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A Presentation on Process Flow of Law Books Management Board, Nepal

Prepared by: Biraj Aryal

Table of content:
Why do we select Law Books Management Board? Introduction of LBMB, Interaction with CEO, Process flow model , For illustration: Sunitas Case, Interaction with clients, Rational Model of Decision making to solve the problems

in LBMB, Conclusion of Process Flow Diagram, At last. only one legally authorized organization to translate & verify the document issued by Nepal government provincials.

..majority of us, must visit this organization who are willing to study, visit, employee, or for else purpose at foreign land.

..per day approximately min. 200 max 700 client get service from LBMB.

Introduction of Law Book Management Board

Established on 2021B.S, Under Nepal government (sFg"g

tyF GoFo dGqFno),


one organization deals with translation of government certificates, Usually translate the certificate of Citizenship, Marriage, Birth, Death, Religion transfer, Property valuation, etc, Translation of Certificates from Nepali to English standard.

Interaction with CEO

CEO: Mr. Toyanath Adhikari

Group Members

Knowing each other , Purpose of our project is presented with CEO, Overall discussion about the Law Book Management Board Interaction period was approximately 2 hours

Listening our queries

Showing flow of client & staff

Illustrating with a client

Group members noting his views

Process flow model

Register room

Flow of Staff Flow of client

Help desk

Type Section

Distribute & forward staff sec.

Initial Check Genuine are forward

Account sec.

Fake are return

Translated document Check & verify section Final Check Nontranslated document

For illustration: Sunitas Case

DAY 1st : Sunita Sapkota : came from Palungtar-7, Gorkha to translate the Citizenship at

25 Jeshta, 2069.
At first, she counseled with staff member of help desk (ie. In room no. 1) and get

the information required. Then, she purchased a application form costing Rs. 5 and filled it thoroughly.
Along with the filled application, she attached the photocopy of original

citizenship and submitted it to register section ( ie. in room no 2.)

After preliminary check of submitted document, staff of register room request

her to bring the pay slip. Pay slip verify that customer paid the process charge, for normal process- it cost Rs. 150 & for emergency process it cost Rs. 300. cont

Cont of -Sunitas Case

Then, she visited the account section ( ie. In room no. 3) and paid the

charge amount for normal process. She return back the room no. 2, that is in register section to submit the pay slip.
After submitting the pay slip, her document were accepted for translation

purpose. Then, register staff request her to collect the translated document at 27 jestha, 2069 after 2.00pm with providing her a photocopy of register slip number.
Staff member of register room collect registered document and store it in

particular file.
Staff of distribute & forward section (ie. in room no.7) collect, accumulate,

and classify the registered document as per their nature and importance and forward it to type section (ie. In room no 8,9) at end of day.

Cont of -Sunitas Case

DAY 2nd : Type section (ie. In room no 8&9) contains 8 typewriters, whose job is to

type the document forward by distribution section.

All the typed document are forwarded to the check and verify section ( ie.

In room no.10 & 11), contains 4 to 5 authorized officer to examine the typed ie. translated document. After verifying, translated document are signed and stamped by authorized officers.
DAY 3rd : Translate document are supplied to register room( ie. In room no 2), and

document are stamped with dispatch number and return it back to respective customer (normally this process start after 2.00pm).
Sunita Sapkota: received her document at 27th jestha.

For illustration: Sunita Sapkotas Case

1 Help desk 2 Register room

Flow of staff Flow of Client

Initial Chec k Genuine are forwarded

7 Distribute & forward staff sec.

4 Accou nt sec Translated document

Fake are retur n

8&9 Type Section

10,11 Verify officer room

Final Chec k

Nontranslated document

Interaction with other customers

Divaya Sen: She came from Jagat Bhanjyang-7, Syangja to verify

the relationship. In her own sentences.. I need to stay at hotel or relatives room because complete translation require 3days, it brings more expenses for me- why couldnt they serve with in 1 days. Mustu Fa Joshi: came form Arnaha-4, Saptari to verify marriage certificate. He says. no parking area, blazing sun, not available of drinking water this organization have no concern about our health. Satyananda Jha: came form Madar-5, Shiraha to translate birth certificate. He is willing to pay double charge for service but seeking for quick service. Chandra Bdr. Magar: came from Hela-6, Baglung to verify the relationship. He is also seeking for quick and convenient service.

