Comenius Project: The Diary of A Young Girl

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Comenius Project

The diary of a young girl

Itziar Badenas

- Introduction: page 3

- Literary analysis of the book: page 4

- Cultural analysis of the book: page 5

- Historical and social contest of the book: page 6-8

- Study of the country and the city where the history happens: page 9 -12

- Jew customs: page 13 -15

- Personal opinion of one passage of the book: page 16

- Conclusion: page 17
- Bibliography: page 18
In these power point you can find information of the book The diary of a young girl of
Anne Frank.
The time where the book happens.
How the people had to live in the time where the book happens.
The country and the city where the book happens.
The culture of the Frank family.
A little personal opinion of one chapter of the book.

Literally analysis of the book
The book have a writing stile of a diary, wrote in first
person and a understandable vocabulary.

Is an emotive book, were the feelings and the writer’s

preferences are perfectly visible. It’s wrote in a
completely different way of writing of a teenager, it’s a
kind of adult’s writing.

The point of whew of the facts is critical and the

descriptions are like photographs, perfectly written,
where all the people who lived with the writer are
moving into them, like the first time that happened all
the history.

The writer is an omniscient narrator who see

everything, the exterior points and the interior points
of the characters, and the facts.

The time of the book is lineal, all the facts are tidied,
one after the other one. The explanation never have
flash-backs, never explains things that happened
before the present time.
Cultural analysis of the book
The main character is a girl of 13
years old. Her family and her are
Jews, concretely practitioner Jews.

They lived in the city of Amsterdam

in Holland, out of the Jew ward.
Anne’s father was a trader, that had
so many people working with him,
all good people, who took care of
them when they needed help.

Anne and her family lived in the

second world war. They had to hide
in a secret annexe because the
Nazis invaded Holland and took so
many Jews to concentration camps.
The Jews in Amsterdam had so
many laws that forbids all their
Anne Frank and her family
In consequence of that, other Jews
went to live with them in the secret
annexe, they had a lot of problems 5
of space and relationships.
Historical and social contest of the book

Anne Frank and her family

Historical context
The main causes of the second world war were
the consequences of the first world war.
The resentment of Italy and Germany from the first
world war, provoked the apparition of two new
ideologies the Nazism and the Fascism. Both of
them wanted the same, the dictatorship and the
control of all the other countries.
Another consequence was the felt of the world
economy, on the 19th of October 1920.
The anguish of conquest of Germany provoked on
the 1st of September 1939 the occupation of Poland
and whit it the start of the second world war.
Germany provoked the holocaust, the
extermination of the Jews was one of their
The German, the Italian and Japan, conquered A.Hitler and B. Mussolini leaders of the Nazi and Fascist party.
most of the central Europe and some countries in
the rest of the world. Into the Europe countries
stayed Holland, where the book happens.
Social context
In the second world war people lived in extremely poverty, with
starvation, whit illnesses, with the pain and the sadness of the war
every day in their heads.

To get some food, people had a ration chart. It was like a passport with
their personal dates and the quantity of food that they could take. Meat
was the first thing that governments rationed.

To protect themselves of the bombs, people hid in air-raid shelters,

every family, or every neighbourhood had one, but most of them were
insecure. The most common were the holes of the elevators or in the
tube, but there were the trench shelters too, blight by the town’s

People communicated by telegraph, telephones, mail and V-mail.

The V-mail was a system to communicate easily, without problems, and
The photography of the letters were recorded in microfilms of 10 mm.
In the normal mail the letters were censured by the officials.

Governments used the radios and the cinema to do publicity. The films Trench shelter
were about war an spies. The radio programs were the fastest way to
informer and do publicity to the people.
Study of the country and the
city where the history happens

Mills in Holland
Study of the country
Holland have a superficies of 40.000 km2, where 7800km2 are interior
water. Holland stay under the see level, the lowest point is of 6,5 m in the
area of Rotterdam. The country is protected by a natural red of dunes and
artificial dicks.
The official name of Holland is Kingdom of Nederland, the capital city is
Amsterdam, but the government is in Hagen. The kingdom of Nederland
is a parliamentary monarchy.
The main economy of Holland is the chemical industry, and the
exploitation of the gas ore deposits. Rotterdam have the most important
harbour in Holland. But now the truism is the most important economical
Holland have 16 million of people. Holland is one of the European
countries whit more population concentration, and have so many
immigrants. The 45% of the Holland population lives in for main cities:
Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hagen and Utrecht.
The Hollanders are in general nice, tidy and harboured people, because
they had lived all their history whit foreign people of so many places. Mill and tulips in Holland

Holland is a really permissible country.

