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E-CHANET: Routing, forwarding and transport in Information-Centric multihop wireless networks

Seminar guide: Ms.Niharika Kumar Assistant Professor Dept. of ISE RNSIT

Shweta Babu Prasad M.Tech [CNE] 2nd sem 1RN12SCN15

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT

Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a promising architecture for the future Internet that focuses on content rather than IP addresses. By leveraging named-data instead of named-hosts, ICN does not need the set up and maintenance of stable paths between end-nodes. This makes ICN particularly convenient in networks characterized by intermittent connectivity and hostile propagation conditions, such as wire- less multihop networks like ad hoc and mesh networks. In this paper, an information-centric architecture for IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc networks presented, named E-CHANET, which performs routing, forwarding and reliable transport functions, specically tailored to cope with the limitations and requirements of wireless distributed environments. E-CHANET performance is evaluated through simulations and a comparison with the legacy TCP/IP architecture and the basic CCN model is provided. Achieved results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution in mobile wireless environments.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction Background and motivations E-CHANET overview E-CHANET routing and forwarding Mobility handler E-CHANET transport Performance and evaluation Discussion and conclusions References
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Current usage of Internet Networking paradigm of the traditional Internet Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Content-Centric Networking (CCN) How to extend CCN model to wireless environments?

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT

The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

E-CHANET (Enhanced-Content-centric multiHop wireless NETwork) as a general framework that supports content-centric networking in multihop wireless ad hoc environments with low node mobility. The nodes architecture, packet types, Routing and Forwarding operations are specied for IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks. A new content-centric transport function specically tailored to guarantee reliable data transfer and Interest rate control in wireless distributed environments is designed. The proposed solution is implemented in the Network Simulator-2 (ns-2) and a simulation study is presented that compares E-CHANET with the legacy IP-based approach and the CCN model based on network performance and energy efciency metrics.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


The CCN forwarding fabric
The CCN architectural model provides a general framework for content discovery and delivery that can be customized depending on application scenarios and network constraints. CCN relies on a simple Interest-Data exchange driven by the consumers and assumes that each node manages three data structures: (i) the Content Store (CS) that caches incoming Data packets, (ii) the Pending Interest Table (PIT) that keeps track of the forwarded Interest packets, and (iii) the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) used to relay Interests towards content source(s).
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The CCN Strategy Layer (in the hourglass model of the CCN architecture) is responsible for the ultimate forwarding decisions and manages the Interest transmission (and retransmission) on a particular interface(s) depending on several criteria, e.g., relative priority of Interests, retransmission timeout, etc.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT

CCN in wireless environments

By using location-independent named contents in a connection-less mode and by exploiting in-network data storage, CCN naturally supports asynchronous data exchange between communication end-points. Another positive aspect of deploying CCN in wireless networks is related to the possibility of exploiting the broadcast nature of the radio channel. CCN is implemented on a large scale tactical/emergency mobile ad hoc network (MANET) and provides content addressing, caching, search and delivery of topic-based and spatial/temporal contents. In order to cope with the disruptive mobile environment, the authors propose two improvements over the basic CCN forwarding fabric: (i) Interest aggregation(ii) packet collision avoidance based on two additional control packets, Reply and Request. In this paper, the authors capitalize on the previous proposal and design a CCN-based architecture, called E-CHANET, for distributed wireless environments characterized by slow mobility (e.g., pedestrian). ECHANET implements routing, forwarding, and transport functions on top of the IEEE 802.11 wireless access.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT

E-CHANET Objectives E-CHANET targets the following main challenging issues: 1. Coping with channel unreliability 2. Coping with dynamic network topologies 3. Broadcast storm mitigation 4. Reliability 5. Interest rate control 6. Energy efficiency

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Naming assumptions
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed without loss of generality that each content is split into packets, each one is uniquely identified by a Content Packet Identifier (PID) that is used by applications to retrieve it. The whole content is identified by a name called Content Identifier (CID) that is the common prefix of each packet name; e.g., a video with CID /unirc/prom2011 is com-posed of N packets named as /unirc/prom2011/p1, /unirc/prom2011/ p2, . . . , unirc/prom2011/pN.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Basic forwarding
Disadvantages of using Interest broadcast transmissions, the CCN forwarding scheme The E-CHANET Routing and Forwarding Function and the Mobility Handler have a twofold purpose
1. they aim at reducing the number of nodes taking part in the forwarding process 2. they aim at taking advantages from the content sharing by multiple nodes provided by CCN, and at coping with nodes mobility

In E-CHANET, each packet is forwarded by considering a counter-based suppression mechanism Both Data and Interest transmissions are delayed by, respectively, Tdata and Tinterest defer times that are randomly chosen in disjoint intervals, with Tinterest > Tdata
M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT 12

Packets and data structures

E-CHANET exploits lightweight path-state information carried in Interest and Data packets, and stored in an additional data structure kept by nodes.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Each E-CHANET node is provided with the same data structures foreseen by the CCN model: FIB, PIT and CS, but it also maintains a new data structure, specific for each 802.11 interface, called Content Provider Table (CPT). It stores information about the discovered provider(s) (i.e., the provider nodeID, the hop distance to it and the measured RTT) in order to support the Interest forwarding decision. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that each wireless node has a unique IEEE 802.11 interface and the FIB is not considered in the forwarding decision. The FIB can be normally used to select the outgoing interface(s)

