits. Remedial projects often seem more focused and urgent because they are addressing a current, major problem. It is often easier to determine the success of these projects because the problem is solved or not.

Unplanned Versus Planned Change

Unplanned change usually occurs because of a major, sudden surprise to the organization, which causes its members to respond in a highly reactive and disorganized fashion. Unplanned change might occur when the Chief Executive Officer suddenly leaves the organization, significant public relations problems occur, poor product performance quickly results in loss of customers, or other disruptive situations arise.

Factors influencing organizational change

External factor
Govt regulation Changes in economy Competition Raw material prices Raw material availability Pressure group Technology push Scarcity of labour

Internal Factor
Changes in corporate leadership Implementation of new technology Decline in corporate performance Changes in employees profile

Union actions Low morale & motivation

Organizational Change Management

External reasons for changes In order to remain effective and to survive, the organization must find new ways of relating to the environment. The organization may respond to these changes in a healthy adaptive manner. For e.g. Converting a potential threat into opportunities. Some of the external forces are: Government Regulations: The slashing of subsidies by the govt. to the professional institutes like IIMs, IITs, created pressure to generate funds for themselves. Privatization of the power sector encouraged many industries to diversify into this sector.

Organizational Change Management

Changes in economy The receiver in the consumer durable industry forced many organizations to reduce their manpower and find out the methods for cost cutting or diversify into other markets. Competition To counter the threats from its competitors the organization must reorganize itself by making technological advances, cutting c etc. In order to overcome the competition we have to adopt new technology before our counter party or everyone comes to know regarding the new technology. Raw material price & availability Fluctuations in prices and erratic availability of raw materials after impel the organizations to create buffers, strengthen their purchasing power or gain control over raw material sources through backward integration.

Organizational Change Management

Changes in consumer preference or profile With business travelers gradually becoming a major customer segment for hotels, many 5 star hotels had to not only include new infrastructural facilities like fax or voice mail etc but also start new sources like conference hall, business centre, secretarial services etc. Pressure groups Consumer right forums, unions, environmental protection group also influences organizations to change Technological advances The proliferation of communication technology like cable networking, dish antenna, communication satellites etc was a major influence on Doordarshan to structure itself & become more competitive.

Internal Forces Change in corporate leadership A new chief executive may not only introduce new systems and structures but may also symbolically communicate new values and culture in the organization. Thus change of leadership led to major internal changes in the organization. Implementation of new technology A decision to purchase and implement new technology bound to have consequences of other function as well. E.g. Computerization of railway reservation resulted in changes in the reporting bills, space of control, coordination mechanism etc Union actions Unionization of workforce creates a major power coalition in the organization which would have its impact on original decisions. In our country the political affiliation of unions also effect the kind of action organizations can or cannot take.

Changes in employer profile & attitudes Over a period people in organization grow and change also fresh recruitment brings in new kinds of employees. Structural and systematic changes become necessary to retain and get work out of the changing set of employees. E.g. The young professionally qualified workforce becoming more mobile and ambitious. Many companies in our country are changing their recruitment policies, developing better compensation packages, out bringing work to provide more challenge etc. Corporate performance A downward trend in profits & market share, compels the organization to change its management structure & style, its inventory control system, inventory plans etc. Thus a set back of corporate performance shakes up the organization out of compliancy & forces it to have a relook at itself.

Mergers and acquisitions A meeting of two distinct corporate cultures creates new demand on the organization. These changes become apparent in the new strategic emphasis, new lives of control, new systems, new set of employees etc

Organizational change process: 1. Preparation stage Contact stage The earliest encounter a person has with the fact that change may take place or has already taken place. Awareness stage The person knows that a change is being contemplated becoming aware of the pressure for change. Pressure may come from inside and outside the organization. Outside pressure such as technology, competition, economy etc. inside pressure arises from conflict, retirements, resignations 2. Acceptance phase a. Understanding stage Recognizing the need for change. E.g. ITCs transformation

b. Positive perception The person develops positive view towards the change.
Diagnosing the problem: interviews allow data collection on a range of possible subjects by using questionnaires responses can be quantified and easily summarized.

By observation data can be collected on behaviour rather than more reports

By using secondary data unbiased and easily quantifiable data can be collected.

3.Commitment phase a. Planned stage/ Installation stage The change is implemented and becomes operational b. Adoption stage The change has been used long enough to demonstrate worth and a viable positive impact. c. Institutionalization The change has a long history of worth, durability and continuity and has been formally incorporated into the routine operation procedure of organization d. Internalization Persons are highly committed to change because it is con to their personnel Interest, goals or values system.

A Process Model of Organization Change

Preliminary Problem Identification

Managerial Commitment

Data Collection and Analysis

Develop Change Strategies

Identify Specific Problem Areas

Data Feedback

Initiation of Behavior

Evaluation of Results

Model of organizational change:

Lewins change model / 3 step model Kurt Lewin provided one of the early models of planned change According to him, change underlies the modification of those forces that keep a systems behaviour stable. The level of behaviour at any point of time is the request of two set of forces a. Striving to maintain the status quo
b. Pushing for change When both these sets of forces are equal ,current levels of behaviour are maintained and this behaviour is called quasi stationary equilibrium

Organizational change can occur @ 3 levels; viz

a. Individual: change in an individual attitudes, values, skills & behaviour. b. Structure & system: change in work decision, reporting relationships information system, reward system etc c. Organization climate: change in leadership style, interpersonal relation, Decision-making style etc

Lewins 3 stage model is a powerful tool for understanding change situations. The 3 steps include: 1. Unfreezing the old behaviour or situation 2. Moving to a new level of behaviour 3. Refreezing the behaviour at the new level

