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Fish Nutritionist In World

Mitesh Ramteke AQC MA-2 07

John Emil Halver

Professor Emeritus in Nutrition School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington Email: halver@u.washington.ed u
April 21, 1922 October 24, 2012

Nobel achievement:
He has given explanation of basic nutritional requirements of fishes for vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and carbohydrate sources.

He also demonstrated vitamin and amino test diets and experimental techniques to determine qualitative and quantitative vitamin and amino acid requirements of fish.

Ascorbate-2-sulfate (vitamin C2) was discovered in trout and proved to be a storage form of stable vitamin c for fish and pathways for vitamin C metabolism were elucidated. He published over 200 scientific articles, wrote several scientific books, and was inducted into the Fisheries Hall of Fame as The Father of Fish Nutrition.

Nobel Discoveries:
Discovered that B12 is the anti-anemic factor in salmon Classification of 10 indispensible amino acids for fish. Role of selenium in stress.

Role of omega-3 fatty acids in cell membrane structure Role of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency and zinc metabolism in brain. Demonstration that aflatoxin B1 was the primary carcinogen for trout hepatomas

C. Young CHO
Agro., Research ScientistOMNR, Adjunct Professor retired in 2000 from Fish Nutrition research laboratory, University of Guelph also from Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) after 30 years' fish nutrition research. Email:

Born in South Korea educated in animal nutrition at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, University of Guelph, Canada and Kyushu University, Japan. Works : International and national committees including International Union of Nutritional Sciences and US National Research Council plus over 200 publications and numerous lectures and international development projects in Asia and Africa.

Mr. Young Cho and Prof. Stanley Slinger, developed practical dry feed formulae based on principles of land animal nutrition and feed formulation. These researchers arguably were the first to formulate fish feeds on the same principles used poultry and swine feed formulation. In addition, the work of Dr. Cho and his colleagues on bioenergetics have estimated reliable information on the digestible protein and energy needs of fish.

Dr. Sadasivam Kaushik

Director of Research at Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Pole Hydrobiology 64310 St Pee sur Nivelle France

Dr. Sadasivam Kaushik received his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the Presidency College, University of Madras, India and his Doctor of Science in University of Western Brittany, Brest, France. He has been with INRA, France from 1978.

He is presently the Director of Research at INRA and serves as the head of the Fish Nutrition Laboratory.

An eminent aquaculture nutritionist, he has to his credit more than 150 peer-reviewed publications and an equal number of communications in international gatherings. Area of Interest: Nitrogen Nutrition of Fish Development of food-based protein sources alternative to fish meal Interactions Nutrition, Aquaculture and Environment

Dominique P. Bureau
Research Associate and Special Graduate Faculty Fish Nutrition research laboratory, department of animal and poultry science, University of Guelph email:

Main activities :
An independent research program on nutrition and feeding of freshwater fish with the support on the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and collaborating to the fish nutrition research activities of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). Also teaching the course Nutrition of Fish and Crustacean and fish nutrition modules in a number of undergraduate and graduate courses, such as Animal Nutrition, Principles of Aquaculture, Science and Technology in Aquaculture..

Research Interests:
Nutrient (amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, phosphorus) utilization by fish. Evaluation and development of feed ingredients. Development of models of nutrient utilization by fish and production models for fish culture operations. Socio-economical, cultural, and environmental factors influencing food production and dietary habits.

Dr. Santosh P. Lall

Nutritional Biochemist, Principal Research Officer Institute for Marine Biosciences National Research Council of Canada 1411 Oxford Street Halifax, Canada E-mail:

He has undertaken and directed research in support of aquaculture and fish nutrition since 1974, with emphasis on salmonids and marine fish. A major research effort has been also directed in characterization of nutritional deficiency diseases under laboratory and field conditions. Developed diets for more than 10 fish species. Marine bioactive and functional foods from microalgae and seaweed.

Ronald Hardy
Professor and Director, Aquaculture Research Institute College of Agricultural and Life Sciences University of Idaho, Moscow Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington's School of Fisheries.

Research Interest:
fish nutritional requirements, sustainable feeds for aquaculture, metabolic and physiological effects of alternative feed ingredients Effects of diet on immune function, and, development of low-pollution feeds.

Research Interest:
current research focus is in three areas: alternative feed ingredients for fish meal and fish oil for use in salmon and trout feeds molecular genetics in relation to somatic growth, nutrient partitioning, and effects of diet on immune function. ornamental fish production using geothermal water resources in Idaho.

Konrad Dabrowski
Professor School of Natural Resources, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 EMAIL: dabrowski.1@o

Fish physiology : particularly nutritional biochemistry of larval
stages of freshwater species cyprinids, coregonines, salmonids, esocids, and percids Fish nutrition: particularly metabolism and requirement of ascorbic acid and tocopherol. Sperm physiology, mechanisms of sperm-egg interaction in lamprey, sturgeon and teleost fish. Sperm cryopreservation.

Helga Guderley
Professor Department of Biology, Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada G1K 7P4

Research interest:
Muscle metabolic capacities and swimming performance in ectotherms, particularly cod, trout and scallops.
Biochemical adaptation to temperature and to changes in abiotic and biotic factors.

Michael B. Rust
Supervisory Research Fish Biologist Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies Division, Seattle, Washington 98112 Since 1980, Mike Rust has worked in fisheries and aquaculture in both developing countries, such as the Philippines and Haiti, and in developed countries, such as Norway, Canada and the United States.

Research interest:
Aquaculture engineering and project development, fish developmental physiology and fish nutrition. He is the team leader for a group conducting research on marine enhancement and aquaculture.

Franoise Medale
Director of UR NuMeA (Aquaculture Nutrition Metabolism) Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Pole Hydrobiology St Pee-sur-Nivelle France Email: Medale @

Research interest:
Nutrition and energy metabolism of fish Interactions Genetics Nutrition Development of food raw materials of plant origin replacing fishmeal and fish oil

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