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What is a failed state?

A failed state is a state perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government. Definition: Everyone's favorite Max Weber said, that a state needs to maintain its monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force in its territory, if it can't (e.g.: warlords, terrorists etc.) then the state's existence can be questioned. -> So, it can be called a failed state.

Yet, there is no consensus on the definition of a failed state. The definition of a failed state according to the Fund for Peace is often used to characterize a failed state:
loss of control of its territory, loss of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force -> erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions an inability to provide public services an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community

Common characteristics:
a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little control over much of its territory ineffective bureaucracy military interference in politics judicial ineffectiveness widespread corruption and criminality refugees and involuntary movement of populations; sharp economic decline

The level of government control needed to avoid being considered a failed state changes amongst authorities. Also, the declaration that a state has "failed" is quite controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences!!!

Somalia: THE example

No strong government since 1991-> no monopoly of physical force, no central decisionmaking Warlords, terrorist camps, corruption, fleeing people, informal economy (eg.: based on livestock), famines Basic services provided by international organizations

Failed states index

The organization Fund for Peace makes a failed state index every year, about the status of every state.
Only UN member states are part of the list.

It has 12 indicators: 4 social, 2 economic, 6 political Every factor has a rating on the scale of 0-10. Overall the scale is 0 to 120. This measures the state's vulnerability to collapse
red (over 90) alert orange (60-90) warning yellow (30-60) moderate blue (0-30) sustainable

The top 20 countries on the failed states index:

Somalia (0) Democratic Republic of the Congo (+2) Sudan (0) Chad (-2) Zimbabwe (+1) Afghanistan (+1) Haiti (-2) Yemen (+5) Iraq (0) Central African Republic (-2) Ivory Coast (-1) Guinea (-1) Pakistan (-1) Nigeria (0) Guinea-Bissau (+3) Kenya (0) Ethiopia (+3) Burundi (-1) Niger (-3) Uganda (+1)

There can be failed cities as well: these mean that while the state may function generally, yet a city's economic, infrastructural, social, criminal issues are so bad that it can be called failed.

Thank you for listening

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