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Integral leadership : Vocational ethics in organization and society

The 100 books project

Thierry C. Pauchant, Ph.D.

Vocation ? Examples of vocational ethics Four dimensions of engagement: integral model (Ken Wilber) Research project on Integral Leadership Example of practice: dialogue

Vocation? (I)
Let your life tell you what truths you embody : Parker Palmer True Self, humility of the heart: contemplation, silence: Thomas Keating Prophetic engagement: paradox of vocation to be in the world but not of the world : Michael Naughton Vocational ethics: Listening to self and to stakeholders : Ken Goodpaster

Vocation? (II)
Vocation is the place where your deep gladness meet the worlds deep needs: Frederick Buechner Vocation is not about work. It is about answering Gods calling: Mother Teresa From inside out not from outside in, i.e. NOT imitating heroes nor brand of moralism Inner strength is not changing the world but acting from ones true self (gifts, virtues, liabilities, limits)

Vocation or Vocations ?
Gandhi: wish to become an Englishman; honest lawyer; dignity of Indians in South Africa; independence of India; spiritual development through non-violence Martin Luther King: good preacher; leader of American civil right movement; advocate for worlds peace and end of poverty Rosa Park:I sat down because I was tired: embracing ones vocation not as leader of civil disobedience, but moment of existential truth for her self that triggered a social movement

Example : Simone Weil Three colors of vocation

Simone Weil as a fabulous butterfly

Simone 1 Political activist Syndicalism, socialism, debates Management philosopher Strategies, policies, pilot projects Spiritual seeker and leader Theology of work, necessity and grace, mindfulness

Simone 2
Simone 3

Simone Weils epiphanies

1925 : Studying with philosopher Alain. Philosophy as applied wisdom and compassion for living 1932 : Trip to Germany, good-by to revolution 1933 : Meeting with Trotsky, against USSR example 1934-1935 : Work in factories, experience of slavery 1935 : Trip to Portugal, Christianity as religion of slaves 1936 : Frances Popular Front movement, questioning both socialism and capitalism 1937 : Assisi, I felt compelled to get down on my knees 1938-1941 : Publication of 6 books on spirituality and society 1941 : Death, 35 years old

Problems with existing leadership theory and practice

Leadership is not only a great man or a great woman theory; charisma both positive and negative Not only a set of psychological traits, innate or acquired Not only leader but leadership : leadership as a developmental relationship in a specific context Not transactional transformational, but transforming Not status, fame and power, but example and trust Not leader-follower but leader-non-leader dialectics Differences between dictatorship, rulership, leadership and I-leadership : Hitler as dictator Not vision, great deeds, but vocation Not only behaviors, competencies, values, etc., but expression in four quadrants and different developmental levels (Ken Wilbers framework)

4 quadrants: integral model

Vocation : Witnessing A and correlations in other quadrants / levels

Integral: 3 major levels :

Pre-personal, personal, trans-personal

Vocation: Both transcendent and immanent; Different lines of development: physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, organizational, ethical, spiritual, etc

Research project: integral leadership (I)

First step : 7 leaders who have listened to their lives (Time Magazines study) : R. Carson, DalaLama, N. Mandela, M. Gandhi, E. Roosevelt, M. Luther King and Mother Teresa
Creation of a database: NVivo, 1,000 pages of data for each leader and publication of book Patterns in the four quadrants (trans-personal level) : Sense of self (A); physicality and behavior with others (B); tools, structures and organizations (C); attitudes and values (D); and mutual influences on leader and leadership. Publication of books on synthesis, N = 7

Research project: integral leadership (II)

Second step: 100 leaders who have listened to their lives (Need worlds study) Qualitative and quantitative analyses of quadrants AND thematic analyses : 1,000 X 100 = 100,000 p. in Database

Book structure : 150 pages executive leadergraphy

1. Pictograph 2. Time line 3. Life story : Epiphanies 4. Integral analysis 5. Lines of development 6. Conclusion : Legacy 7. Appendix : annotated bibliography; example of original text; web resources

The Integral Leadership of Mohandas Gandhi By

Example of practice: Dialogues on ethics

Multi-stakeholders Multiple intelligences

Empathy and introspection

Transformation of self and community Homeopathic practice Ethics not only a code nor a statement of values Organizational learning: Peter Senge Towards post-conventional and spiritual ethics

Books (on each leader Pedagogical cases Videos CD Roms Web site

and synthesis of several)

Leading Souls Integral Leadership and the Good Society




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