CIS 4932 Special Topics Software Testing Fall 2001

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CIS 4932 Special Topics Software Testing Fall 2001 Integration Testing

2001, Dr. E.L. Jones

This course prepares a developer to practice unit testing on a project by applying the concepts covered in the Software Unit Test Concepts course.


Integration Testing

This course prepares the development team to plan and carry out an orderly process of assembling the system from tested units, and certifying the system ready for formal system test. Use of a controlled test environment ensures the validity of test results and facilitates transition to formal test.
11/2001 Integration Testing 3

What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 4

What is Integration?
The process of combining individually developed components into a system.

System A AB

11/2001 Integration Testing 5

What is A Component?
A component is a system building block. The smallest component is a (composite) unit A component may be formed by combining other components Top level components are identified in the software architecture


Integration Testing

The Software Architecture

Architecture defines components and connections
Architecture depends on technology

Standard architectures exist

The software architecture is a design product


Integration Testing

Software Architecture
Building blocks and their connections
System Interface

Shared component

Integration Testing

What is An Interface?
An interface is a set of connections between components
Activated by a software call Involves the flow of data in either direction Connection may be transient or persistent A connection is called an interface operation

Each interface (operation) is a unit

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Interface Operations
One interface may have many operations.
ftp System




Integration Testing


What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 11

An Example of Integration -the Website

Simple site Two action buttons
Refer a Friend -- send an email to a third pary Click to Order -- accept responses to a survey and store in a database

Accesses the corporate global database Uses communication services

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Integration -- Connecting The Parts

Net Comm email

Form X

Bus Logic

Applic DB Global DB



Integration Testing


Interfaces Between Components

Form BusinessLogic NetComm

Business Logic
Form SoftLogin AppDB NetComm

BusinessLogic GDB GDBAccess

SoftLogin GDB
Integration Testing 14

Form Action Buttons

Action buttons connect paths through the system.

Click to Order
Form (Survey) BusinessLogic SoftLogin AppDB GDBAccess GDB

Refer a Friend
Form (Refer) SoftLogin BusinessLogic AppDB NetComm

Integration Testing


Interfaces -- CLICK TO ORDER

Home page
click Field Fixes

Survey Data


Survey Form


Survey Data

Applic DB


N/E (Name, email)

Info page



Global DB

GDBAccess N/E
11/2001 Integration Testing 16

What Can Go Wrong During Integration?

Form accepts erroneous data Form does not accept valid survey data Business logic accepts invalid data SoftLogin can not access global database Business logic does not store survey data etc.
Integration Testing 17


Getting to the Bottom of Failures

BRUTE FORCE: Individually check each connection in the system
Set up in-flows to interface operation Activate the interface operation Verify out-flows from interface operation

BETTER: Incrementally integrate and test, progressively expanding the number of interfaces that have been tested.
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Making the Connection I

Diagnosing integration problems is hard
many interface operations many possible invocation sequences difficulty reproducing the problem

An orderly, managed approach avoids chaos and reduces the overall effort Integration Testing approach should be based on the architecture.
11/2001 Integration Testing 19

What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 20

What is Integration Testing?

Testing all connections within the software in a controlled physical environment?
A Series of Unit Tests!
Enough to ensure each interface has been tested These tests should already exist as unit tests

Selected ones should be applied (e.g., user operation action buttons)

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Usage Driven Integration Test

Test end-to-end operations -- use case or user operation Advantages
Higher level test, fewer tests to run Allows incremental development for high priority user operations

Difficult with unreliable components
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Our Turn -- Usage Test Design

Discuss a process for identifying interfaces used during a usage driven test. Consider how the concept of coverage used in white-box testing can be applied to minimize the number of usage-driven test cases.


Integration Testing


What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 27

Architecture May Reflect a Division of Labor

Components are work assignments
All of Us


B Curly



Integration Testing 28

Object-Oriented Architecture UML Sequence Diagrams

Sequence of methods required to implement (test) a use case Methods are explicit, but not every method is an interface May be incomplete if interfaces to non-OO portions of system are not included Sequence Diagram good for internal integration based on the OO model.
11/2001 Integration Testing 29

A Layered System Architecture Model

User operation triggers thread of activity across many levels. 2 Components vary in distance from user. 3
User-Visible -- GUI

Business Logic

1 Service -- Database, Comm


Integration Testing


What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 33

Integration testing is driven by project size and architecture. Simple projects can be tested using a subset of the end-to-end tests used for system testing. More complex systems may require a combination of topdown, bottom-up and sandwich integration, tested by selected unit tests.


Integration Testing


Integration Strategy
form tests button tests

User-Visible Components
Calls to business logic ...

Business Test Drivers Logic

Services Components


Integration Testing


Proposed Integration Test Process

0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define system architecture Define the integration test environment Associate components with layers Identify interfaces to layer components Bottom-up test services layer interfaces Top-down test user layer components Sandwich test business logic components
Integration Testing 36

0. Define System Architecture

Architecture should already exist Refine to reflect components built, bought or reused for the system Each component can be viewed as collection of callable functions and shared data, along with internal functions and private data Specify the physical environment in which testing will occur.
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1. Integration Test Environment

Test results depend on test environment Different tests need different set-ups Repeatability of results requires control of test environment
Hardware platforms Native software suite and versions Data sets Version of software under test
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2. Map Components To Layers

Logically associate software with layers
user-visible -- UI, navigation, user operations business logic -- data flow, processing, output services -- standard, reusable (comm, database)

Each layer contains one or more components

composite units like classes groups of units/components


Integration Testing


3. Identify Layer Interfaces

Interface provides access to layer
calls with data passing global or shared data (database)

Identify interfaces actually used by system

Record these in the IT Worksheet
Each interface must be covered during testing


Integration Testing


4. Bottom-Up Test Service Interfaces

Service component provides set of related functions/data Refine/Develop test drivers for service component
This should have been done at unit test time Driver depends on the physical test environment Manual or automated set-up may be required

Run tests and verify expected results

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5. Top-Down Test User Components

Verify presentation, navigation
Accomplished during unit test of forms/UI Repeat tests within integration environment

Verify calls to business logic, services triggered by action buttons

(Development): Verify interface calls compile (Testing): Usage-driven test

Can be done in parallel with services testing

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6. Sandwich Test Business Logic

User-layer functions call business logic, which calls tested services The sandwich test is an end-to-end test of system This test reveals business logic errors
Top-down test verified that the right calls made Services have been tested Errors caused by business logic
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What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 45

Architecture Diagram

IT Strategy Interface List

IT Test Cases

Implementation Execution
Test Worksheet

Services Drivers UserOp Scripts IT Environment #Incidents, Incidents List



Integration Testing


What is Integration? An Example of Integration

Integration Test Approaches

More on Architecture Proposed Integration Test Process Products & Deliverables Putting it All Together
11/2001 Integration Testing 50

Putting It All Together

Nail down the physical test environment and institute change control Integrate trusted components

Devise strategy based on architecture

Exploit unit testing for integration testing

Automate testing of service components

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The key to integration testing is the use of unit tested components. The architecture of the system drives the sequence of integration and test activities. With proper planning, integration testing leverages unit testing, resulting in a smooth and efficient integration test effort.
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