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NON-ULCER DYSPEPSIA: current concepts in diagnosis & management


Often a symptom of other diseases

Characterised by vague abd discomfort

Sense of fullness after eating ,eructation, nausea,

vomiting & loss of appetite. Organic cause: 40-50% pts

D/D of dyspepsia
Peptic ulcer

GERD & esophagitis Abd malignancy(gastric, pancreatic)

Drug-induced gastritis(NSAIDs,iron,

antibiotics,metronidazole) Alcohol-induced gastritis Stress-induced

Cholelithiasis& choledocholithiasis

Chr pancreatits
Intestinal parasites( hookworm,tapeworm,

roundworm) Carbohydrate malasorption Systemic disorders( diabetes, thyroid, adrenal disorders)

Functional dyspepsia

Defn: pain/discomfort localised to upper abdomen

without any identifiable cause Criteria: chronic or recurrent, upper abd pain or discomfort for a period of at least 1m, symptoms present > 25% of time, and absence of clinical,biochemical, endoscopic & ultrasonographic evidence of organic ds accounting for the symptoms

Clinically- 2 broad categories

Uicer-like dyspepsia: pain- predominant symptom

Dysmotility-like dyspepsia: bloating, fullness, early

satiety as main complaint



more sensitive i.e. volume thresholds for fullness,discomfort & pain in response to distension : 40-50% lower than normal controls or pts with organic causes ABNORMAL GASRIC EMPTYING: delayed gastric emptying in~ 30-70% of pts

Recent scintigraphic studies: differences in

distribution of gastric contents Ingestion of solid meal-> bulk accumulated in fundus -> relaxes to accommodate In NUD: most of the meal accumulated in antrum: failure of fundus to relax / antral hypomotility: mechanism not known Experiments suggest role of vagal afferent neurons in upper abd hyperalgesia

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS: higher scores for

depression & anxiety compared to healthy controls HELICOBACTER PYLORI: Clinical studies have documented higher prevalence in dyspeptic pts To assess role of H.pylori , various trials showing effect of eradication therapy in NUD

Trials showing effect of eradication of H.pylori in NUD


McColl et al RCT
McCarthy et al Jakkimaine n et al Laheij et al Talley et al


83 5 trials 10 trials 337

1 yr
1 yr NA NA 1 yr

Improves symptoms
,, ,, ,, No significant improvemnt ,, ,,

Prospective 1994 Metaanalysis Metaanalysis RCT 1999 1996 1999

Koskenpato RCT et al Laine et al Metaanalysis

2001 1995-99

51 10 trials

1 yr NA

Studies conducted to evaluate role of virulent strains

in NUD: Marker for virulence: Cag A GENE Virulent strains more prevalent in NUD CagA status depends on geographical regions WESTERN STUDIES: lower Cag A +ve rate ASIAN STUDIES: higher prevalence of Cag A +vity in NUD cases

Dietary factors
Not clear whether plays any imp role in causation

Some evidence:high fat intake

Caffeinated products -> higher incidence of

dyspeptic symptoms in NUD but not in DU / healthy controls.

Approach to diagnosis
Diagnosis is one of exclusion

Presence of alarm symptoms: wt. loss, upper

g.i.bleeding,dysphagia & h/o chr intake of NSAIDs indicate organic disorders Upper g.i. endoscopy to rule out organic cause Indications: Wt loss/recurrent vomiting/dysphagia/ g.i. bleeding/anaemia/strong family history / abd mass

Chronic users of NSAIDs

Older pts(>45 yrs)

Pts who fail to respond to empirical therapy

EMPIRICAL THERAPY: young pts with typical chr h/o dyspepsia dont have alarm symptoms or take NSAIDs

Other investigations done:

USG abd to rule out biliary pathology

LFT for liver ds Stool examn for parasites

In un-investigated dyspepsia, AGA recommends

non-invasive testing (serology/ urea breath test) for H.pylori : H.pylori +ve: Hpylori eradication therapy Rationale: cure of ulcer ds Follow-up in 4-8 wks-> failure to respond/ recur/ alarm features-> UGIE

Un-investigated dyspepsia: H.pylori ve:

AGA recommends a trial of antisecretory therapy or

prokinetic for 1 m -> symptoms persist after 8 wks of t/t or rapidly recur on stopping t/t -> UGIE

REASSURANCE:1st step after exclusion of organic

cause ANTISECRETORY AGENTS: H2 receptor antagonists, PPIs Studies have shown PPIs to be superior to placebo in relieving dyspepsia Recent Cochrane review: PPIs significantly more effective than antacids or H2 antagonists in initial management of dyspepsia


Decrease GER,improve gastric emptying

Domperidone, dopamine antagonist Mosapride,shown to improve symptoms & quality of

life Tegaserod, new 5-HT4 agonist, shown to accelerate gastric emptying & relax gastric fundus


Value controversial
Pts with ulcer-like dyspepsia, also +ve for CagA

(virulent H.pylori ) significant symptomatic improvement ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Mechanism of action unclear

Symptom relief independent of psychiatric effects

Low dose amitryptiline/ nortryptiline-> if successful,

cont for 6m-> taper off At present ,no consensus on exact durn of t/t


Psychotherapy & hypnotherapy tried

-chr relapsing nature of NUD -lack of good efficacy of drugs Currently insufficient evidence of efficacy

Diagnosis of exclusion

Most cases: mild&intermittent symptoms,

Respond to reassurance Antisecretory agents(PPIs) benefit reflux-like & ulcer-

like dyspepsia: t/t for 4-6 wks Dysmotility-like dyspepsia: limited options Prokinetic agents tried but prolonged usage avoided

A trial of low-dose antidepressants in non-

responders A minority of pts refractory to all forms of therapy: - psychiatric evaluation& counselling - Alternate therapies


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