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Good morning. My name is ___________________. I am from ______________. I was born in _________________. I am a _________________.

I study at _____________ and I like studying here.

Meeting New People

Talk with your teacher and answer the questions.
1. When I say, Nice to meet you, what do you say? 2. How do we greet someone? 3. How do we greet a close friend? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ________ you from France? __________ are you from? __________ is Peru? __________ is Machu Picchu? __________ you Italian? __________ nationality are you? __________ s your hometown? Where _______ you at 10 oclock yesterday? __________ your sister at the meeting last week? 10. __________ you free two minutes ago?

4. How do we greet a colleage?

5. How do you ask and answer about a persons job or profession? 6. How do you ask and answer about someones country? 7. How do you ask where someone is from? 8. How do you ask about a persons nationality? 9. How do you ask and answer where someone live?

Meeting New People


Hi, my name is ________. What is your name? Hi _______. Im _______, Its nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too! Where are you from?

Im from ________. What do you do? Im a student. Great to meet you!

Create a sentence by using a subject, a verb and a complement

I You We He She


They Lisa John

a medical student. an English teacher. happy. a problem a good day. medical students. hungry and thirsty.
19 years old. at home with my children. a kind person. a great doctor. worried because of my mark.

Create a sentence by using a subject, a verb and a complement

a medical student. an English teacher. happy. a problem a good day. medical students. hungry and thirsty.
19 years old. at home with my children. a kind person. a great doctor. worried because of my mark.


I you we he she

they Lisa John

Complete the questions and the answers

1______ you a student? Yes, _____. a) I am a student. b) I am. c) Yes you are.

2______ you from Peru?

Yes _____. a) I am a student. b) I am. c) Yes you are.

3_______ you Sarah?

No, a) b) c)

________. I am not Sarah I am not. Nothing

Complete the questions and the answers

4____ he your brother?

Yes, _____. a) he is my brother. b) he is c) No it isnt.

5_______ your name Sarah?

Yes _____. a) it is. b) it is Sarah. c) Nothing

6.____ she a student?

No, ________. a) she isnt b) Itsnt c) Nothing

Questions with How old

Complete the questions and the answers
1._______ are you? I _____ seventeen years old. a) have b) has c) am

2._______ is she?

She _____ six months. a) have b) has c) is

3.How old ___________ your parents?

They _____ both 43 years old. a) have b) are c) nothing

Questions with What and Where

Complete the questions and the answers
1._______ is your job? _____ a doctor. a) I am b) I work as c) a and b d) nothing

2._______ are you from?

I am ________ Peru a) of b) from c) both

3._________ do you do?

I am ______ doctor. a) a b) an c) Nothing

Complete the questions and the answers

4.______ is Peru? It______ in South America. a) s b) s c) Nothing

5._______your last name?

My last name ___ Saenz. a) is b) s c) are

6._______your nationality?

I am________. a) From Peru b) Peruvian c) Peru

Answer these questions

1. 2. 3. Is your name Sarah? Are you Sarah? Are you from France?
2. 3. 4.

Whats your name?

What's your middle name? What's your last name? Where are you from?

5. 6. 7.

Are you Italian?

Are you a doctor? Are you a student? Is she your sister?

6. 7. 8.

Where is Peru?
Where is Machu Picchu? What nationality are you? What's your hometown?


How are you?

How are you doing?


What's your phone number?

What's your cell phone number?

10. How old are you? 11. How old is she?

Jenny: Hi, are you Gilbert? Im Jenny. Gilbert: Yes. Hi, Jenny. Its nice to meet you! Jenny : Its nice to meet you too. Where are you from, Gilbert? Gilbert: Im from The United States. What about you? Jenny : Im from Lima, Peru. Gilbert: Where is Peru? Jenny : It`s in South America. Gilbert: Oh! yes. I`ve been to Machu Picchu. That`s a beautiful place. And, what do you do, Jenny? Jenny : I am a medical student. What about you? Gilbert: I am a teacher

1. a) b) c)

Who is Jenny? a teacher a student a medical student

4. What nationality is Jenny? a) Peru b) Peruvian c) American

2. Who is Gilbert? a) a teacher b) a student c) a medical student

5. What nationality is Gilbert? a) Peru b) Peruvian c) American

3. Where is Gilbert from? a) Peru b) USA c) South America

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