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Pure metals are soft in an orderly arrangement of metal atoms. Arrangement of atom in same size enables the layers of atoms to slide over each other easily when external force is applied. This makes the the metals ductile and metals drawn to form long wires.


Ductility of pure metal

Imperfections in the natural arrangement of metal atoms. Empty space exists in the structures of pure metals.

When hammered or pressed, groups of metal atoms

may slide into new positions in the empty space. Metal malleable able to made different shapes or pressed into thin sheets.


Malleability of pure metal

An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements with a certain composition which majaor compenent is a metal. Pure metal are weak and soft because the arrangement of atoms in pure metal makes them ductile and malleable. Pure metal contains atom of the same size arranged in a regular and organised closed-packed structure

1.To increase the hardness and strength

Addition of a little carbon to iron metal produces steel which a very hard alloy iron Addition of magnesium to aluminium metal produces an alloy called magnalium. Magnalium is harder tahan aluminium but still retains low density of aluminium metal. Addition metala produces bronze. Bronze an alloy harder than both tin and copper. Examples: body of airplanes.

2.To Prevent Corrosion

Pure metal such as tin and iron are easily corroded in damp, polluted or acidic Addition of carbon, nickel and chromium to iron metal produces stainless steel. Stainless steel in an alloy which can resist rusting. The chromium and nickel form chromium(III) oxide and nickel(IV) oxide which prevents from rusting. Addition of tin to copper produces bronze which able to resisit corrosion and tarnish. Examples: Stainless steel kitchenware

3.To Improve The Appearance

Metals are easily tarnished because of the information of metal oxide on the surfaces. The process of alloying can maintai the lustre on the surface of the metal. Stainless steel is more shiny than pure iron. Adding a little copper and antimony to tin produces alloy pewter which is harder and shinier, not easily tarnished. Alloys wheels made from aluminium and other elements improve the look of vehicles. Examples: Glass

To compare the hardness of pure metal and its alloy
Problem Statement: Are alloys harder then pure metal? Hypothesis: Bronze is harder than copper, when a weight is dropped onto a ball bearing placed on a metal block made of copper or bronze, a larger dent will be produced on the softer copper metal block than on the bronze block. Variables: a) Manipulated Variable: Types of materials(copper or bronze) to make the metal block.


Responding Variable: Diameter of the dent made by a steel ball


c) Constant Variable: Size of steel ball bearing

Materials: Copper black, bronze block, ball bearing, 1 kg weight, metre ruler, retort stand with clamp, cellophone tape and thread.

1) A metre ruler is champed to a retort stand, and a piece of copper block is placed on yhe base of retort stand. 2) A stell ball bearing is placed on the copper block and a piece of cellophone tape is used to hold the ball beraing in place. 3) A 1kg weight is hung at a height of 50 cm above the copper block.

4) The weight is dropped onto the ball bearing placed on the cooper block. 5) the daimeter of the dent made by the ball beraing is measured.

6) The experiment is repeated three times using different areas on the surface of the copper block. 7) The average diameter of the dent is calculated.

8) Steps 1 to 7 are repeated using a piece of bronze block.


1) The higger the average diameter of the dents produced by the stell ball beraing on the metal means that it has been pressed deeper into the metal surface. 2) Thus copper is softer than bronze because the steel ball bearing

has been pressed deeper into the surface of the copper metal than
that of bronze. 3) Bronze is a type of alloy formed from copper and tin. The tin atoms are larger than the copper atom. They distort the orderly structure of the copper atom can no longer slide easily over one another. This makes bronze harder than copper.

1) The average diameter of the dents made by the steel ball bearing on the copper block is bigger than that on the bronze block. 2) hence bronze, a type of alloy is harder than pure copper metal. The hypothesis is accepted.

Word polymer origanated from the Greek polumeros means having many parts. Polymers are large molecules made up of many smaller and identical repeating units joined together by covalent bonds. Small molecules are joined into chains are called monomers. Polymerisation is the chemical process by which the monomers are joined together to form the big molecule known as the polymer. Polymers can be divided into 2 types a) Naturally occuring polymers(exist in plants and animals)


Synthetic polymers(that are man-made by chemical

process in the laboratories)

Naturally occuring polymers

1) 2) 3) Protein: in muscles, skin, silk, hair, wool and fur. Carbohydrates: in strach and cellulose. Natural rubber: in latex.

Synthetic polymer
1) 2) 3) Protein: in muscles, skin, silk, hair, wool and fur. Carbohydrates: in strach and cellulose. Natural rubber: in latex.

List of some addition polymers and their uses Polymer Abbreviation Properties Uses Squeeze bottles, toys, flexible pipes, insulation cover (electric wires), six pack rings, etc.

Low Density Polyethylene


Chemically inert, flexible, insulator

High Density Polyethylene


Inert, thermally stable, Bottles, pipes, inner tough and hightensile insulation of coax strength cable, plastic bags, etc. Auto parts, industrial fibers, food containers, liner in bags, dishware and as a wrapping material for textiles and food



Resistant to acids and alkalies, High tensile strength

Polystyrene (thermocol PS e)

Thermal insulator. Properties depends on Petri dishes, CD the form, expanded case, plastic cutlery form is tough and rigid Low Very low coefficient of friction bearings, nonfriction, stick pans, coating excellent dielectric prop against chemical attack erties, chemically inert etc. Pipe, fencing, lawn chairs, handbags, curtainclothes, non-food bottles, raincoats, toys, vinylflooring etc. valves, seals, gaskets etc.

Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE




Polychlorotrifluoroethyl PCTFE ene

Stable to heat and thermal attacks, high tensile strength and non wetting

Result of synthetic polymers in enviroment pollution

1) Non- biodegradable, they cannot be composed by bacteria or other micro-organism.Cause dispose problems as the polymers will not decay kile organic garbage.

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