Consultative Sales Process

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Coaching GROW Framework


Consultative Selling

Consultative selling is a needsatisfaction presentation format that focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution.

How Consultative Sales People add value.

Consultative Selling process

Stage One Preparation Stage Two Opening and Building Rapport. Stage Three Questioning for Needs. Stage Four Presenting Features and Benefits Stage Five - Handling Objections Stage Six Closing the Sale. Stage Seven Follow Up

Required Skills
Consultative Selling Requires Both Process and People Skills
Quick positioning of the agenda Uncover needs Present & work through alternatives Qualify Get closure and next steps

Break the ice / establish rapport Ask QUESTIONS Really LISTEN Rephrase and recap for clarity Problem solve Ask tough questions subtly Be liked

Need to develop both


Stage One - Preparation

At TIO our preparation will take many forms according to the circumstances relating to the sale i.e.
Walk in customer Over the phone At an appointment

Break Monkey Business

Call Reluctance
Fear of taking social risks. Fear of making presentations. Feeling ashamed of sales. Fear of intruding on others. Intimidated by up market clients. Fear of losing friends or family approval. Fear of disturbing client relationships.


Six Step Telephone Process

Step 1 Introduce yourself and your company. Step 2 Remove the call curse. Step 3 State the purpose of the call. Step 4 An interest capturing statement. Step 5 Request an appointment Step 6 Overcome resistance


Stage Two Opening and Building Rapport

Rapport Environment of harmony, consonance agreement or accord achieved through activities encouraging this result.


Stage 3 Establishing Needs through questioning and listening

Discovery questioning:


Types of Questions Open Questions Questions that give the customer freedom to tell whatever they want. Leading Questions Lead the customer in the direction that you want. Closed Questions usually good for yes or no answers. Questioning Sequence Situation uncovers facts Problem help prospects define their problem Implication questions get prospects to discuss the problem and how it might be improved Need Payoff Helps build the value of your proposed solution in the mind of the prospect


Hearing Interpreting Assessing Responding

Levels of Listening Ignoring Selective Listening Active Listening Empathetic listening


Whos on first


Stage Four Presenting Features and benefits

Feature the characteristic of a product or service WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU IS.. Benefit What value the product provides to the buyer


Stage Three Presenting Features and benefits

AND THERES MORE !!!!!!!!!!


Stage Five Handling Objections

Objection An objection is anything that a prospect does tha t provides an obstacle to a smooth closing


Objection handling THIRD CORE


Process for handling objections

Step One Confirm understanding Step Two Acknowledge their point of view Step Three Select a specific technique Step Four Answer the objection Step Five Attempt to close


Closing the Sale

CLOSING Is the process of helping people make a decision that will benefit them. You help them to do this by asking them to buy. Only attempt to close when the customer is ready.LOOK for buying signals. When they are ready to buy Spending time looking at one product type Looking around for somebody to help them Asking questions about the detail Asking about price Using possession language Asking another person's opinion Body state changes Touching the money



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