Engineering Design Principles

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Defense Engineering College

Engineering Design principles

Engineering Design principles

Chapter I

Preliminary Design Analysis of a product

Prepared By: Abebaw Mekonnen(Lt)

1.Understand Product Development Process and organization. 2.Understand Types of Product Development Process -Top Down Design -Bottom Up Design 3.Understand and Practice Product Design Process Analysis I. Need Analysis 2. System Analysis 3. Technical Analysis 4. Functional Analysis

Practice: 1. Prepare Need, System, Technical, and Functional Analysis for the selected Projects


The word Design is derived from the Latin Designare, which means to designate, or mark out

Engineering Design can be defined as The process of applying the various techniques and scientific principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its realization

Good engineering design involves many parameters upon which the success of the project depends, each of which has its own subset of laws, standards, practices, codes and regulations. However, underlying all these more specialized constraints and directives are even more fundamental principles related to the original decision making process which provide the total context for good design.

The design activities subjected to certain constraints these are: i. Problem solving constraints. It is the designers problem solving capabilities eg. Time available, Laboratory or computational facilities, etc ii. Problem solution constraints. Cost of the product, availability of materials, equipments or manufacturing facilities.

Types of Design Processes

The common design processes which are adopted for product development are 1.Top-down design 2. Bottom-up design
1.Top-down Design

is a methodology that starts at the highest level of a design concept and proceeds towards the lowest level

Top down analysis is a problem solving mechanism whereby a given problem is successively broken down into smaller and smaller sub-problems or operations until a set of easily solvable sub-problems is arrived at. Each level is numbered commencing with the top (first) level followed by the second level and so on.

Each level marks a different level of abstraction (degree of detail) with the top level exhibiting the greatest degree of abstraction.
Using the top-down approach it is possible to achieve a very detailed breakdown, however, it should be remembered that our aim is to identify easily solvable sub-problems.

The simplest method of describing a top-down analysis is to use a tree structure.



High level subtask Task 1 Task 2

Subtask 11

Subtask 21

More primitive subtask

Individual statement Sub subtask111


To convert temprature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit the following identity is appropriate: F = (9/5 x C) + 32 To convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade we will use: C = (F - 32) x 5/9


1.Bottom-up Design
A bottom-up strategy assumes you are designing a topic from the individual evidence topics up through the top-level topics that will be defined. With this strategy, your topic design objective is to select documents containing information similar to your lower-level topics.
This method is the inverse of Top-down design. The design problems are arising from the problem of existing products or adding additional features for a product. This method is more or less a modification design


1. Analyze the existing component and search for modifications. 2. Define the essential problems that must be solved to satisfy the modification 3. Conceptualization the solution through synthesis which work with the proper working condition of the existing mechanism. N.B. Top-down design is the most common practice for development of new product



Design starts with an appreciation of customer

needs. The design activities are: 1. Know the customer needs 2. Define the essential problems that must be solved to satisfy the need

3. Conceptualization the solution through synthesis.

4. Analyze the proposed solution to establish the optimum conditions and parameter settings 5. Check the resulting design solution to see if it meets the customer needs

The creation of a new product or system takes in many levels of activities and skills. The following diagram/chart shows the life cycle of creation a product or system.
Statement of the need
Recognition of the need and need analysis
Design of geometric configuration shape description/form design/factors

System/Technical/Functional analysis & design of the product/system


Design & analysis of dimensions/size description (Theory of dimensioning) Design & analysis of mechanisms for strength, forces, moments & movements



Need: Need may be simply defined as the desire or necessity for a specified problem expressed by a
person termed as a user.

Need Analysis

Need Analysis: It is a method which tries to analyze the

customer need and change to the proper systematic manner. It consists of listing the use needs for the design in brief concise phrases. The first and most critical step in need analysis is the definition of the need or statement of the problem. It includes writing down a formal problem statement which should express as specifically as possible what the design is intended to accomplish. It is advantageous to define the problem as broadly as possible to minimize overlooking unusual or unconventional solutions. Need analysis should answer the following questions: 1. On what types of input does the new mechanism depends?, 2. What is the technical object?, 3. What expected to accomplish?, 4. Why it is necessary?

Type of Need Automated long bar bending machine Need Statement

Design a long rolled reinforcement bar bending mechanism which bend the bar into half for facilitating the produced bar for better loading, transportation and optimized storage area before loading to the vehicles and after it reaches its destination
Need Analysis On what types of input does the new mechanism depends?

-The size of the bar (diameter of the bar). -The yield strength of the material. -The radius of curvature which the bar is going to bend. -The length of finished bar. -The number of bars in a single bundle of bars which the shear cutter can cut at once. 18 -The rate of production.

What is the technical object?

