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The Marketing Process, Planning The Marketing Plan


Marketing Process
Consists of:

Analyzing Marketing Opportunities Researching and Selecting Target Markets Designing Marketing Strategies Planning Marketing Programs Implementing & Controlling the Program

Marketing Planning

Is Failing to Plan, Planning to Fail?

Marketing Planning

Marketing Plan directs the marketing efforts of the firm. Assembles pertinent facts about organization, the markets it serves, its products/services, customers and competition. Forces department and functional managers to work together. Sets goals, objectives, tactics within time periods.

Executive Summary and Table of Contents Current Marketing Situation Opportunity & Issue Analysis Marketing Objectives Marketing Strategies Action Programs Financial Projections or Projected P & Ls Implementation & Controls

Contents of Marketing Plan

Contents of Marketing Plan

Executive Summary and Table of Contents Permits senior management to grasp major thrust. Briefly states contents of the whole plan. Main goals and recommendations.

Contents of Marketing Plan

Current Marketing Situation

Relevant background/facts on firm, sales, costs, the market, profits, history, growth, products, services, channels/ distribution, share of market, and competitors. SWOT Analysis Trends & Macro/Broad Environment

Contents of Marketing Plan

Opportunity and Issue Analysis Major issues facing products and sales Review of Key Issues & Opportunities in SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Contents of Marketing Plan

Marketing Objectives Financial and Marketing Goals, by Sales Volume Market Share Profit Pricing Distribution objectives. Increase / Achieve Generate / Reach

Contents of Marketing Plan

Objectives vs. Strategies Goal or Objective: Strategy: Air?
Car? Truck? Train? Walk? Or Bike?

NY or San Francisco

Objectives vs. Strategies


San Francisco Strategy: Bike Tactic: 3-Speed

Contents of Marketing Plan

Marketing Strategies Select Target Segments Marketing Mix --- 4Ps Positioning (what the product does and who is it for.) Distribution Strategies The Game Plan

Contents of Marketing Plan

Action Plan or Program Specific product, promotional, pricing, and distribution tactics / activities. Includes timing and calendar

Contents of Marketing Plan

Financial Projections (Projected Profit and Loss) Build a supporting budget Forecasted sales volume Average price and expenses Implementation & Controls Monitoring planning and reviewing results.

IMC: Integrated Marketing

Communications The process of building and reinforcing mutually profitable relationships with employees, customers and other stakeholders, and the general public, by developing and coordinating a strategic communications program. Enables them to have a constructive encounter with the company/brand through a variety of media or other contacts.

IMC: Integrated Marketing

Communications Unified image One look, one voice, strong brand image focus. Coordinated tone and look, with coordinated messages. Everything you do and dont do can send a message. Advertising, PR, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing and Internet, Merchandising, Promotions, Interactive, Events.

Spot and choose the right market segments? Differentiate our offering from competitors? Customization? Chasing variety-seeking and deal seeking customers? Ways to grow business? Respond to customers who want price breaks? Improve sales force?

Tough Marketing Questions

Tough Marketing Questions

Compete against low-cost, low price competitors, here and globally? Reduce acquisition costs? How do we build stronger brands? Keep customers loyal? Which customers are more important? Measure promotion paybacks?

Tough Marketing Questions

Establish multiple channels but manage channel conflict? How can we get other company departments to be customer-oriented?

Executive Summary and Table of Contents Current Marketing Situation Opportunity & Issue Analysis Marketing Objectives Marketing Strategies Action Programs Financial Projections or Projected P & Ls Implementation & Controls

Contents of Marketing Plan

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