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By Antonio Abbott Does Hot Sunscreen have lower viscosity than normal Sunscreen?


Issac Newton originated viscosity Viscosity is often called Non-Newtonian Vegetable oil is thought to have the Highest Viscosity Blood has a very low viscosity


were to form a science experiment around the topic viscosity. We chose to do hot and cold sunscreen here is my report on my results.


week we were researching high and low viscosity. If it is high viscosity it means its really sticky and thick eg. Maple syrup because it is very sticky and low viscosity means it is very runny eg water. Then we had to design a hypothesis this was my hypothesis that both the sunscreens would have the same time but instead the hot sunscreen had the best time while the cold sunscreen didnt.


good things were that the hot sunscreen went through the funnel very fast and it was easy to time and put down the results. The bad things were that the cold sunscreen was very hard to get out of the funnel and was very hard to time compared to the hot sunscreen. We could have changed the size of the funnel because it was very hard to get the cold sunscreen out. Next time we could do a few more tests to really get the best results


had very successful results with the hot sunscreen while the slowest time being 0.22 milliseconds and the cold sunscreen having a very poor result of 120 seconds. I think it says that heat affects the sunscreens thick viscosity and dissolves it into a watery kind of sunscreen.

In conclusion I thought our test was very successful and I was very happy with the hot sunscreen results but was very disappointed with the cold sunscreen as it disappointed me a little as it consumed a lot of our time so we couldnt get enough tests in. But overall I was very happy and the results were surprising as I would have expected that the cold sunscreen would have had the same time.

You will Need: 2x Same Size Beakers 1x Small Beakers Sunscreen Hot water Timer Funnel

Method: First pour the hot water into one of the large beakers. Next fill of the small beaker with sunscreen and rest it in the hot water and leave it for 2-3 mins When that finishes get ready to time it. Pour it through the funnel and time it when it hits the bottom of the beaker. Repeat the same with the cold sunscreen. Hypothesis : I think both will be the same

Viscosity- Hot and Cold Sunscreen Report Intro: We were to form a science experiment around the topic viscosity. We chose to do hot and cold sunscreen here is my report on my results. This week we were researching high and low viscosity. If it is high viscosity it means its really sticky and thick eg. Maple syrup because it is very sticky and low viscosity means it is very runny eg water. Then we had to design a hypothesis this was my hypothesis that both the sunscreens would have the same time but instead the hot sunscreen had the best time while the cold sunscreen didnt The good things were that the hot sunscreen went through the funnel very fast and it was easy to time and put down the results. The bad things were that the cold sunscreen was very hard to get out of the funnel and was very hard to time compared to the hot sunscreen. We could have changed the size of the funnel because it was very hard to get the cold sunscreen out. Next time we could do a few more tests to really get the best results. We had very successful results with the hot sunscreen while the slowest time being 0.22 milliseconds and the cold sunscreen having a very poor result of 120 seconds. I think it says that heat affects the sunscreens thick viscosity and dissolves it into a watery kind of sunscreen. Conclusion: In conclusion I thought our test was very successful and I was very happy with the hot sunscreen results but was very disappointed with the cold sunscreen as it disappointed me a little as it consumed a lot of our time so we couldnt get enough tests in. But overall I was very happy and the results were surprising as I would have expected that the cold sunscreen would have had the same time.

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