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Job Advertisement

Developing An Effective Job Advertisement

Creating A Successful Recruitment Campaign

A well-written job ad

That maximizes ROI

Promote the company Attract quality candidates

Raise the bar and develop an effective and appealing recruitment campaign

Best Practices to Compose an Effective Job Ad

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Allow sufficient time to create the ad Communicate a mutually beneficial message Use well-known and familiar titles Use strategic formatting Use key word and phrases Provide candidates with an overview of the company Avoid exaggerated verbiage Review prior to posting

Writing A Great Job Ads

Whats in For Me (WIIFM)? 1. Have 5-8 bullet points to cover:
1. 2. 3.

Key responsibilities Desired skills and experience Personal attributes; flexible, team-player

2. A Lot of white space is needed 3. Picture the perfect applicant in your head 4. Associate other appropriate person to write

the ad

Writing A Great Job Ads

Ask yourself these questions when

considering your ideal candidate and composing your ad:

Experienced or the fast tracer Job specifics or the general job needs Which attributes are essential

Unique Selling Points in Ad (WIIFM)

1. Is your company award winner or an 2.



industry leader? Are you developing exciting or innovative new products/services? Will the employee get the chance to travel? Are there career development opportunities? Is the company employee-oriented Is your location convenient

Candidates Look For

The promising candidates normally look for: 1. Training and development 2. Company values 3. Good work-life balance

Headline of an Ad
About 80% of job seekers only read the headline, so ensure the following:
1. Is the headline attractive, do they; 1. Jump at you 2. Captivating 3. Persuasive

Headline of an Ad
1. Is the 4. 5. in 6. 7.

headline attractive, do they;

Job sound interesting Emotive and stirring up excitement the target audience Short and sweet It should stand out

Elements of Writing a Print Ad

Headline; Short and attractive Abbreviated job titles are more visible; Sales Mgr, Ops Manager If job title, can be spiced up with perks; PR Director overseas travel Avoid capital letters


Elements of Writing a Print Ad


to action; information;

What the candidate do now?

Do not forget your contact information



Elements of Writing a Print Ad

Subhead; Is optional purpose is to expand on headline and draw reader even further White space; to make print ad more visually appealing


Elements of Writing a Print Ad

Images; Not essential but if used should go handin-hand with the copy Body copy; Be in conversational tone. Dont overwrite your ad, offer solutions


Elements of Writing a Print Ad

Call to Action

them what action to do

Contact Information

not forget your contact information


Why Your Ad Fail

Wasnt create to appeal sympathetically to

the correct candidates need Doesnt establish credibility for meeting candidates needs Wasnt placed in an appropriate medium You expected too much from the ad


Basics for Job Position Ad

1. The job title, a brief description of duties,

2. 3.


and position it occupies in the corporate hierarchy. The minimum education, experience and skills required Software, equipment knowledge or certification required Good contact information Information an applicant should include

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