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Independent Sample T - Test

Presented By:
Adithya Raj
Gaurav Kumar
Nishant Choubisa
Surbhi Agarwal
Urpreet Kaur Soni
Vipul Gupta

 What it does: The Independent Samples

T Test  assesses whether the means of
two groups statistically differ from each

 The 2 independent sample t-test is used

when testing 2 independent groups.

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 Where to find it: 

Under the Analyze menu-

– choose Compare Means, the Independent
Samples T Test.
– dependent variable -> "Test Variable.“
– independent variable -> "Grouping Variable."
– "Define Groups“ -> specify the value labels of the
two groups you wish to compare.
Page  3

2. The dependent variable is normally


4. The two groups have approximately equal

variance on the dependent variable. You
can check this by looking at the Levene's

6. The two groups are independent of one

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1. As a marketer of a brand of jeans, it was
essential to find out whether a set of customers
in Delhi and a set of customers in Mumbai
perceived the brand in similar way. The survey is
conducted in both cities and the perception is
measured on a seven point scale and the input
table is given below. The null hypothesis was
that there is no significant difference in the
ratings given by customers in Delhi and Mumbai
(Delhi coded as ‘1’ and Mumbai coded as ‘2’).
Check if the ratings in two cities are statistically
different. Substantiate your analysis
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H0 (Null): There is no significant difference

in the ratings given by customers in Delhi
and Mumbai

H1 (Alternate): There is significant

difference in the ratings given by
customers in Delhi and Mumbai

Page  7
SPSS Output
Group Statistics Output:
•We see the descriptive statistics for the two groups.
•We see that the mean for the “Mumbai” group is
higher than that of the “Delhi" group.

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Box - Plot

Page  9
Levene’s Test –
For Equality of Variances
 Tells us if we have met our second
– "Sig." is less than .05 - two variances are
significantly different
– “Sig.” is greater than .05 - two variances are
not significantly different (two variances are
approximately equal)

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Independent Samples Test
Read the TOP line because the variances are
approximately equal

degrees of freedom - 18

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 There is no significant difference between the two groups (the significance

is less than .05).

 Therefore, we can say that there is no significant difference between the

Delhi and Mumbai groups. There is no significant difference in the ratings
given by customers in Delhi and Mumbai.

 Customers in Delhi & Mumbai perceive the brand in a similar way.

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