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Department of Surveying Science and Geomatics Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying Universiti Teknologi MARA, Arau Perlis.

Group Presentation 2 (SUG 653) GROUP MEMBERS:



Introduction to Question Discussion Case study Q & A session


Quest 4 : Describe whats make GIS system development failed.

Definition : Geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and

present all types of geographical data in an entire project.

- A project is a success only if it delivers the product or service on time and consistent with the company's strategic plan. - Generally, projects succeed or fail according to how robust and workable the project management process is at the

performing organization.

Whats make GIS system development failed?

Lack of accountability for project team and assign responsibilities

Skipping the concept of SLDC


Failure to manage risk

No strategic plan for GIS

Lack of understanding in the components of an enterprises GIS

Lack of accountability for project team and assign responsibilities

-GIS project manager should make it clear who's in charge of different project areas and keep them accountable. - If the workers have a clear understanding of their respective responsibilities thus, the company have a better chance for success. - The GIS project manager as well as the team workers of the project, should bare in mind that when problems arise, they must accept and avoid blame to each others.

Skipping the concept of SLDC

- Development process are resulting from systems life cycle. Information system developed via SDLC. - SDLC

- SDLC phases need to be completed one after the other.

Failure to manage risk (lack of risk management)

- Risk management is concerned with identifying potential risks for the GIS system development. - A main risk to the GIS system development failure is the objective of the development is not stated clear as well as the time, costs, scope or quality also was not been defined properly. - Some example of some of the risk faced during to develop GIS system: i) Technology becoming out-of-date ii) Lack of commitment to project funding iii) Leadership changing positions iv) Some team members dispute or strike

No strategic plan for GIS

Strategic planning is crucial to the success of a GIS program because it keeps the project or program on track throughout its development and operation. - The lack of an adequate GIS strategic plan can surface later as huge problems in many aspects of the GIS. - Many organizations perform GIS strategic planning inadequately or not at all because of pressure to implement their GISs by given dates, and without a full understanding of the benefits and methodologies of GIS strategic planning. - Therefore, an affective strategic planning process is vital to implementing a GIS that meets an organizations goals and avoid from many problem.

1. People

Poor project management Staff dont have expert skill in GIS system. Dont have GIS technology expert Dont have GIS software expert Dont have GIS database analyst

5. Method

No strategic method in constructing GIS system development

Lack of understanding in the components of an enterprises GIS

4. Hardware 3.Software

2. Data

Used lack of quality in data model

Used poor hardware infrastructure

Do not fully used defined, repeatable, and predictable Software development process.

Case Study
Problem : GIS Projects Failure in Yemeni Governmental Agencies. Main failures : i) Difficulties for getting necessary data from government's agencies ii) Facing difficulties to find funds to implement GIS project iii) Lack of top management support iv) Change of top management and many other factors.

As a conclusion, the growth in the use of GIS technology over the past few years has increasing nowadays. -But then, some companys that use these GIS technology were facing a bad failure that causes the companys to be shut down. -Thus, the primary reasons for GIS development failure are as following : Lack of accountability for project team and assign responsibilities Skipping the concept of SLDC Failure to manage risk Misconception of GIS data model Lack of understanding in the components of an enterprises GIS


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