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Tony Suharsono

Teoritical foundation on which the knowledge base of the nursing profession has been and is being built Nursing theory provides a perspective from which to define what of nursing, to describe who of nursing (who is the client) and when nursing is needed, and to identify the boundaries and the goal of nursing therapeutic activities. Theory is fundamental to effective nursing practice and research


element that structure a nursing theory are cancept and proposition concept is the basic building block of the theory proposition is the statement that proposes a relationship between concept is a set of concept and proposition that provide an orderly way to view phenomena



theory provide a framework for thought in which to examine situations theory assist the discipline of nursing in clarifiying beliefs, values, and goals and they help to define the unique contribution of nursing in the care of clients theory is necessary for the continued development and evaluation of the discipline of nursing



Nursing Practice

Nursing theory

Nursing research


theories range theories

Composed of concept representing global and

extremely complex phenomena


Midlle range theory provides a perspective from

which to view complex situation and a direction for intervention


range theories

Explain a spesific phenomenon of concern to the


Nightingale was born Her parent were very

in 1820 in florence wealthy and often

traveled abroad At the age of 17 she believed had been called of mankind At the age of 24, Nightingale decided she needed to help the suffering masses and wishes to work in hospital She developed nursing theory after her travel to scutari to care for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War


of the patient could be altered so as to allow nature to act on the patient work focuses mostly on the patient and the environtment but also included the nurse and health duty to the patients environtment so that nature could act on the patient and repair health



Environtment Defined as anything that can be manipulated to place

a patient in the best possible condition for nature to act

Person Refer to the person as the one who is receiving care.

Person is a dinamic and complex being

Health Health is not only to be well, to be able to use well

every power we used (prevention and promotion)

Nursing Nurses were to assisst nature to repair the patient

Ventilation and warmth

Assess the client body temperature, room temperature , and room from the fresh air and foul odors. Develop a plan to keep the room airy and free of odor Assess the room for adequate light. Develop and implement adequate light in the clients room without placing client in the direct light


Cleanliness of room and Assess the room for dampness, dust. Keep the room walls free from dust, dirt,and dampness Health of houses Assess the surrounding environtment for pure air, pure water, drainage, cleanliness and light


Assess the noise level in the clients room and surrounding area. Attemp to keep noise level to a minimum Assess the bed for dampness, wrinkles, and soiling. Keep the bed dry, wrinkle free Attemp to keep the client dry and clean at all times Attemp to stimulate variety in the room and with patient Avoid talking without reason or giving advice that is without fact


Personal cleanliness Variety

Chattering hopes and advices

Taking food

Assess the diet of the client. Take note of the amount of food and drink ingested

What food

Continue with the assessment of the client diet to include type of food and drink the client likes or dislike

Petty Management

Petty management ensures continuity of care

Observation of the sick

Observe anithing about client. Record all observation


concern man need for self care action and the provision and management of it on a continuous basis in order to sustain life and health, recover from disease or injury, and cope with their effects. Nursing goal overcoming human limitations

Theory Theory Theory

of nursing system of self care defisit of self care


use the nursing process to help individual meet their self care requisites and build their self care or dependent care capabilities Basic nursng system categorized according to the relationship between patient and nurse action.
Wholly compensatory system Partly compensatory system Supportive-educative system


central idea of of the theory of self care deficit is that the requirement of person for nursing are associated with the subjectivity of mature and maturing persons to health related or health care related action limitations A term that expresses the relationship between the action capabilities of individual and their demmand for care Nursing is required because of the inability to perform self care as the result of limitation


care is a human regulatory fucntion that individual must, with deliberation, perform themselves or have performed for them to maintain life, health, development, and well being Self care is an action system The elaboration of the concept os self care, self care demmand and self care agency


Neuman system model reflect nursing interest in well and ill people as holistic system and in environtmental influences on health act in partnership with nurses to set goal and identify relevan prevention intervention


Wholistic approach Open system (function,

input and output, feed back, negentropy, entropy, and stability) Environtment Created environtment Wellness and illness Client system Stressor Degree of reaction prevention as intervention Reconstitution

Nursing Unique profesion that it is concerned with all of the

variable affecting an individual response to stress

Person as client or client system The client system is dinamic composite of

interelationship among psysiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental and spiritual factor

Health Optimal wellness or stability indicate that total system

needs are being met

Environtment Internal and external factor that interact with client


of psiciatric nursing She taught psicodinamic nursing and stressed importance of the nurses ability to understand his or her own behavior to help other identify perceived difficulties. She identified four phase nurse-patient relationship (orientation, identification, exploitation, resolution)


and described six nursing role

Stranger Resource person Teacher

Surrogate Counselor

Person Developing organism in an stable equilibrium Environment External factor and significant other Health Interpersonal process that facilitate fordward

movement of the personality

Nursing To develop interaction between the nurse and the


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