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A Series of Unfortunate Events 2 The Reptile Room movie and book

Important events
The children went to live with their uncle Dr. Montgomery. Monty has found a new snake called The Incredibly deadly viper who is harmless. Monty hieres an asistant who is Count Olaf. The children try to tell Monty the truth about Stephano the asistan. The family except Stephano were going to Peru. Dr. Montgomery dies by a snake poison witch Stephano injected. While Stephano and the children were going to Peru they found Mr. Poe. They called a doctor to examinate Montys body. They went to a hotel and Violet found a way to prove that Stephano was Count Olaf an that he killed Monty The doctor was an asistant of Count Ola and they escape.


In the book it starts with the children going to Montys house but in the movie it starts when they move with Count Olaf. In the book Monty is a small man but in the movie he is tall. In the book Stephano/Count Olaf has a beard but in the movie he doesnt have a beard and he made stuff to his face. In the book they say that the Mamba du Mal killed Monty butin the movie they say that the Incredibly Deadly Viper killed him. In the book they go to a hotel after Montys death and in tthe movie they stay in the house. In the book Violet and Klaus find out that Stephano killed Monty but in the movie Sunny finds out by playing with the viper. In the book Stephano says the he found the viper but in the movie they say Monty found it. In the book there are just the doctor, Stephano and the orphans but in the movie they added a detective and police. In the book Stephano tells the orphans that they will be quite dead and in the movie he says nothing. In the book Stephano kills Gustav the ex asistant of Mont by drrowning him and in the movie he kills him by ataching him to a train.

Violet Baudilare
Bright: Violet alway founds a way to put everything in order. Ex. she found out that Stephano killed Monty. Mean: Violet is mean because she wants her personal space a she tells that in a mean way. Violet told stephano that she didnt let Stephano in the house. Defending: Violet always defends her family. Violet defended Sunny from the viper. Adventurous:Violet is always looking for some adventure. She adventures the room of Stephano. Guesser: Violet always guesses about everything. Shee guessed about Stephano killing Monty.


In the book they discribe better the characters but in the movie the do beter the lines that the characters say.In the book they do better when they children and Olaf fight but in the movie they do better how they fight. And obiously the book tells better but much better the story.

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