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Atoms, Electrons & Energy Levels

Electrons are the bonds that hold the world together!

Whats in an Atom?


in surrounding cloud

From the Periodic Table

tomic Number = No. of = No. of rotons lectrons

Carbon 12

ass number

tomic number eutrons

= No. of

Electron Cloud?
1 Energy Level
(Principal Quantum Number)

H Hydrogen
1 2

Electron Capacity

2 3
4 5

8 18
32 50

Helium 4


The periodic table is the most important tool in the chemists toolbox!

Alkali Metals

1 electron in outer energy shell React with water to release H2 gas The most reactive metals

Group 1 Hydrogen is not a member, it is a non-metal 1 electron in the outer shell Soft and silvery metals Very reactive, esp. with water Conduct electricity


Alkaline Earth Metals

2 electrons in outer energy shell White and malleable Reactive, but less than Alkali metals Conduct electricity

Transition Metals

Generally 2 electrons in outer energy level Commonly have more than one oxidation number Form compounds that are brightly colored Good conductors of heat and electricity. Some are used for jewelry. Can bond with many elements in a variety of shapes.

Rare Earth Metals

2 electrons in outer energy level Primary oxidation number is +3 Lanthanide series: soft, malleable metals with high lustre and conductivity Actinoid series: All radioactive; most human-made


Elements with properties of both metals and nonmetals Elements touching the stairstep


7 electrons in their outer energy level Easily combine with metals to form salts Most reactive of all nonmetals

Noble Gases

Full outer energy level Almost completely inactive (inert) All are colorless gases Argon is the most abundant, making up almost 1% of air

Atomic radius decreases Metallic properties decrease

Atomic radius increases Metallic properties increase

The following periodic trends are embedded within the periodic table:
Atomic size (radius), Ionic size (radius), Ionization energy, Electronegativity.

Periodic Table Navigation

Periodic Law:
When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic pattern in their physical and chemical properties.

The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called PERIODS.

1 2 3

Each new period (row) represents an energy level added.

5 6 7


Each row is called a period The elements in each period have the same number of shells


The elements in any group of the periodic table have similar physical and chemical properties!

The vertical columns of the periodic table are called GROUPS, or FAMILIES.

Group 1 = 1 electron

Group 8 = 8 electrons Except for He, it has 2 electrons

Each column is called a group Each element in a group has the same number of electrons in their outer orbital, also known as shells.

Group 2 = 2 electrons

The electrons in the outer shell are called valence electrons

Transition Metals
Transition Metals have slightly different rules for shells and valence electrons.
This is something you will learn about in High School Chemistry.

This Bohr diagram illustrates energy levels and electrons for Phosphorous

Determine the number of shells and the number of valence electrons for:
2nd Period = 2 shells

4th Group = 4 valence electrons


Determine the number of shells and the number of valence electrons for:
3rd Period = 3 shells 1st Group = 1 valence electron


Write your answers in your notebook.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers in your notebook.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

2nd Period = 2 shells 8th Group = 8 valence electrons

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

1st Period = 1 shell 1st Group = 1 valence electron

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

2nd Period = 2 shells 2nd Group = 2 valence electrons

Write your answers in your notebook.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers in your notebook.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

3rd Period = 3 shells 6th Group = 6 valence electrons

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

4th Period = 4 shells 1st Group = 1 valence electron

Write your answers on your handout.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

Write your answers in your notebook.

Name the element. Number of shells ? Valence electrons ?

1st Period = 1 shell 8th Group = 2 valence electrons

Helium is the exception in Group 8. Since it has just one shell, that shell can only fit 2 electrons instead of 8.

Bohr diagram Energy level Valence electron Electron cloud Atomic Mass Atomic number Periodic trend

Got it?


Negatively charged fundamental particle Positively charged fundamental particle Uncharged fundamental particle



Small, central unit in the atom that contains neutrons

and protons

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