The History of Food Preservation

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The History of Food Preservation: How Science in the 18th and 19th Centuries Changed the Food Industry

Sally Tobler December 12, 2006


Continuous evolution evidence dating back to 20,000 years ago. Drastic improvements only happening in the last 200 years. Science during this period (18th and 19th centuries) heavily influenced preservation and the food industry.

Preservation Effects

Permitted less nomadic travels Communities, civilizations established Expeditions were extended in time and routes Increasing populations had better supplies of foods Helped eliminate food borne diseases Supplies could last throughout seasons, extending life expectancies.

Preservation Methods

Five main ways to preserve foods and remove microorganisms:

Chemicals Drying Refrigeration Canning Radiation The last three methods are current practices, developed and modified in the last two centuries.

Egyptian Preservation

Most of the preservation used in Egypt focused on grains and cereals. Methods used were primarily storage and drying. Storage of grains important in fear of the Nile not flooding regularly and crops not being nourished. Storage facilities were located throughout communities for distribution. The storage and drying processes provided distinguished jobs.

Egyptian Preservation

Beer was a common staple of the Egyptian diet. Evidence of beer dates back to 4000 B.C. Breweries and bakeries were complex structures. Wine was produced as well, only for the elite. Fish and meats were also preserved, by drying and some salting. First area to demonstrate the use of sweeteners, such as honey in their diets and foods.

Mesopotamian Preservation

Earliest wine making evidence- dating back to 6000 B.C. This viticulture spread to Egypt. Writing first developed in this region in the late 4th century B.C.

Evidence of ration lists, food distributions and granary inventories. Narratives passed on about preservation methods.

Mesopotamian Preservation

First evidence of ovens.

tannur ovens

Beehive shape, stood upright Made of out clay and gypsum Withstand temps up to 850C Used to cook grains and breads.

Fish was commonly dried, smoked, and pressed for oils. The early beer and wine added important proteins and nutrients to the diets since the beverages were very low in alcoholic content

Early Methods

The early methods of brewing, baking, and winemaking created products that allowed trades and commerce. Storage of grains added tetracyclines to the diets, which probably helped resist many diseases and infections. The preserved products also introduced proteins and vitamins into the diets.

Other Early Methods

Pompeii- jars of fruit preserved in honey. Rome- first preserved ham Vikings laid fish in the riggings of their ships to let sea wind dry their fish. Early North American Indians- pemmican

New stoneware developed during the 16th centuries

Remove fat, cook meat, then grind fat and meat into a paste. Prevented deterioration. Important for fur traders during the 17th , 18th , 19th centuries.

Could stand high temperatures 1200-1400C

Food Preservation Shift

During the 17th and 18th centuries, new ingredients were being created. Imported spices and sugars increased the variety of foods. The 18th century created a shift in food preservation from a necessity for survival to a desire for delicacies. 1735- botulism first recognized (from sausage use) Food preservation methods used were not effective enough for long term use. Better methods were needed for safer food consumption. Switch from primitive methods used to flavor foods to newer scientific techniques that removed life from food.

Reasons for Better Methods

Britains population doubled within the 19th century.

Starvation, malnutrition

Agricultural machinery improving- fertilizers developed Extensions of railways and transportation systems. In America, no commercial food preservation. During and after the Civil War, United States was producing 500,000 tons of preserved foods per year. Microbial causes of deterioration and disease were being discovered. Food technology was being seen in a more scientific way.


Did not believe in spontaneous generation (the common idea during the 18th century) Did not believe that animalcules rose from dead substances. Instead of corking glass vessels, he sealed vessels containing soup with glass. After boiling each vessel for periods of time, he removed to let cool for a while an then observed. Vessels that had been sealed with glass and boiled for an hour showed no animalcules; vessels that had been sealed and boiled for a few minutes still showed microbes. He realized that the animalcules got into the soups from the air, not by spontaneously generating. He also recognized that heating or cooking substances for longer periods of time was better to kill microorganisms.

Nicolas Appert

During the late 18th century, there was a great demand for better preservation methods for naval expeditions. Scurvy was a prominent disease. Appert not a trained scientist. Appert designed a method to heat and seal foods for bottling and canning. Worked on his process for years before opening a factory in 1795.

Apperts process


Cook (boil) the food. Bottle food in appropriate vessel. Cork vessel. Water-bath to boil vessel with product. Remove product after set period of time and let cool.

Apperts process

Recognized excluding air was critical. Created strong corks that supported inside and outside of bottle. Created a glue out of isinglass to join pieces of cork together, creating large and strong corks to withstand heat and pressure. Created a luting of quick lime and water. Smeared on top of corks to prevent air from entering the bottles. Only used glass bottles with wide necks to permit many foods. Bottles had rims or rings so lids could be placed on top. Stand up bottles for easy storage and packaging.

Apperts process

Preserved many foods:

Meats Gravies Fish Vegetables peas, onions, asparagus, spinach, etc. Fruits currants, cherries, nectarines, etc. Milk, eggs, cream

Apperts process

After 7 years of factory work, Appert sent out samples of his products for the navy. Received great success. In each bottle and at little cost is a glorious sweetness that recalls the month of May in the heart of winter.
~Grimond de la Reynire (Thorne, 1986, pg. 30)

Published book detailing process for domestic and commercial use.

Louis Pasteur

Did not believe in spontaneous generation. Believed that particles in the air cause contamination. Developed a swan-neck flask to exclude air. After boiling yeast soups in these flasks, he observed no contaminants. Baffled naturalists and chemists of the time who believed in spontaneous generation.


Later worked with yeasts and diseases in wines. Believed that heating wines after fermentation processes were completed would kill microbes. Heating the wines quickly to 130F displayed no microbes or unpleasant flavors. This process is now known as pasteurization. Success and immediately used in the food industry. Used in beer, milk, wine and vinegar making. Helped set precautions to avoid spoilage of food products. Opened the door for microbial research, especially in the food industry.


Canning gained popularity after the Civil War. English immigrant, William Underwood, introduced canning to America. John L. Mason invented his famous canning jar in 1858.

Metal cap and rubber gasket to create a seal.

Mass productions were available for home and commercial use. Revolutionized the way people all over the world ate. United States consume more than 200 million cans of food and drink each day!

Clarence Birdseye

Discovered at home in Canada, foods left in the ice had better flavors than others. Experimented with different foods and freezing times. Quickly freezing foods helped retain flavor and quality. Developed a method to freeze:

Metal plates soaked in calcium chloride brine and chilled. Food packed between the plates.

Method patented in 1928. Used commercially with fish and meats.


1930- first Birdseye freezer introduced in Massachusetts. Birdseye developed many different freezers for domestic and commercial use.

Preservation Today

Freeze-drying used for military and space expeditions.

Foods subjected to high pressures Expensive but highly effective.

Radiation used frequently HTST High Temperature Short Time processing.

Preservation Today

New food borne pathogens being discovered. Greater need for safer home and commercial preservation methods. Clostridium botulinum most famous microorganism in food industry. Listeria monocytogenes recent pathogen

Preservation Today

Many domestic processes:

Canning Freezing

blanching Jams, jellies, preserves, marmalades, butters

Preserving with sugars

Oven or sun drying


Before 18th and 19th Centuries: long term preservation was non-existent or unsuccessful.

Traveling, expeditions, and foods were limited by the scientific knowledge and processes.

After 18th and 19th Centuries: preservation methods improved.

Nutritional diseases declined. Foods can be supplied all over. Traveling easier and more applicable. Less deterioration or spoilage of foods.

Methods continuously being re-evaluated for safe consumption.

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