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Manage End User Website

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Section Purpose
To provide administrators with the skills and knowledge to manage and modify the end user website that is automatically created with uPerform

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Section Objectives
Upon completion of this section, you should be able to:

Create the end user website folder structure and assign context Publish content to the website Customize the end user website

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Key Terms
Website context

Publish content

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Administrator Process Flow

uPerform Servers ready & Project identified

Set Up Project

Create/Edit Template

Create Project

Assign Template to Project

Create Document Library

Create Users & Assign to Groups

Manage Project

Edit Project Properties

Create Workflow Group

Manage Glossary

Manage Website

Create Website Folders and Assign Context

Publish Content to Website

Customize Enduser Website

We bring people and technology together


Where you are?

uPerform Servers ready & Project identified

Set Up Project

Create/Edit Template

Create Project

Assign Template to Project

Create Document Library

Create Users & Assign to Groups

Manage Project

Edit Project Properties

Create Workflow Group

Manage Glossary

Manage Website

Create Website Folders and Assign Context

Publish Content to Website

Customize Enduser Website

We bring people and technology together


Website Folders
Behave in similar ways as document library folders

A logical grouping of content used by end users to access performance support materials created for their benefit Allow the project administrator to establish a meaningful folder hierarchy for the end user website
Provide a logical navigational structure for the end user website

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Website Folder Actions

Project administrators must establish a hierarchical folder structure for the end user website Website navigational folder structure can be:

As complex or as simple as required Modified at any time by the project administrator

Some actions that a project administrator can perform to the website folders are:

View or edit folder properties Add or delete website folders

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Creating Website Folders

Choose easily recognizable folder names

Ensure website navigational structure is

Logical from an end users perspective Easily navigated Not too deep

Information should be easily accessible

Pertinent to the audience

We bring people and technology together


Website Context
The path the end user takes to view a final document on the end user website

Location of the specific link to a uPerform-generated document, simulation, or eLearning course or a managed document

Must be assigned to either the website folder or individual documents within the folder to make them accessible by the end user on the end user website

We bring people and technology together


Linking Content on Website

Make sure documents are linked to all places on the website to which they are applicable Check to make sure items are intuitive


Folder names Document titles Where items reside



We bring people and technology together


Where are you?

uPerform Servers ready & Project identified

Set Up Project

Create/Edit Template

Create Project

Assign Template to Project

Create Document Library

Create Users & Assign to Groups

Manage Project

Edit Project Properties

Create Workflow Group

Manage Glossary

Manage Website

Create Website Folders and Assign Context

Publish Content to Website

Customize Enduser Website

We bring people and technology together


uPerform Publishing
Last step of the review process before content is made available to the end user

Process of converting a single uPerform document, simulation, or eLearning course into a specific type and format for the end user

Formats supported by uPerform are PDF, XHTML, and Flash Types of content you can publish are:

Work instructions Cue cards Exercises Quick reference (step, flow) BPP (business process procedures) Simulations eLearning courses

We bring people and technology together


Publishing to Website
Can be scheduled to run in the background during off hours by the system or web administrator Best to limit control of publishing to one or two publishing administrators Publishing administrators should ensure

Materials are published to correct website folder

Materials are complete and have published correctly Content is published in a timely fashion Materials are accessible to applicable end users in your organization
Publishing Admin

We bring people and technology together


Create website folders

Assign website context

We bring people and technology together


Create website folders

Assign website context

We bring people and technology together


Where are you?

uPerform Servers ready & Project identified

Set Up Project

Create/Edit Template

Create Project

Assign Template to Project

Create Document Library

Create Users & Assign to Groups

Manage Project

Edit Project Properties

Create Workflow Group

Manage Glossary

Manage Website

Create Website Folders and Assign Context

Publish Content to Website

Customize Enduser Website

We bring people and technology together


Customize End User Website

uPerform comes with one default website folder that can be copied and modified as needed. Three groups of modifications include:

Images Styles Customizable XSL

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Customization Best Practices

Work with a copy of the website folder

Use existing image file names

Font and font size are modified via CSS files

Preview the website prior to applying changes to the production environment

While previewing, clear your browser cache frequently to display current changes

We bring people and technology together


Customize end user website

Preview and activate website customizations

We bring people and technology together


Knowledge Check
What are the three main tasks that are a part of the manage the end user website process flow?

Create the website folders and assign context Publish content to the website

Customize the end user website

We bring people and technology together


Knowledge Check
List the possible published content formats and types.

Formats: PDF, XHTML, and Flash

Types of content:

Work instructions Cue cards

Quick references (step, flow) BPPs (business process procedures) Simulations

eLearning courses

We bring people and technology together


Knowledge Check
True or False

Context is assigned only at the folder level on the end user website.


A document, simulation, and/or course can appear in several places on the end user website.


We bring people and technology together


Learning Review
You should now be able to:

Create the end user website folder structure and assign context
Publish content to website Customize the end user website

We bring people and technology together


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