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Presented by Anton 21st April 2013 Johannesburg


A special thank you to Domingo who organised this venue.

Also a big thanks to all the OPPT-SA Facebook members who nudged me along, and are still giving their support to the OPPT Awareness Drive in SA and world-wide. The OPPT related FB communities that have sprung up all over the world have shown many of us: We are not alone in our convictions. And thank all of you present here for taking time out to attend this gathering. I trust you will leave here with more than just a couple of helpful facts, but also with a smile in your heart , and a flower in your vision of tomorrow.

Educated guess how we feel about the world we live in: We feel as if on a treadmill (or rocking chair) The more we work, the less we have Very little quality time for family, hobbies, spiritual development The world is too violent / dishonest We are unhappy, unfulfilled, frustrated The current system is sick We are tired of our scheduled existence and Looking for ways to be alive and prosper in peace, love and joy to Thrive.

We are controlled slaves, but we accept our prison walls as normal

Many of the facts I refer to today may seem far-fetched and even shocking to you. They are none the less FACTS. I urge you to stop acting like the good little mushrooms, and to start educating yourselves.

We are continously:
Fed blatant lies Robbed of our hard-earned money and possessions Killed and maimed Marginalised Being defrauded Manipulated Segregated and divided

and that is just at the hands of our governments!

We are looking for a better way to live, to express our supressed passion and potential.

I will share some of the historical facts with you, specifically focusing on the origins of the imposed limitations of our modern-day society.
Some of these facts have been kept hidden from the general public, but all are verifiable and available to anyone who is prepared to do a bit of digging.

Explore 3 angles
1. 2. 3.

How our enslavement was set up and executed (background) The un-DOing of the enslavement How was this done? Implications and possible applications now and near future

In the year 1302 1st express trust was created by the Pope In this trust, the Unum Sanctum it is stated that: The RC Church is the only pathway to Creator Everything on this planet belongs to the Vatican In 1455: The RCC states that they are taking over all real estate and encourages enslavement In 1481: They claim all personal property and belongings In 1531: The Convocation declares that the RCC possesses your soul.
Ref: Wikipedia + Santos Bonacci Reclaiming your Dominion parts 1 and 2 & Law Sovereign

All Maritime, Criminal, Civil and Commercial law is based on those declarations by the Popes.

UCC (Uniform Commercial Code)

All commercial trade is subject to the UCC. Supported by specified documents (to standardise procedures) Examples of docs: Registration of property, car registration documents,

Birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate

You are seen as chattel (Movable private property), i.e. a profitable asset.
That means that the UCC controls every aspect of your life, whether you are aware of it or not.

710 years ago, the RCC has put themselves between Creator and human being, thus allowing all that they own to be placed above you. Have you ever really looked at the pyramidal structure of the world from a larger perspective? Have you noticed how large corporations seem to be above the law? Central (Reserve) bank does NOT report to the Govt. It is the other way round!

We are brainwashed and kept in the dark, away from true facts. This manipulation is done by mass-media for political and monetary gain of the few. A good example is the consistent labelling of Muammar Gaddafi, as the terrorist.

In 1951, Libya was the poorest country in the world Before the NATO invasion, Libyans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Africa ahead even of Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. In Libya, homes are considered a human right Newly wed couples receive $50,000 to buy their own home Electricity is free to all people Before Qaddafi, less than 20% of Libyans were literate Now education is free & of high quality literacy rate is 83% Healthcare is free & of high quality If the healthcare or education a Libyan needs is not available in the country, the government funds access to it abroad. All loans are interest-free by law Government funds 50% of the price of a new car Any Libyan wishing to become a farmer is given free use of land, a home, equipment, livestock and seeds The Libyan central bank is state owned, and issues debt-free money Libya was debt-free!
Read Qaddafis The Green Book to learn more facts about this terrorist

This modus operandi of telling outright lies to the public also holds true in many other cases, for instance: The false flag operations to start Vietnam war, WWI, WWII, Invasion of Iraq/Iran, changes in laws to further subjugate citizens to control.

As David Icke explains the three steps:

1. Problem

create a crisis which will shock the people 2. Reaction people experience fear or hatred, depending on the crisis created and how it is manipulated in the media 3. Solution offer the people a solution, which entails more controls We have been enslaved to believe what we are told in the media.

Everything you have been taught, is a lie.

What the FUQ? - YouTube

Your Government is a registered FOR-PROFIT corporation, with you, the chattel, listed as assets!
Where do your taxes go?? The corporation, masquerading as your government does NOT work for you.

You work for them!!

Def of Conspiracy: An agreement between persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to gain an unfair advantage.

History Over a period of about 3 years, ending in 2011, Heather Tucci Jarraf led an investigation which culminated in the Paradigm Report, highlighting the corruption, fraud and enslavement of people. This dysfunctional system was found to be beyond repair, as it included all commerce, from the lowest banking levels through the judiciary to the biggest corporates, conglomerates and top-most bank bosses. The report was part of an assignment while working very high up in the hierarchy behind the curtains, with top decision and policy makers in the UN, IMF and the BIS. Because of her position as international finance lawyer, she was very well versed in the UCC and its importance. Heather allowed her own home to be foreclosed, leaving a paper-trail as proof of the extent of the corruption.
(Paradigm Report is available on

Resurrected the dormant One Peoples Public Trust of 1776.

