AfL Unit1

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Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Unit 1:
Rationale and Overview

PMB 2007

Learning Intentions for this Unit

You will:
be able to answer the question What is AfL?; know the pedagogical context for AfL; know some of the outcomes of research into AfL practice in classrooms and across schools; have an awareness of the key areas of classroom practice associated with AfL; know where to access further information.
PMB 2007

Activity 2
Key Purposes of Assessment

PMB 2007

Assessment for Learning:

Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go next, and how best to get them there.

- Assessment Reform Group

PMB 2007

Assessment of
Summative Assessment
- occurs after the learning


for Learning
Formative Assessment
- occurs during the learning

- to prove learning
- measures learning - done to learners - widens the ability range - externally referenced - outcome focused
PMB 2007

- to improve learning
- grows learning - done with learners - narrows the ability range - personally referenced - process focused

What is AfL Based On?

Based on the constructivist view, which says:
However neatly we may design, package and deliver learning experiences, in the end learning is a process that is instigated and managed by the learner. Its the learner who constructs the learning.

How can I help my pupils to become better learners?

PMB 2007

Activity 3
Draw the Titanic
Be detailed. Draw it in profile.

Depict it in full daylight and afloat.

PMB 2007

Full Marks Exemplar

PMB 2007

Why Use AfL in Your Classroom?

AfL helps pupils to:

understand the reason and focus for learning; recognise success in learning; identify and work towards a goal; and understand how to make improvements and achieve their goals.
PMB 2007

Evidence Black and Wiliam

Theres an over-emphasis on grading and giving marks. To pupils, assessment that compares them with others seems to be more about competition than personal improvement. Feedback from these comparative assessment approaches reduces morale.
PMB 2007

Evidence Black and Wiliam

Range of typical performance enhancements in assessment for learning groups Performance Range in control groups Low High

Performance Range in Assessment for Learning groups

Low Average effect size: 25% shift in performance compared to control groups after 2.5 years, and a reduced spread in the performance range.
PMB 2007


Source: Black and Wiliam (1998)

Evidence Carol Dweck

Rewards and rankings encourage pupils to focus on marks rather than their learning needs. Students then avoid risk and difficult tasks. - Carol Dweck

PMB 2007

AfLs Main Elements

Learning Intentions Success Criteria

Formative Feedback
Effective Questioning Peer- and Self-Assessment and Self-Evaluation

PMB 2007

AfL in the Classroom

Planning Improvement Learning Intentions

Peer & SelfAssessment & Evaluation

Learning, Teaching & Assessment Cycle


Formative Feedback Learning Activity

Success Criteria

PMB 2007

AfL Summary
is formative assessment; seeks to improve learning rather than prove it; can significantly and measurably improve pupil performance; and requires understanding, careful planning and gradual integration to be meaningful and successful.
PMB 2007

Key Closing Messages

Assessment for Learning can be invaluable as you seek to implement the Revised Curriculum. There is much successful practice in schools already. Its not all new! Its as much a change in culture as a change in practice in classrooms. You cant do it all tomorrow it takes time!

PMB 2007

Further information
Inside the Black Box, Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment (Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, 1998)
Assessment and Learning in the Secondary School (Ted Wragg, 2001) Formative Assessment in the Secondary Classroom (Shirley Clarke, 2005) Formative Assessment in Action: Weaving the Elements Together (Shirley Clarke, 2005)
PMB 2007


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