Different sizes (Diameter) of finished rolled bar (reinforcement bar)

What expected to accomplish?

The main expectation that the machine will accomplish is bending of bars (Reinforcement bars) with in the following limits. 1.The bar should be bend with out permanent deformation 2.The bending radius or radius of curvature should be suitable for better loading, transporting, and optimized storage. 3The rate of bending should be maintained within the rate of production in order to satisfy the cost and production efficiency.

Why it is necessary?

The necessity of developing new mechanism for bending bars is getting the following benefits. These are:1. It will increase the efficiency of steel industries by providing better and fast rate of bending. 2. It will facilitate the bars for better storage capability. 3. It will help transportation vehicles for more and optimized loading. 4. It will provide uniform bent bars for better handling. 5. It will reduce the cost of steel industries that they spent for labors. 6. It will reduce the injuries on workers caused by the hot rolled bar while they are carrying and bending.


System Analysis:
It is the analysis that must be done after and depend on need analysis and it is the interaction of the design with the internal and external environments. Since they have direct relation for the correct and efficient performance of the new mechanism.

Definitions -System: Interaction b/n the human being and his product with in certain environment. -Sub-system: The individual parts that make-up the hole structure of the system. -Open System: The one that interacts with the environment. -Closed system: The one that doesnt interact with the environment. -Boundaries: Points at which the product is in interaction with the external environment. Note: A boundary must be well defined.


It is the movement of the material and human energy through a system. -Input: It is the first phase of any system in which data, labor and other energy, material, equipment and money is received from other system. -Process: The phase of the system that changes or transforms input into a desired form. -Feedback: It is the regulating force that compares the systems output (what was produced) with standards of performance set for the system (what should have been done or produced) -Control: It is the systems phase that dictates what can and can't be done.

System approach towards needs and specification model

System External Environment

Resources Man power Material Machine Information Money


Process or transformation


Products and Services

Feed Back


System Levels
Systems may be classified in terms of processing power and degree of automation involved. 1.Manual System: when human being (animals) is the data and the process processor. 2.Mechanical System (also called electro-mechanical): when most of

the effort needed for the process is furnished by mechanical (or

electro-mechanical) sub-systems such as wind, water, electricity, chemicals etc.

3.Automated Systems: The process is controlled by programmed



System Study It is the process of creating or improving a system. The followings are elements that influence the use of technical object


Physical Environment

Commanding Part

Technical object

Technical Environment Human Environment

The External Elements to the technical object.

Energy Environment
The Internal, Integral and related elements to the technical object

I. The Internal, Integral and related elements to the technical object Input: The technical object operates on one or several inputs. The use of these inputs must be specified with precision on the project documents. Every input is an element that influence the use of technical object. Commanding Part: Every technical object will have a commanding part or otherwise it will be controlled by some commanding part which can influence the use of technical object. Energy Environment: Any technical object is operated by a particular type of energy or it operates under particular energy environment which can also influence the use of technical object.

II. The External Elements to the technical object. Technical Environment: It is the industrial and technical environment of the object, which influence the use of technical object. Hence, the project document should specify the nature of the technical environment and its relations with the technical object. Physical Environment: It is the physical universe or certain physical phenomena that influence the use of technical object or vice-versa. Eg. Humidity, temperature, corrosion etc .Human Environment: The human environment consists of the human being and the living things at large. The use of certain technical objects can cause accidents including death. Hence, the project document must include the influence of technical object towards the human environment in view of assuring its safe working condition. Eg. Pollution, discomfort etc..

Example (System Analysis) Automated long bar bending machine Based on the need statement and need analysis, a system analysis will be analyzed as follows in order to identify the various internal and external environments which have direct relation for the correct and efficient performance of the new mechanism. The internal, integral, and related elements for the newly develop bar bending machine 1.Input: - The principal inputs for the newly developing bar bending mechanism are the size of the bar (diameter of the bar), the yield strength of the material, the radius of curvature which the bar is going to bend, the length of finished bar, the number of bars in a single bundle of bars which the shear cutter can cut at once, and the rate of production. 2.Commanding Part: - The commanding parts for functioning of the newly developing mechanism are man power for operating the machine and limit sensors for actuating the punch to extend or retract and for offloading the bent bar from the machine.

3.Energy Environment: - The newly developing machine will use the force for bending the bar and offloading the bent bars from electrical or mechanical power generators. The mechanical force generation system can be hydraulic actuators, pneumatic actuators or gear mechanisms. Using of electrical, mechanical, or combined force generation system will decided after successive analysis which comes afterwards.
Example (System Analysis) (contd.)

