GR Activities Diana Robu

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Group activities

Content objectives: Learners will: Understand the impact of pollution Explore barriers to develop respect for the nature Watch a video Language objectives: Learners: Speak about Saving the planet Comment about pollution Read a text

Materials/Supplies Video Text Teaching strategies Brainstorming Card Sort Data collecting from the outside world Make a List Helping hands Analytic teams Positive- Negative

ACTIVITY 1: Brainstorming
Description: students generate as many ideas/ thoughts (about the topic) as possible
Purpose: to discover what students know about the topic to promote cooperative learning to develop awareness of the others

Classroom activity: 1. Place students in groups of 5-6 2. Write the topic on the board 3. Assign roles: Reflectors (offer as many ideas as possible), Recorder1 (writes down the ideas considered to be positive/as advantages), Recorder 2 (writes down the ideas considered to be negative/as disadvantages/not in favour of group work) 4. When the teacher calls time, each of the two Recorders from each group reads what is on his/her list 5. Groups share ideas 6. Teacher asks students to draw conclusions

ACTIVITY 2: Card Sort

Description: students classify/organize information about types of pollution.

Purpose: to help students develop their abilities of organizing information, clarifying concepts, establishing main or subordinate ideas to develop cooperation in groups c) to have students learn from others
Classroom activity: Teacher forms teams of 4-5 students Teacher gives each group a set of cards containing examples of types of pollution, ways of saving the world, etc. Students work together within the group and sort the cards into categories Groups share information with one another

ACTIVITY 3: Data collecting from the outside world

Description: students collect data about different types of pollution air, water, land) Purpose: to develop students` research ability to develop in students such attitudes as: the desire to help, patience towards others, understanding, respect for the environment to develop cooperation in groups d) to have students learn from others Classroom activity: One class before, teacher establishes the groups and asks students to collect data about different types pollution. Each group has to decide the people they are going to present, but the information is supposed to be gathered individually by each member of the group. Students are told to bring 3 types of information: characterization of that specific type of pollution, causes and solutions. Students arrange according to groups Students in each group discuss on their findings and establish one final version of presentation Each group reports to class Teacher and students draw conclusions, establishing similarities and differences

ACTIVITY 4: Make a List of the main problems

Description: students work on a list of enumerated issues and decide their importance. Purpose:
to develop students` critical thinking and decision-making processes to have students develop awareness of the others to help students discover common grounds

Classroom activity:
Teacher places students into groups of 4-5 Teacher allots time for the activity (5 minutes) Students work in groups and cooperate with each other Teacher calls time and each group reports to class

Teacher and students compare lists

ACTIVITY 5: Helping hands

Description: Students offer help for each other in a difficult situation Purpose: to give students opportunities of practicing English in real life situations to offer students the possibility of helping each other to teach students how to take responsibility for others Classroom activity: Teacher places students in groups of 4-5 One student in each group is asked to imagine a difficult situation he/she is in and provide a starting point for discussion: My boss is asking me to do something that will pollute the river, I sow someone throwing toxic waste on my backyard, etc. Group work: students/members of the respective group offer as many solutions as possible The student in trouble decides upon the best solution he will take Each student in trouble from each group reports to class the solutions he was given and his/her decision Students from the other groups contribute with solutions or comments on the decisions

ACTIVITY 6: Analytic teams

Description: Students critically analyze a video and take notes about pollution and share their analysis on the topic Purpose: to develop students` critical thinking to develop students` respect for the others` opinions Classroom activity: Place students in groups of 3 (leave aside 4 students) Assign roles to students: one Proponent for each group (the student lists the points students agree with); one Opponent for each group (the student lists the point students disagree with); one Example giver for each group (the student gives examples of key concepts presented in the video); the 4 students will play the role of Questioners (they work together and prepare a list of thoughtful questions referring to the video) Teacher plays the video; students watch and listen Questioners address thoughtful questions to the groups (Why?/Do you think that?, etc) Group work activity (students discuss and play their roles) All groups share their information Teacher and students conclude the critical analysis

ACTIVITY 7 Positive- Negative

Description: students are provided with newspaper article concerning current problems/issues about Indoor Air Pollution and teacher has to allow them to identify positive and negative aspects of the respective event and indicate decisions. Purpose: a) to develop students power of analysis and critical thinking b) to develop in students such social skills as negotiation, compromise, acceptance

Classroom activity: 1. Teacher places students in groups of 4-5; assigns the role of Recorder for one student in each group and establishes the number of aspects students have to identify 2. Teacher reads an article; students listen to an article on a current problem/issue 3. Students discuss in groups; they first identify all the aspects of the problem; the recorder writes them down. Then, they try to search for a solution of the problem; the Recorder writes them down. 4. The Recorder from each group reports to class. 5. Teacher and students discuss on the lists


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