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Newton Raphson Method

History of Newton Raphsons Method The Method Example Merits and Demerits

Discovered by Isaac Newton in his Method of

Fluxions, 1671. He applied it only to polynomials and does not compute the successive approximations, but a sequence of polynomials. Joseph Raphson described the method in Analysis Aequationum in 1690,he described it in terms of successive approximations. Today it is used in a wide variety of subjects, including Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence

Let x0 be an approximate root of the equation f(X)=0. If x1=x0+h be the exact root, then f(x1)=0. Therefore expanding f(x0+h) by Taylor series f(x0)+hf(x0)+h2/2!(f(x0))+=0 Since h is very small, neglecting h2 and higher powers of h,we get f(x0)+hf(x0)=0 or h= -f(x0)/f(x0) Therefore a closer approximation to the root is given by x1=x0-(f(x0)/f(x0)) This is known as Newton Raphson Method.

The Method: How does it work?

Example f(x)= x- 2+ln x has a root near x=1.5.

Use the Newton-Raphson formula to obtain a better estimate. Solution Here x0 =1.5,f(1.5)= -0.5 + ln(1.5)= -0.0945 f(x)=1+ 1/x, therefore f(1.5)=1+1/1.5=5/3 Hence, using the formula, x1=1.5-(-0.00945)/(1.6667) x1=1.5567

X2=x1-(f(x1)/f(x1)) =1.5567-(1.5567-2+ln(1.5567))/(1+1/1.5567) 1.5567-(-0.0007)/1.6426 = 1.5571 Which is required root of the eqn.

The advantage of this method is that its order

of convergence is quadratic. It is useful in cases of large values of f(X) i.e. when the graph of f(X) while crossing the xaxis is nearly vertical. We can find complex root of polynomial, if we take complex value for initial assumption. It can be used to find solution of both algebraic and transcendental equations. For example: x=sin(X)

This method is not suitable in those cases

where the graph of f(X) is nearly horizontal or horizontal while crossing the x-axis, as f(X) will be small or zero respectively. In both the cases the computation will be very slow or will not be possible at all. Oscillations might occur near local maxima or minima if the equation has non-real roots. Slow convergence of roots of multiplicity>1, if the root being sought has multiplicity greater

Than 1,the convergence rate is merely linear,so when there are two or more roots that are close together it may take many iteration before it gets close to one of them. However if multiplicity m is known one can use the modified method, x1=x0-m(f(X0)/f(X))

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