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Sabbatical Notes: Turkey, Bridge to the West

Beth Camp Linn-Benton Community College Sabbatical, March 2004

Prehistoric Turkey Greek and Roman Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul) 12001922

Source: Lonely Planet

Prehistoric Turkey Greek Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Roman Empire Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul)

Neolithic: Hacilar

Catal Hoyuk
Neolithic Enthroned goddess.
Baked clay Found in grain bin of shrine Leopard throne Giving birth to male child

Prehistoric Turkey

Prehistory mother goddess of fertility and abundance Hittites as Heptat and sun goddess Lydians and Phrygians as Kybele Links to Egyptian goddess Ishtar (goddess of life) and Greek goddess Artemis

Neolithic period
Catalca Hoyuk Burials under houses Mother goddess, bulls, stag sacred

Sun Disks
Early Bronze Age, adorned with sacred bulls and stags. May represent the sun

Prehistoric Turkey Greek and Roman Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Roman Empire Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul)

Source: Lonely Planet

Pammukale, once Hierapolis, was founded 190 BCE, a healing center until 1334 when earthquakes caused people to move away


Temple of Apollo

Hierapolis: Roman theater

Hierapolis: Roman Theater

Roman Theater
Foundation of stage showing Roman arch Next slide: detail of Proscenium

Roman road to the Agora (marketplace)

Frontius Street or Main Street, 1st Century under Emperor Domitian

Hierapolis: Byzantine Gate, 4th C., Theodosian Era

Dionysius and Pan, 2nd Century

Capital with Sphinx, 2nd Century

People still bathe in sacred pool of hot springs complete with submerged Roman columns

Back to Istanbul

Hippodrome with obelisk from Thutmosis III

Roman Istanbul

6th Century Cistern, Emperor Justinian

Prehistoric Turkey Greek and Roman Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul)

Hagia Sophia

Holy Wisdom, Santa Sophia Built 532-537 for Justinian

Hagia Sophia
105 foot dome about 184 feet up 200,000 sq. ft of painted mosaics destroyed by Crusaders 1204 or painted over by Ottomans 1453

Blue Mosque: Sultana Mhet

Commissioned by Sultan Ahmet in early 1600s Classic Ottoman design 20,000 Iznik tiles 250 windows 6 minarets

Prehistoric Turkey Greek and Roman Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul) 13001922

Source: Lonely Planet

Mountains near Goreme


Underground city at Derinkuyu c. 280 feet deep Cruciform church at lowest level Can visit about 10%

Ilhara Valley

Hiking along Ilhara Valley

Selime Monastery

Selime Monastery

Selime Monastary

Selime Church
Oldest rock cut churches have frescoes painted directly on the rock

Goreme Open Air Museum

Dark Church
Decoration typical of iconoclastic period (725-842) when images of people or animals were prohibited Note Maltese Cross on nave above courtyard (next slide)

Dark Church courtyard view

Apple Church
Entryway Frescoes inside church painted on plaster undercoating

Goreme: Apple Church Frescoes

Prehistoric Turkey Greek Empire (Sidon, Ephesus, Pergama) Roman Empire Christian Empire (Constantinople 3rd Century to 14th Century) Ottoman Empire (Istanbul) Topkapi Palace, Whirling Dervish)

Entering Topkapi Palace

Back to Istanbul

Turkish Crafts: Pottery

Turkish Crafts: Carpets

Seljuk Carpets
Extraordinary size Made for mosque 1221 Note kufic interlacing and tulip motif

Turkish Carpets
Carpets of legend traced to 3,000 BCE
Life stories Holy narratives Flower codes

Konya Style
Prayer rug, 12th Century

Holbein Carpets
Hans Holbein 1497-1543 Note design of large octagons down central axis, large scale, and knotted borders with stylized kufic calligraphy

Turkish Arts Museum, Istanbul

Hans Holbein the Younger (1478-1543)

Portrait of Georg Gisze 1532 Konya carpet

Holbein the Younger (1478-1543)

The Madonna with Basel Mayor Jakob Meyer and His Family (detail), 1525. Konya carpet

Source: Portland Art Museum, Hesse Exhibit

Hans Holbein the Younger (1478-1543)

The Ambassadors 1532

Lotto Carpets
Lorenzo Lotto 1480-1556 Italy Note repeating octagons, and full and half palmettes linked by tendrils. Earlier carpets have kufic interlacing; later use Chinese clouds or scrollwork.

Whirling Dervish
Mystical poetry, music and dance Mevlana Rumi, Sufi poet c. 12001275 His son founded the Mevlevi order (meditative turning)

Beth Camp Pictures and Notes taken in Turkey, 2004

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