Share Khan

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Introduction of Company
Products and Services Retail Format BCG Matrix Achievements

Name: Sharekhan Company Limited Punch line: Your Guide To The Financial Jungle working under SSKI (S. S. Kantilal Ishwarlal) Ltd. SSKI was founded in 1922.

Share khan is one of the leading retail brokerage firms in the country. It is the retail broking arm of the Mumbai-based SSKI [SHRIPAL SHEWANTILAL KANTILAL ISWARNATH LIMITED]. Share khan Ltd. is a brokerage firm which is established on 8th February 2000. It has one of the largest networks in the country with 1200+ share shops in 400 cities.


Share khan provide main two different accounts:
Classic account Trade Tiger

Name Of The Trader

An Investment Form through Which Trading Can Be Done

Trader Name


Sharekhan Ltd- Non Store Retail

Non-store Retailing
The selling of goods and services without establishing a physical store is known as NonStore Retailing. It includes such services as vending machines, direct-to-home selling, telemarketing, catalog sales, mail order, and television marketing programs.

Types of Non Store Retail Format

Direct selling, Tele marketing, Online retailing, Automatic vending, Direct marketing, and Electronics retailing.

Online Retailing
When a firm uses its website to offer products for sale and then individuals or organizations use their computers to make purchases from this company, the parties have engaged in electronic transactions (also called online selling or internet marketing). Thus online retailing is on which consists of electronic transactions in which the purchaser is an ultimate consumer.

Advantages of Non Store Retailing

Its freedom from a physical retail presence. The high fixed costs of operating retail outlets are eliminated. The breadth of customer coverage is considerably wider than is possible with an individual retail location. Companies do not have to spend large sums or dilute stock building new locations, or acquiring them. This truly gives the non-store retailer a global market from a cheap, centralized location.


Online Share Trading Business at its Growth stage. This market is now at growth stage. Additional players have come up. There are few major players. 1. 2. 3. India Bulls

A wired companies along with Reliance, Hll, Infosys,
etc by Business Today, January 2004 edition. It was awarded Top Domestic Brokerage House four times by Euro and Asia money. It was Winner of Best Financial Website award. Indias most preferred brokers within 5 years. Awaaz customers Award 2005.

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