The OPPT then submitted UCC filings, claiming that:

fraud, corruption, enslavement and treason had been committed

against the people by the players in the commerce world. This is a formal accusation, and needs to be proven wrong, i.e. rebutted with counter-claims at the UCC. With the facts exposed in the Paradigm Report and further proof in the foreclosure paper-trail, it made rebuttal impossible, except by admitting to the charges of fraud, corruption, enslavement and treason. Standing unrebutted, the OPPT then, formally foreclosed on all banks, the UN, the IMF and corporate governments via filings on the UCC. (+/- July 2012) The OPPT then filed Remedy, and in it, laid claims to the assets of all corporations. This claim still stands unrebutted as of today.


The corporation acting as our alleged government The banks The Justice system The Police Force What does that mean for us?

(Freedom = Responsibility + Accountability)

Where do you want to go!? Only rules (Common law):

Harm no-one Take from no-one Damage no-thing

Now we have the opportunity to build a New Earth in peace, towards prosperity for all, based on respect and love for all humans and our planet.

It is NOT an Organisation It is NOT here to control You do NOT sign up or join anything NO monies are payable. OPPT is a tool. Conscious Awareness For a peaceful, loving co-operative world to grow from this, there is a 180 turn-around needed. Each of us needs to change our attitude from What can I get? to What can I do / give / contribute? Which way is forward? There are several philanthropists, inventors philosophers who all have their own solutions, each with lots of merit. Personally, I resonate with the concept of Contributionism or UBUNTU as proposed by Michael Tellinger, the SA researcher, scientist and author.

Allow me a few minutes to outline the principles of Ubuntu, as described by Michael: A world without money, where everyone contributes their natural talents or acquired skills for the greater benefit of all in the community. In this community there will be No money No barter No trade No value attached to anything. It takes a lot of thinking and questioning old belief systems to honestly and openly assess these principles.

As an example: No value attached to anything That also implies that no-ones time is more important than anothers. The importance of the time of the person who ploughs the fields is exactly as important as what the tailor, the bricklayer, the mechanic or the doctor does. All their time is valued as the same.
Michael is bringing out a book very shortly, which goes into detail about the Ubuntu philosophy. In the mean time, Watch his presentation given November 2012 in Durban on my YouTube channel:

The Future, NOW

Freedom from imposed rules allows us to stop re-acting, and start creating. What are you creating? In our world there are many emotions and energies parading around under different labels and disguises. When you analyse it, it boils down to only two opposing energies: LOVE and FEAR. These two energies can not co-exist. You choose (consciously or not) either of these two at any given moment of your life.

Fear or Love?
The meaning of these two acronyms:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Living One Vibration Everywhere

In Conclusion
Thanks to all the people who contributed by openly and freely sharing the information, knowledge and insights over my years of research and studies. I trust that I did offer you some new information. Something that can expand your awareness. Something of value to you, and therefore also of value to (y)our community.

20 minute break

Q&A session
Time to mingle

The next step

Outline Learn about corporate control going on behind the scenes. (If nothing else, watch this documentary: The Awakening on YouTube (1Hr 5mins) On the South African website, you can download a Starter pack with introductory information. View the Beginners Guide to OPPT website at: You can find the complete documentation and references to the UCC filings on the OPPT-IN site:
Link with OPPT networks If you feel drawn to the cause of the OPPT and would like to exchange ideas and learn more, visit the South African OPPT group on Facebook: For a the complete Where do I begin to learn what OPPT is about document, send an e-mail to

The cabal knows no bounds. It has plans to control the SEEDS that produce your food. This cannot be allowed to happen. You must protect the Earth. You need to understand the extent to which they have destroyed your planet already. They could not have done this without your assistance.
How can you do this to your fellow man? You are actually doing it to yourselves as well. Can you not see this? You breathe their poison also. How can you look at yourselves in the mirror? When you do . . . what do you see? Are you not ashamed of what you do? What you are upholding is destroying humanity as well as your planet. Do not think for one moment that the cabal would stand up for you. You are not, nor could you ever be, one of them. They just use you. You sell your soul to them. One day this fact will become abundantly clear to you. Then, who will you look to, for help and support? Your world is in crisis. This crisis is being carefully manipulated to cause as much pain and hardship as possible. You - the 99% - can change this situation overnight. Do not hide behind closed curtains hoping that it will go away. This is not going to happen. It is time to say, enough is enough. Find your voice: you do have one, so use it. All you need is love in your hearts. When you join together and feel the power of that love, you will be amazed at the beautiful energy it produces. You know exactly what I mean. You experience it at the Opera, when the music opens your hearts and souls. It is evident at great sporting events. This is the energy that happens when people come together with a common cause or purpose. Forget all the labels. Humanity needs to come together when one of you is attacked because it is an attack on all of you.
- Montague Keen, April 2013


The next step

Outline Learn about corporate control going on behind the scenes. (If nothing else, watch this documentary: The Awakening on YouTube (1Hr 5mins) On the South African website, you can download a Starter pack with introductory information. View the Beginners Guide to OPPT website at: You can find the complete documentation and references to the UCC filings on the OPPT-IN site:
Link with OPPT networks If you feel drawn to the cause of the OPPT and would like to exchange ideas and learn more, visit the South African OPPT group on Facebook: For a the complete Where do I begin to learn what OPPT is about document, send an e-mail to

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