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Narrative Lead Written in 2-3 paras (lead block). Lead block is followed by an explanatory paras (nut graph).

). Draws reader into the middle of the action. Descriptive Lead Generally used in personality, travel and tech features. Lead is built around observation. A scene, event etc is recreated by efficient use of words.

Contrast Lead Written in two paras. First para sets the stage. Second para brings the audience up to date. Staccato Lead Generally used in magazine reporting. Makes use of short burst of phrases that catches instant attention. Sets the tone of the story.

Direct Address Lead Establishes reader-writer relationship. Addresses the reader directly.
For Example: You must be deep in slumber when an old couple was struggling with a youth armed with a knife at 4:00 am yesterday.

Question Lead Used for hard stories as well as soft stories. Asks a question to the reader to attract his attention.

Example: Do you know how many babies were born in this country between the time the PM stood up to address the nation from the Red Fort and the time he sat down?

Direct Quotation Lead The story begins with an important quote. The quote should be short and catchy. The story is built upon the quote.
For Example: The police can never be trusted, said a rape victim.

Indirect Quotation Lead The reporter gives the speakers imp statement/quote; but in his own words. Does not use the actual wording of the speaker. Quote must be attributed to the speaker. For Example: PM---spoke to Punjab CM--over the telephone this morning and congratulated him for the prompt action taken in redressing the grievances of the kin of bomb blast victims.

Freak Leads Begins with a definition, or a fragment of definition, a small poem etc.
For Example: Ambassadors are people who stay abroad for the good of the country. But our man in Washington----------

Expression Lead Begins with some well known expressions, such as Every cloud has a silver lining As you sow, so shall you reap For Example: Honesty is the best policy, reads a placard hanging on the wall of the cashiers office. If only Murli had read it everyday, he would not have been involved in the fraud.

First Person Lead Reporter writes the lead using first person. Gives a personal touch. Sets the tone of the story. Usually used in features and human interest stories. For Example: I set out to the Antarctica with my expedition team on Sept 16, 2010. The journey being very risky, I bid farewell to my family and friends.

Cause and Effect Lead Best suited for cause and effect stories. Lead talks about the consequence of some action/inaction.
For Example: If we dont catch up with the West in hi-tech, other Asian nations will; and they will steal a march over us and eventually well be outpaced in the global market.

Interpretative Lead Do not quote anyone. Begin with a statement/observation from the reporter. Gives the reporters assessment based on facts. Generally used for interpretative stories and news analysis.

Summary Lead The lead is brief and to the point. Presents info with high concentration of news value. Generally written in one para, in around 35 words. Gives the gist of the story.

Vignette Lead It gives a brief descriptive sketch. Used to bring important issues to the human or personal level. Often used for reports on social, economic, political, environmental issues. Readers relate to these stories more easily. It is longer than the conventional lead. News stories using a vignette lead actually make use of a combination of two methods of developing the story.

Vignette Lead Fifth grader Ayush gets home from school around 4 pm. He squeezes in half an hour of home work some social science and may be a little sanskrit. At seven in the evening, after watching TV for a little while and a quick dinner, he is ready to hit the books again, this time for calculus or French, followed by another two and a half hours devoted to the upcoming weekly test and the class assignment.

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