Rational Model of Decision making to solve the problems in LBMB

Law Book Management Board (LBMB) has some inherent weakness resulting form its work process design and layout, which spawn acute problems while delivering services to customer. Following figure illustrate the decision making process which might cure the apparent problems on LBMB.
Identification of problem Identification of Decision criteria Allocation of weight to criteria

Selection of an Alternative

Analysis of Alternatives

Developments of Alternatives

Implementation of the Alternative

Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness

Step 1: Identification of Problem

Limited number of staffs

Excessive flow of customer

Lack of space for work process, queuing & parking

Existing work flow process become inadequate

Step 2: Identification of Decision Criteria

Appropriate criteria might be:
Organizational: strategic priorities of organization.

Economic: expected cost & projected payoff.

Technical: is the suggested work process flow capable

of meeting standard time schedule i.e. how fast, reliable and efficiently it deliver service.
Operational: willingness and ability of the management,

employees, customer and other operate, use, and support a proposed process flow.

Step 3: Allocation of weight to criteria

Criteria selected in step two are not equally important. According to their relative importance they need to be weighted.
Criteria 1. Performance 2. Efficiency & timing 3. Number of staff required 4. Expected cost Weight 10 9 7 6 In this Performance Criteria has received the highest importance. (scale of 1 to 10)

5. Technical competency
6. Projected payoff


Step 4: Development of Alternatives

The main aim of developing alternative solution is to have the

best possible decision out of the available alternative courses of action. The possible alternatives might be:
S.N. Alternatives

2. 3. 4.

Switch to complete computer based process flow.

Integration of computer system with existing process flow. Split existing process flow into two ie. Normal process flow and Emergency based process flow. Shift to new organization building with new work process methodology.

Step 5: Analysis of Alternatives

Analysis and evaluation involves assessing all possible alternatives in terms of predetermined decision criteria. Evaluation process usually includes: Describing the anticipated outcome of each alternatives, Evaluating the anticipated costs of each alternative, and Estimating the uncertainties and risks associated with each alternative Beside the above mention- economic, operational and technical feasibility of each alternative is assessed.

Step 6: Selection of an Alternative

After developing alternative, the decision maker has to choose best alternative.
Alternatives Perfor- Efficien Requir mance -cy & -e no (10) time (9) of staff (7) 9 =81 8 =72 4 =28 7 =49 Expect Technic Expect ed cost al ed (6) compet payoff ency (5) (6) 10 =60 8 =48 9 =54 7 =42 8 =40 7 =35 Total ( out of 600 = 10*10*6)

Switch to 9 computer based =90 process flow Integration of computer system with existing P.F. Divide into Normal & emergency P.F. 7 =70



6 =60

6 =54

10 =70

5 =30

8 =48

6 =30


In LBMB case, switch to new computer based process flow is best Shift alternative to new 8 9 among 10 6 7 course 7 of action four alternative.
building =80 =63 =63 =60 =36 =35


Step 7: Implementation of the Alternative

Implementation of selected alternative involves:
Accumulation and allocation of resources, Delegation of authority and responsibility,

Success of implementation depends upon leadership style,

reward structure, communication system and group dynamics.

Step 8: Evaluation of Decision Effectivenss

The reasons for evaluation are: If the decision is good one, one will know what to do if faced with the similar problem again. If the decision is bad one, one will know what not to do the next time If the decision is bad and one follows up soon enough corrective action may still be possible.

Conclusion of Process Flow Diagram

Process Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of

the logical flow of an activity or function performed for a specific business reason. It shows the overall business process as just one process.
A set of PFDs provides a logical model that shows what

the system does and also shows how it does it.

Notably, in Law Book Management Board we used

process flow diagram to represent what the LBMB does for its customer and in which way it deliver service.

At last, brief view of overall activities and group meeting that we conduct to accomplish LBMBs process flow project:
At Jestha 22, 2069 project was assigned to us-

Date group Meeting



1st Meeting: Discussion: about project, treasures job?22nd Jestha, (assigned to Anil), group fund (established 069 worth of Rs.500). 2nd Meeting: 24th Jestha, 3rd Meeting: 27th Jestha, 4thMeeting: 28th Jestha, 5th Meeting: 29th Jestha, Discussion: about Process Flow Diagram, possible organization to conduct project, Discussion: about suitability of possible organization, LBMB was selected to conduct project. We decided to visit LBMB at 29th Jestha, after completion of classes. We Visited the LBMB and members were assigned to complete their respective task till st Ashad.

6th Meeting: We assembled the completed slide. 1st Ashad,

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