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Media Development in ESP

Dewi Sri Rahayu Laila Siti Nurhasanah

What is Media Development?

The term "media development" generally refers to efforts by organizations, people, and sometimes governments to develop the capacity and quality of the media sector within a specific country or region. ( diadevelopment)

Why Media Development in ESP?

Media development in ESP need to do to kick and make the alumnus who have a certain quality and can competitive with stakeholder which need a worker who have English skill actively appropriate with stakeholders need today. Study by Musyaridun and Rahayu (2005) explain that ESP had better in order of students need, and not based on teacher pretension. Sibuea and Mulyana (2002) explain that media use that is organized specifically is able to increasing the students ability significant.


So, strategy media have to effective and efficient. Learning that is planned specifically based on working world conditions need will be more come in useful for alumnus, until they are able use it in their working world.

ESP Learning by Using Computer Media

Jarvis (2005) emphasize that technology development have influenced learning English development. By using computer as Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), internet have been causing number of using English, either business relation and education.

Why Computer?

Chen (2005) explain that learning language approach by using computer or Computer Language Teaching (CLT) into EFL learning are going to increase comprehension, motivation, autonomy and similarity identity social, and students involvement by using target language that students need in order to increase the linguistics and pragmatics competency.


Study is not definite on the time and space, by using internet, students is given chance to communicate and learn together with other students in the whole world (Kem, 1996, Shield & Weininger, 2004)

These are the alternative for Media Development

1. Develop media ESP based on teacher oriented and students oriented.

2. Develop media ESP based on students oriented and market need by using module academic writing and vocabulary building.

3. Develop media ESP based on students oriented and market oriented by using module academic writing and vocabulary building by computer interactive. 4. Develop media ESP based on students oriented and stakeholder by using module academic writing and vocabulary building, web-based.

REFERENCE 03/pengembangan-bahan-ajar-espmahasiswa.html ( opment)

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