Chemical Reactions and Equations

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Chemical Reactions And Equations

Prepared By-:

Tanishq Varshney
10th A

What is a Chemical Reaction?

A chemical reaction occurs when one or more chemicals react to become different chemicals. A chemical reaction is characterized by the rearrangement of atoms from the reactant side of the equation to the product side.
E.g. Hydrogen gas burns in oxygen to make water: 2H2 + O2 ---> 2H2O
{Reactants} {Product}

Types of Chemical Reactions

Combination Reactions

Decomposition Reactions

Displacement Reactions

Double Displacement Reactions

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Combination Reactions
Those reactions in which two or more substances combine to form a single substances, are called combination reactions. In a combination reaction, two or more elements can combine to form a compound; or an element and a compound can combine to form a new compound. E.g.

Decomposition Reactions
Those reactions in which a compound splits up into two or more simpler substances are known as decomposition reactions. A decomposition reaction is just the opposite of a combination reaction. When a decomposition reaction is carried out by heating, it is called thermal composition and those carried out by using light energy are called photolytic decomposition reactions.

Thermal decomposition



CaO + CO2

Photolytic decomposition



2Ag(s) + Br2

Displacement Reactions
Those reactions in which one element takes the place of another element in a compound, are known as displacement reactions. In general, a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its salt. E.g. CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s)

Double Displacement Reactions

Those reactions in which two compounds react by an exchange of ions to form two new compounds are called double displacement reactions. A double displacement reaction usually occurs in solution and one of the products, being insoluble, precipitates out.

E.g. Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI PbI2 + 2KNO3 BaCl2 + Na2SO4 BaSO4 + 2NaCl

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

The addition of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen from a substance is called oxidation. The addition of hydrogen or the removal of oxygen from a substance is called reduction. The oxidation and reduction reactions are also called redox reactions. For e.g.
Removal of oxygen: Reduction

CuO + H2


Cu + H2O

Addition of oxygen: Oxidation

What is a Chemical Equation?

The method of representing a chemical reaction with the help of symbols and formulae of the substances involved in it is known as a chemical equation. E.g.

Types of Chemical Equations

Balanced Chemical Equations
Unbalanced Chemical Equations

A balanced chemical equation has an equal number of atoms of different

Zn + H2SO4ZnSO4 + H2

elements in the reactants and products.

An unbalanced chemical equation has an unequal number of atoms of one or more elements in the reactants and products.

H2 + O2H2O

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