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ISO 14000

Worlds environment management Standard

Submitted by:
Submitted to: Avinash M.N (08PG295)
Prof. Shivanandam Nishant Kanwar (08PG318)
Khoma (08PG356)
About ISO 14000
• ISO 14000 was developed by Technical committee
• Launched in 1996
• Implemented in 132 countries
• It is a general guidelines (not industry Specific)
which talks about what specification a
environment management system must meet
• It can be implemented by small scale industries,
Non profit organization, MNC`s.
ISO 14000 for organization
• It helps industries to take a systematic approach
for identifying the environmental impact of their
– Setting environmental objectives and targets
– Impact of the organization process on
– What an organization has to do to reduce the
impact on environment
Benefits of Implementing ISO 14000
• Less pollution
• Reduced cost due to waste management
• Savings in consumption of resources, Energy and
raw materials
• Lower distribution cost
• Continual improvement of environmental
• Improved corporate image among
– Customers
– Regulators
– Public
Contd ….
ISO 14001 Process
Ø Contact Consultancy
• Registration requirements
• Apply for the certification
• Training
• Documentation requirements
Ø Develop environment policy
• Through management & cross functional team
• Align with organizational mission
Ø Planning
• Develop objectives & standards
• Form teams
• Develop EMS( Environment Management
System)-Major responsibility of quality
assurance department
• Design relevant procedures and activities.
• Analyze the Environment
Ø Implementation
• Train employees
• Make awareness about EMS
Ø Checking and corrective action
• Renewal audits
• Raise NCR ( Non Conformity Report)
• Take corrective actions
Ø Management Review
• When achieve one target, at once it is required
to set another target
• If something goes wrong , modifications to be
Ø Continuous improvements
ISO and Consumers
Ø Consumer representatives participate in the
development of ISO standards
• At the policy level through ISO member
participation in its Committee on consumer
policy (ISO/COPOLCO)
• In standards development work, through the
participation of its national members and
Consumers International
Ø Win-win situation (Consumer &
manufacturer or service provider)
Ø ISO support consumer’s expectation of
safety, health hazards and environmental
ISO and Consumers
Ø Consumer representatives participate in the
development of ISO standards
• At the policy level through ISO member
participation in its Committee on consumer
policy (ISO/COPOLCO)
• In standards development work, through the
participation of its national members and
Consumers International
Ø Win-win situation (Consumer &
manufacturer or service provider)
Ø ISO support consumer’s expectation of
safety, health hazards and environmental
Some ISO 14000 companies
Ø10,000 companies worldwide
ØFORD (first automotive company to certify all of its facilities
worldwide to the standard.)
ØIntegral Coach Factory (Ministry of Railways)
LIMITED (India's largest Paper Mill at a single location )
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