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Challenges for MD

There are difficulties posed in developing senior people: many senior managers believe in practice that once they have reached a position of seniority, they have found their success formula and are reluctant to change it. Others, who do undertake personal development, keep it a guarded secret and do not share this with their team members and other senior The first challenge for the learning and development professional is to convince the senior team of the benefits for them of lifelong learning. Often the issue is for internal specialists to be perceived by senior managers as sufficiently credible in order for them to conduct training or not. They have no time They hesitate to express

Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person (the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced persons professional and personal growth. People often confuse mentoring and coaching. Though related, they are not the same. A mentor may coach, but a coach is not a mentor. Mentoring is relational, while coaching is functional.

training employees using computer assisted instruction. It is a general term referring to training provided in part or whole through the use of a computer

CBT advantages
Cost Effective When Provided to More Employees in More Locations Maintains Good Control of Learning Process Provides Consistency Accommodates Differences in Trainee Readiness Excellent for Training Knowledge and Attitudes Good for Training Skills Can Reduce Learning Time

Disadvantages CBT
High Cost to Purchase and Implement Limits Discussion, Questions, and Resolution of Trainee Concerns Should Not Be Used Exclusively Still Need Trainer/Facilitator Still Need Materials or Manuals Still Need Other Training Methods

PI (Programmed instruction) Self-Paced Learning , Learners Progress Monitored Through Assessments, Systematic Process ITS (Intelligent tutoring systems) Text + Video + Graphics + Photos + Animation + Sound IM (Interactive Media) VR (Virtual reality)


Virtual reality is an advanced form of computer simulation, placing the trainee in a simulated environment that is virtually the same as the physical environment. This simulation is accomplished by the trainee wearing special equipment such as head gear, gloves and so on, which control what the trainee is able to see, feel and other senses.

Artificial Three-Dimensional Environment Simulates Events and Situations to be Experienced on the Job Experience a Physical Involvement with Situation Virtual Reality provides trainees with an understanding of the consequences of their actions in the work environment by interpreting and responding to the trainees actions through its accessories:

Headset provides audio and visual information Gloves provides tactile information Treadmills is used for creating the sense of movement

Dry run
A rehearsal of a performance or procedure before the real one Training Dry Run. Let's test out the training and see what changes are needed before we roll it out.

Self spaced learning: Teach-yourself method of learning that is initiated and directed by the learner. A method in which learners progress through the instruction based on their individual learning capabilities. Self-paced learning occurs in structured OJT and computer-assisted learning.

The culture of the organization can influence the way the training is designed and implemented, and thus have an impact on cost. The company culture may support some delivery methods more than others and dictate the way the training is designed. For example, if traditional instructor-led training is viewed within the company as being outdated and has produced very poor results in the past, yet games and simulations have led to significant business impact, you may be driven in that direction. All behavior in organizations is a product of two kinds of forces those striving to maintain the status quo and those pushing for change.

Number of trainees Cost of wages per hour for trainees Cost of wages per hour for course developer, Amortized cost of hardware Amortized cost of software used Hours needed to complete the CBT programme Hours needed to develop CBT course content Stability of the course content, Cost of not addressing with another method

E-Learning is the process of delivering training or education through electronic media. It is NOT the electronic delivery system itself. For example, you and I are engaging in E-Learning right this second!

In contract, CBT IS the delivery system. Examples include the Internet, CDROMs, DVDs, and local area networks (LANs). CBT refers to your computer hooked up to the Internet for the purpose of E-Learning. Obviously, ELearning is only one reason why you choose to own a computer connected to the Internet; you use your computer for more than just taking courses. There are a few more key terms related to E-Learning and CBT that you should know.

BENEFITS OF ORIENTATION An employee who spends the day hunting for the photocopier, trying to figure out how to operate a cash register, or looking for someone to explain how to fill out a purchase order is not working efficiently.

Overlearning result in automaticity. - when a person is able to perform a skill without thinking about what they are doing


A measurement technique used to assess managerial ability and organizational skills that entails a timed simulation of the way a manager or executive deals with an in-basket filled with mail, memos, announcements, and other notices and directives, Business games are the type of simulators that try to present the way an industry, company, organization, consultancy, or subunit of a company functions. Basically, they are based on the set of rules, procedures, plans, relationships, principles derived from the research.

Interactive Multimedia Training

Integrates: Text, Video Graphics, Photos Animation, Sound Self-Paced and Interactive

Useful to Train Most Any Job

Most Effective When Facilitated by Trainer

Important Concepts
KSAs: Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude Skill - the capacities needed to perform a set
of tasks that are developed as a result of training & experience Compilation- when a person just learns a specific skill Automaticity - when a person is able to perform a skill without thinking about what they are doing

Chapter 1


Important Concepts

A broad grouping of knowledge, skills, & attitudes that enable a person to be successful at a number of similar tasks
- KSAs are the foundation of competencies - Example: Carpenter

Chapter 1


Developing Objectives
A good objective has three components: 1. Desired outcome type of behavior 2. Condition where, when and/or what tools will be used 3. Standards the criteria that will be used to judge the adequacy of the behavior. (minimal acceptable level; speed, accuracy, or quality)


Important Concepts
KSAs: Knowledge, Skill, & Attitude

Attitude employees belief & opinion

that support or inhibit behavior

Attitude directly affects Motivation

Chapter 1


Needs Analysis Phase Input Process Output Design Phase Input Process Output Development Phase Input Process Output Implementation Phase Input Process Output Outcome Evaluation Data

aining Processes Model

Triggering Event

Needs Analysis determination of organizations needs

Process Evaluation Data

Design Phase identifying the factors needed in the training program

Evaluation Phase Input Process Output

Development formulating an instructional strategy

Implementation conducting the training

Evaluation judge the quality of the training

Chapter 1 24

Transfer of training
Transfer of training may be defined as the degree to which trainees apply to their jobs the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes they gained in training.

Learning organization
Continually learning new KSA's (knowledge, skills, abilities or attitudes) and applying them to improve product or service quality. where learning, growing, teaching, mentoring, and continued improvement and education are valued.

Elaborating and Epitomizing

The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operation

Expectancy Theory of Motivation

Cognition the mental processing of information

Accommodation the process of changing our cognitive map of the world to correspond with our experience in it. Assimilation the incorporation of new experience into our existing cognitive map B Theorists: a relatively permanent change in behavior, in response to a particular stimulus/stimuli(Skinner) C Theorists : Learning is an enhancement in:content + org + storage of info

Social Learning Theory

Developed by A. Bandura Basis: learning can occur simply by observation of what is going on around you.
Observing behavior and consequence Motivation want/desire consequence Attention visually appealing/different Retention store & remember

Reproduce behavior

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