II. The External Elements to the technical object.

1. Physical Environment:- The physical environments and certain physical phenomena that influence the principal function of the machine are the operational banned area (working area), structural banned areas, and the surrounding climate. There should be enough banned area for proper functioning of the machine and it shouldnt interrupt the operation of other machineries which are nearby the machine and the workers who are working around the machine. 29

Other consideration while we design this machine is the influence of surrounding climate. The parts should withstand the effect of surrounding climate from excessive stress and elongation caused by temperature and also the parts should withstand the chemical changes of the material like rusting of components caused by the surrounding environment. The other design consideration while designing this machine is the exposure of surrounding on environment on external and internal functional surface area. Therefore the minimizing direct exposure of functional surfaces from bad surrounding environment like dust and other unwanted particles should be well analyzed and considered. But if it is difficult to prevent some functional surfaces from direct contact to the physical environment, the design should consider self cleaning or manual cleaning mechanism.

Example (System Analysis) (contd.)

2.Technical Environment :The relation of newly developing machine with the surrounding technical environment is well analyzed for correct and efficient operation of the machine, because mounting of this new machine should be according to the geometry, position, and the rate and quantity of output that the related machineries have. Because, the rate and quantity and position of feeding input bars for the new machine is depend on these related machineries. The technical elements, which the new machine work with them or can influence the rate and quantity of the input for the new machine, are. i. Cooling bed which cools the hot bars and feed the bars to the shear cutter using electric motor driven conveyer system. ii. Shear cutter which cut the number of bar in to 12m length.


3. Human Environment:The influence and relation of the new machine towards the human being is also one of the analysis which we perform in order to know whether its operation is dangerous for the operator because one of the principal benefit of the new machine is protecting the workers from injuries. The problem on the workers

is negligible compared to the existing method of bar bending

system. The overall dimension of the machine is also one of the critical

areas which should be suitable for operators for operation,

loading and unloading of the bars. So the design should give enough attention for ergonomics in addition to the dimension that derived from strength point of view.

Technical Analysis
Having established the relations between the technical object and the surrounding environment using the system analysis, then the design process will be analyzing these relations in order to determine the end design result viz. Nominal form, Nominal size, Material required etc. Knowledge of these relations will reveal the nature of deformations and the intensity of the applied force on the technical object which will enable the designer to:

i) Select the material for the technical object

ii) Calculate the selections of the organs of the assembly. iii) Calculate the design sizes and shapes of the components of the assembly. iv) Selection of arrangement of components within the assembly


How to analyze these relations? Analyzing the relation b/n physical environment and technical object
Relation between the physical surrounding and the technical object Observe/select technological solutions

Analyzing the relation b/n human environment and technical object

Action of the user Obtained result

Observe/select solutions


Analyzing the relation b/n Economical value and technical object

Relation between the economic value and the technical object Observed results of market analysis (in case of consumer oriented object)


Functional Analysis Correct performance or correct functioning of a technical object and its organs is the most essential property of a technical object to produce the desired output(s) for the given input(s) for relatively longer period of time without pre-mature deterioration or break down. Thus if a technical object is to serve the purpose for which it is designed, first and foremost, its component parts must be assembled and made to work together to produce the desired function. Classification of Functions

1.Global Function
2.Principal Function 3.Elementary Function

1.Global Function: A global function is the relationship between the

changes of the initial state of a given input (action) and the final state of
a desired output (result). Thus the global function or main function of a technical object is to bring an added value to the input to produce the

desired output. e.g. The global function of a car is to transport people

and goods. 2.Principal Function: Every relationship between a technical object and one of the surrounding environments (described on system analysis) is called principal function. Note: The global function of a technical object/mechanism can be considered as an organized set of principal functions. 3.Elementary Function: When principal function is complex enough for analysis it will be necessary to break it down in to a number of simple functions called as elementary function. This break down will36 then

Example (Functional Analysis)

Automated long bar bending machine

The new design should operate in order to full fill the global, principal, and elementary function of the machine. Therefore it is necessary to differentiate these different functions of the new design. 1.Global Function:- The global function of the machine is the main function of the machine that is, bending of long bars (reinforcement bars) in to half for better and optimized transportation and storage area.

2.Principal Functions:- The new machine will also have the following functions,
i) Easily loading of bent bars to the cars ii) Easily transporting bent bars to temporary storage iii) Loading the inputs (straight bars) iv) Unloading the output (bent bars) v) Determining the exact length of bars for bending. vi) Bending of the bars at an appropriate bend radius.

vii) Generating the essential torque


3.Elementary Functions:- Certain principal functions are complex and needs further elaborations therefore elementary functions must be specified clearly. i) Calibration mechanisms for adjusting appropriate bend radius for different size of bars. ii) Sensing mechanism for loading, bending and unloading of bars. iii) Actuating of torque generating mechanisms.

iv) Adjustment mechanisms for the output convoying system.


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