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Newton, Pascal, Einstein and other great scientists believed that our amazing universe needed a Creator, who

made it with purpose. I would like to show you some amazing facts of nature and some logical reasons why evolution is not possible.
Then, you can make your own conclusions.

The bombardier beetle employed gas against his enemy centuries before the Oriental invented a stinkpot or man resorted to gas warfare.

Imagine a group of men, working entirely in the dark, constructing a building as complex as the American Empire State Building and, fitting it with central heating and a freshair system. This is what the termite, that incredible builder, does when it builds its home. To keep the air at the right temperature, hundreds of tiny workers in the air passages control the conditions by sealing and unsealing hundreds of air shafts, according to the conditions of the temperature outside. Some of these structures reach 20 feet (almost 7m) in height.

Snowflakes have six sides. It is claimed there are no two snowflakes alike, yet all are hexagonal in shape. An eminent scientist, J. Wilson Bentley, devoted his life to the study of snowflakes. He photographed over 10,000 flakes. He found no two exactly alike.

The camel is enabled, by the peculiar construction of its stomach, to carry a supply of water sufficient for seven or eight days together. When camel is ready to fail through the weariness of a long march, it will detect the distant stream or fountain, then new vigor animates it, and, sniffing the air, it strides on till it can imbibe the refreshing waters.

Scientists have estimated that throughout the earth 360,000 lightning flashes per hour occur. One flash of lightning would keep any house lit for 35 years. And a large bolt of lightning has enough energy to lift a 51 ton ocean liner 2 meters into the air.

Nature is really amazing !!!

But, Why that wonderful beauty cant be produced by evolution?

The instructions for how to build, operate, and repair living cells represent a vast amount of information (estimated at 12 billion bits). Information is a mental, non-material concept. It can never arise from a natural process and its always the result of an intelligence.

Dead chemicals cannot become alive on their own. The cell is a miniature factory with many active processes, not a simple blob of "protoplasm" as believed in Darwin's day. Numerous efforts to bring life from non-life (including the famous Miller-Urey experiment) have not succeeded.

Design is apparent in the living world.

Even Richard Dawkins in his anti-creation book The Blind Watchmaker admits:
"Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.

The idea is "nothing works until everything works. The systems, features, and processes of life are irreducibly complex. What good is a circulatory system without a heart? An eye without a brain to interpret the signals? What good is a half-formed wing?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics refers to the universal tendency for things, on their own, to "mix" with their surrounding environment over time, becoming less ordered and eventually reaching a steady-state. A glass of hot water becomes room temperature, buildings decay into rubble, and the stars will eventually burn out leading to the "heat death" of the universe.

Dozens of parameters are "just right" for life to exist on this planet. For example, if the Earth were just a little closer to the Sun it would be too hot and the ocean's water would boil away, much further and it would be covered continually in ice. Earth's circular orbit (to maintain a roughly constant temperature year-round), its rotation speed (to provide days and nights not too long or short), its tilt (to provide seasons), and the presence of the moon (to provide tides to cleanse the oceans) are just some of many other examples.

The oldest fossils for any creature are already fullyformed and don't change much over time . The "Cambrian Explosion" in the "primordial strata" documents the geologically rapid appearance of most major groups of complex animals. There is no evidence of evolution from simpler forms. Birds are said to have evolved from reptiles but no fossil has ever been found having a "half-scale/half-wing".

A person is a unity of body + mind/soul, the mind/soul being the immaterial part of you that is the real inner you. Chemicals alone cannot explain self-awareness, creativity, reasoning, emotions of love and hate, sensations of pleasure and pain, possessing and remembering experiences, and free will. Reason itself cannot be relied upon if it is based only on blind neurological events.

Language is one of the main things that separates man from the animals. No animal is capable of achieving anything like human speech, and all attempts to teach chimpanzees to talk have failed.

Many creatures reproduce asexually. Why would animals abandon simpler asexual reproduction in favor of more costly and inefficient sexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction is a very complex process that is only useful if fully in place. For sexual reproduction to have evolved complimentary male and female sex organs, sperm and eggs, and all the associated machinery in tandem defies the imagination.

Bible says in Colossians 1:17

Talking about The Son

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together

Well, there is a substance that keeps our cells and molecules together its name is LAMININ That protein is the glue of human body and is essential for life of living creatures. Here there is a scientific diagram of laminin

And if we could watch it by the microscope we could see something like this

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