Francis Galton: An Investigation Into The Scientific Endeavors of Francis Galton

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An investigation into the scientific endeavors of Francis Galton

Francis Galtons Concepts and Theories

The Questionnaire Mental imagery Regression to the Mean Eugenics Nature vs. Nurture

The Questionnaire

Type of survey Rules for construction Creates standardized distribution of data and questions

are easily quantifiable

Mental Imagery

Mental image an individual is left with after viewing and object

Often compared to Tabula rasa (blank slate)

Varies in size, color, shape, vividness, definition (across populations) Only similarity was where the mental imagery was presented within the mind of the individual

Associated with the nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate

Corresponding to Reality Others included: eyes, forehead, eye lids, etc.

Regression to the Mean

Extreme scores in a distribution, if rescored, will tend to move towards the central point of the distribution

regress towards what the average is.

If an individual takes a test and scores well; if they take the test again, chance is that they will have the tendency to have a score closer to the mean


Galton was a pioneer of eugenics Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding in humans

Founded on the basic ideas supported by the theory of evolution Abuses the idea of evolution as natural selection over time to selective breeding

doesnt work exactly like this

Nature vs. Nurture

Galton coined the term nature versus nurture


the differences an individual can be attributed to either genetics or environment



the questionnaire Discovered the concept regression to the mean Described the mental imagery functions of the human memory Was a pioneer of eugenics


Galton, Francis (1879). Inquiries into Human Faculty: Psychometric Experiments. American Imago. Special Issue: The Growth of the Unconscious, 1750-1900. Vol 61(3), Fal 2004, pp. 365-378 Galton, Francis (1953 Reprint). Psychometric facts. Bulletin of the Isaac Ray Medical Library. pp. 98-111 Galton (1880), Statistics of mental imagery, Mind. Munger, Margaret P. (2003). The history of psychology: Fundamental questions. (pp. 232-247). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. xi, 514 pp.

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