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Efficacy of Drug and HIV Counseling Intervention among Injecting Drug Users at Five Methadone Clinics in Jakarta, Indonesia


Justification of the Study

The AIDS epidemic in Indonesia has been fueled by injection drug use among heroin users

National response includes the scale-up of methadone maintenance treatment

As of March 24, 2010 there were 51 methadone programs (7 in prison setting) with 2,135 active patients nationwide

Drug counseling is considered to be an integral part of methadone treatment

Few studies have been designed to assess its benefits and costs

Study Objectives
1. Patients who receive BDRRC show greater reduction in drug use and HIV-risk behaviors 2. Patients who receive BDRRC stay in treatment longer 3. Adding counseling cost emerge and how much the adding does, and 4. To see the prevalence and incidence of HIV in the selected five MMT clinics

Study Methodology

Sample: 300 heroin dependent individuals entering methadone maintenance treatment

Site: 5 methadone clinics in Jakarta, Indonesia. Design: randomized clinical trial. Each participant is being followed for one year.
3 phases of data collection: baseline, mo-6, mo-12

Urine testing will be done 6 times/each

Baseline, mo-1, mo-2, mo-3, mo-6 and mo-12

Study Arms
Participants will be provided with regular MMT services given by MMT clinic Counseling is delivered irregularly (1-2 times a month), based on the patients needs

1st 6mo: participants are scheduled to take place on a bi-weekly basis for the first six months OR per ONCE per WEEK for the first 2 months 2nd 6mo: participants are scheduled for a monthly base counseling session Behavioral contract Quality assurance:
BDRRC checklist Clinical supervision Monthly internet-based conference call (Skype)


5 selected sites monthly data on active clients on methadone clinics Data collector inclusion and exclusion checklist Meeting the criteria participant ID Instruments used:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Locator form ICD-10 ASI JAKPRO RAB Non-medical service form WHO-QoL Bref Adherence and Lab form DATCAP: assessing economic value of counseling

Data Check and Entry

Box 1 (data supervisors checking) Box 2 (validation by DC) Box 3 (data entry & QA1) Box 4 (QA2)

Box 5 (Final QA) Box 6 (completed folders)

JAKPRO Update: April 2012

As per 30 April 2012: n = 246

JAKPRO Update: April 2012(2)

JAKPRO Update: April 2012(3)

JAKPRO Update: April 2012(4)

JAKPRO Update: April 2012(5)

JAKPRO Update: April 2012(6)

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