Lewins Three-Step Process

The first step, unfreeze involves the process of letting go of certain restricting attitudes during the initial stages of an outdoor education experience. The second step, "change" involves alteration of self-conceptions and ways of thinking during the experience. The third step, "refreeze" involves solidifying or crystallizing the changes into a new, permanent form for the individual

Unfreezing stage Creating motivation & readjust to change through. First a man should believe that cigarette is bad for him and that he should stop smoking Unfreezing stage creates pain and discomfort Which causes creation of guilt and anxiety, which motivates the person to change? Develop psychological safety in order to replace the old behaviour with new behavior. Moving stage Changing through cognitive restructuring. Helping the clients to see things, judge things feel things and reach to things differently based on new points of view obtained through 1. Identifying with a new role model, mentor etc 2. Scanning the environment for new relevant information.

Unfreezing Techniques
people are taken from a state of being unready to change to being ready and willing to make the first step.

Burning platform: Expose or create a crisis. Challenge: Inspire them to achieve remarkable things. Evidence: Cold, hard data is difficult to ignore. Education: Learn them to change. Management by Objectives (MBO): Tell people what to do, but not how. Visioning: Form Visions. Visions work to create change.

Refreezing Integrates the new behavior into the persons personality and attitudes (i.e.) stabilizing the change requires testing them to fit with the individual and fit with the individuals social surrounding.

Refreezing techniques
people are taken from a state of being in transition and moved to a stable and productive state

Burning bridges: Ensure there is no way back. Evidence stream: Show them time and again that the change is real. Institutionalization: Building change into the formal systems and structures. Reward alignment: Align rewards with desired behaviors. Socializing: Build it into the social fabric

Force Field Diagram

Change Issue
Driving Forces Restraining Forces



Strong Force
No Change



The force field analysis provides a useful framework for understanding the change process as well as planning strategies for implementing change. No Change The force field diagram is a model built on the idea that forces includes both driving and restraining change. Whether the organization changes are not depends on one of these two forces and whole process of change can be understood as the interplay between the driving and restraining forces When the organization is in a state of equilibrium the driving and restraining process sort of cancel out each other.

Uses of force field analysis

Investigate the balance of power involved in an issue Identify the most important player ( stakeholder) and target groups for a campaign on the issue Identify opponents and allies Identify how you can influence each target group

Steps in force field analysis / process

Describe the current situation Describe the desired situation Identify where the current situation will go if no action is taken List all the forces driving change toward the desired situation List all the forces resisting change towards desired situation. Discuss and interrogate all of the forces: Are they valid? Can they be changed? Which are the critical ones? Allocate a score to each of the forces using numerical scale. e.g.: one for extremely weak and ten for extremely strong. Chart the forces. Let the driving forces on the left and restraining forces on the right. Determine whether change is viable and progress can occur. Discuss how the change can be effected by decreasing the strength of the restraining forces or by increasing the strength of the driving forces. Remember that increasing the driving forces or decreasing the restraining forces may increase or decrease other forces or even create new ones.

Action Research Model

This model focuses on the planned change activity as a cyclical process Initial research about the organization is undertaken which then provides request information to guide further action. The results of the action are accrued to provide information to guide further action and this cycle is repeated as an on going process. This model aims at helping specific organization implement planned change as well as develop general knowledge that can be applied in other scenario. The eight main step involved in the action research model are given below.

Action Research Model

1. Problem identification This is the stage where a key executive senses the existence of one or more problems that can be alleviated with the help of an Organization Development Practitioner. 2. Consultations with behavioural experts After sensing the problem, and realizing that it can be dealt with, the help of our OB experts is sought. 3. Data gathering and preliminary diagnosis The consultant gathers data by employing methods such as interviews, process observations, questionnaire and the analysis of organizational performance data 4. Feedback to key client or group The data gathered is paved on to the client to determine the strengths and weakness of the area under study with the consultant providing the client all relevant and useful data

5. Joint diagnosis of the problem The group discusses the feed back and focuses on any additional research needed. The result of the additional research are summarized and submitted to the group again for validation, further diagnosis and identification of the problem. 6. Joint action planning The consultant and management team jointly agree on problem solving methods. The specific action to be taken depends on the organizations cultural technological work environment problem to be solved and resolved and the time and cost associated with the O.D intervention 7. Action This stage involves the actual stage from one organizational state to another. It may include installing new methods and procedures, re-organizing structures and work designs or re-inforcing new behaviours. 8. Data gather after action As this method cyclical in nature, new data is again gathered after the action has been taken to measure and determine the effects of the action. based on the feed back, the situation may be rediagnosed and new action taken. This model aims at helping specific organizations implement planned change as well as

Planning model This model is based on principle that information must be fully and openly shared between the organization and the change agent and this information must be able to be translated into action. [7 step process to change] This model follows a 7 step as given below:

Scouting (need for change & area requiring change) Entry (mutual contact & mutual expectation)
Diagnosis (improvement goals are identified) Planning (specific improvement goals)

Action (implementation of the steps identified)

Evaluation of Stabilization (determine extent of screen of implementation & take action)

Termination (decision is made to leave the system or to end and begin another)

The model of Greiner which I studied way back at university gives an explanation and establish the awareness that growing and changing is logical and continual. This model outlines the stages that a company may go through from its inception to maturity, and it details each management crisis and the solutions that lead to the next phase of growth.

Key Forces in development There are 5 key dimensions that are essential for building a model of organizational development: Age of the company Size of the company Stages of evolution Stages of revolution Growth rate of industry

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