In 2000 the marriage of homosexual people and the adoption of children
by them was permitted, and in 2002 the euthanasia was legalised, 10
Holland was the first county which had legalised.
Traditions and customs of the country
The main things that people thinks when they are talking about
Holland are: the clogs, the tulips, the bicycles and the mills.
- The clogs are the traditional shoes of Holland. The leather
shoes in old times were so expensive and the clogs are
impermeable, a really good point for the condition of the
country. Now the clogs are a typical souvenir that the people Clogs
takes from Holland.
- The tulips are so popular in the country because is one of the
main producers of flowers in the world, and because in the XVI
century they had flowers to take off the bad smell of the
houses, and now is normal see Hollanders buying flowers to
their homes.
Tulip fields
- The bicycle is a completely quotidian thing in the life of every
Hollander. In all the country they are more or less 12 millions of
bicycles and 15.000 km of bicycle cart-ways. Its a really useful
transport because the land is so flat,you don’t have to pay to
park and you can go everywhere.
- The mills had been used to take off the water off the lowest
lands to win more territory. They are a drainage systems used
since the XI century, introduced by the Cistercian monks. Mill and bicycle
Study of the city
The name of Amsterdam become of the union of
dam (dyke) up the Amstel river. These city’s situated
in the end of the river and the Amstel cross the city,
these make all the canals where the floating houses

All the economy of Holland develops in Amsterdam,

the industrial activity and the truism.
The first notice that we have about Amsterdam were
of the 1273 where Floris V give to a fishers village a
commercial privilege.
In the 1300 Amsterdam become a city.

The best epoch for Amsterdam Was in the XV

In 1625 the building of the three main canals started,
and in 1625 the New Amsterdam was funded. Floating houses in Amsterdam

Nowadays Amsterdam have 738.760 habitants and

the surface of it’s of 21.000 hectares. Amsterdam’s
an opened and tolerant city. For the young people is 12
one of the main cites to visit and study.
Customs and Jew inheritance

Couple of Jews marring with the typical ceremony

Jew customs
Jew people only believes in one supreme god, Jayvee.
The relation that the Jew people have with their god is a
relation of protection, and to make it, they had to be
circumcised and they have to believe in the god laws.
Their laws are write in the Pentateuch, the Tora and in the
Old Testament.
They have oral laws too, but these are write in the Talmud.
The Jews have to pray three times per day.
In the morning, the most important, in the afternoon ,the
Minha, and in the evening ,the Arbit. In every pray they
have the Amida. That is a pray for the nineteen
benedictions, one of them is for the new creation of Israel.
The Sabbath is the free day of the Jews. In the Sabbath
they can’t do any exercise or work they only can pray and
study in the Synagogue, their temple. The Sabbath starts in
Pentateuch in Hebrew.
the evening of the Friday, and ends in the morning of the
The Jew language is the Hebrew. Nowadays the Jew
children study the Hebrew in the synagogue in the Sabbath. 14
Jew holidays
The Jews have so many free days but the most
important are these:
-The Roš ha-šanà , which is the first day of the
ten days of penitence that they have and the
Yom Kippur is the last day of the penitence,
they only pray and they don’t eat in all the day.
-The Simhat Tora is one holiday that started in
the median edge.
-Hanukà is a holiday of eight days where they
only pray and its called the holiday of the lights
-The Purim where they made bank holiday
because is the day where Aman one corrupted
king ended his kingdom because the queen
Esther take him off the throne.
Jews praying on the Lamentation Wall
-The made holidays in the month of Ab, where
they pray, and they stay with their families.

Personal opinion of one passage of the book
The passage that i have choose is the one of Friday, 9 October 1942,
where Anne explains that the Gestapo was taking a lot of their Jew
friends to Westerbork one concentration camp situated in Drenthe and
they was taking them in cattle-trucks.
She explains the conditions of the concentration camp, where the
food an the water were shorts, how the people had to sleep, how they
looked like...
My opinion is that Anne, reflects really good the suffering of the people
into the concentration camps, she explains really good the events that
happened, Miep words... She wrote her own questions of the way that
the Germans killed the Jews, by gas.
The suffering, the cruelty of the Christian people, the impotency in front
of the injustices made to the Jews, all is perfectly explained in these
chapter of the book.
The Germans destroyed the life of the Jew people, of the Christian
people and of their own people too.
The war explained by Anne, a girl of 14 years old, is more real and is
explained like it happened. Because the children eyes, are the best 16
way to see the things, without changes.
The Diary of a young girl is a perfect way to know the second world
war and the conditions where so many people had to live.
The way that the Jews had been treated by the world population in the
last century. Their suffering, their customs, how difficult is to live whit
other people, that you don’t know in a small place and whiteout go out
of there, with a really little food, whit a sanitary conditions really poor.
All what the war take with it, the poverty, the starvation, the suffering.
The big tragedy of the Holocaust is wrote in a diary of a child, a
miserable diary that have shown us the truth.


- López, Maite. Holanda. Travel time. Madrid, Spain, J.C y A, 2006.



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