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT



Interest controlled flooding
A consumer Ci starts the retrieval process by broadcasting an Interest Each receiving node RB first checks the Nonce and Hop Count fields to verify that the packet is not duplicated nor expired If the Interest is still valid, RB looks at its CS If a matching Interest is not found, then R B inserts a new entry in the PIT that temporarily includes the requested packet name, the distance to the consumer, If an Interest matching is found in the PIT, R B discards the Interest and only checks if the PIT needs to be updated. Specifically, it compares the Hop Count field with the distance value stored in the related PIT entry. If the new values is different then the previous one, then it updates the PIT entry by including the new distance to the consumer. M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT 15

Data forwarding
Provider P only replies to the first Interest by sending the correspondent Data that carries its identifier, ProvID and its expected distance to the consumer, DC Each node RC receiving a Data packet checks if it maintains a related PIT entry and checks if it satisfies the relation

If so, RC realizes it is closer to the consumer than the previous sending node and, therefore, it can take part in the Data forwarding process. It updates the distance field in the Data with its own distance value and adds a new entry (or updates the entry if it exists) in the CPT with information about ProvID, the owned CID, and its hop distance to the provider. If above relation is not satisfied, or the related PIT entry simply does not exist, the Data is discarded.
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Interest forwarding

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Algorithm 1. Interest processing

1:if (Interest is expired or Interest is duplicated) then 2: Discard the Interest 3:else if (matching in CS) then 4:if (sProvID==NULL) then 5:Listen and wait for Tdata 6:if (The same Data is detected) then 7:Cancel the Data transmission 8:else 9:Send the Data 10:else if (sProvID==my nodeID) then 11:Send the Data 12:else 13:Try the Provider-driven handover 14:else if (matching in PIT) then 15:Update the PIT entry and discard the Interest 16:else 17:if (sProvID!=NULL) then 18:if (matching in CPT) then 19:Insert a new PIT entry 20:Listen and wait for Tinterest 21:if (the same Interest or Data is detected) then 22:Cancel the PIT entry and discard the Interest 23:else 24:Update Hop Count and broadcast the Interest 25:else 26:Discard the Interest 27:else 28:Insert a new PIT entry 29:if (matching in CPT) then 30:Fill in sProvID and Dp 31:Listen and wait for Tinterest 32:if (the same Interest or Data is detected) then 33:Cancel the PIT entry and discard the Interest 34:else 35:Update Hop Count and broadcast the Interest 36:return

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


E-CHANET implements two strategies that limit service disruption and reduce the download completion time: Consumer-driven handover and Provider-driven handover. 1. Consumer-driven handover. Due to packet caching, hidden

terminals and node mobility, several copies of Data might arrive to the consumer Ci from different nodes. Hence, at each Data reception, Ci updates the CPT with two information about the discovered providers that are helpful for provider selection: i) the hop distance and ii) the RTT. If the selected provider becomes unreachable (i.e., it does not reply to Interests for a given number of attempts, ) ,the consumer selects a new provider from the CPT by considering the hop distance and the RTT as decision parameters. If no other provider is available, then the consumer issues a new Interest with provider parameters set to null. The CPT entries are finally timed out if not updated in a reasonable time interval.
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2. Provider-driven handover. At the reception of a valid Interest, each node RA looks for a matching in the CS, even if it is not the selected provider. If a matching is found and RA is closer to Ci than the advertised provider, then it starts to act itself as a new provider and replies with the Data packet. If RA replies to Interests for CsProv times, finally Ci elects RA as the new selected provider. This strategy is useful to discover new providers during data delivery and to fast recover packets lost in the path between the consumer and the selected provider. In fact, in case of an Interest retransmis-sion, an intermediate node in the path between the consumer and the selected provider that has cached the Data, can quickly answer.

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Reliability and Interest retransmission
A consumer C associates a timer to each transmitted Interest: if it does not receive the requested Data packet within a given retransmission timeout (RTO), it retransmits the same Interest. The dynamic RTO computation follows the same rules used by TCP. Specifically, node C updates the average Round-Trip Time, at the Data reception, by using the well-known Expo-nential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) formulation: Then, the RTO for the ith Interest packet is computed by estimating the mean and the variance of the measured RTT values: RTOi = +f*

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Interest rate control function

Local congestion measurements. Each E-CHANET node is equipped with a Resource Estimator module that is responsible to evaluate the Average Sustainable Transmission Rate of the node itself. The value is computed by considering the Average Data Queuing Delay experienced by packets traversing the node At the transmission of the ith Data packet, is updated as follows: The Average Sustainable Transmission Rate of the node is then ex-pressed as: [packets/s]

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


Global congestion measurements. In order to measure the network load conditions, E-CHANET introduces the concept of Inter Data Gap (IDG) as the time interval between sequentially received Data packets. Consider a set of Data arrival events a n at time tn, where n= 1; . . . N; a1 is the most recent arrival and aN is the oldest one. Refer s1 as the time elapsed between the two most recent arrival times, s1 = t1 - t2, and generalizing, sn = tn tn+1. Also consider s0 as the time interval between the instant in which the most recent Data arrives and the instant in which the estimation is performed: s0 = Current Time - t1. Therefore, the Average Inter Data Gap, is computed as:

M.Tech [CNE] Dept. of ISE RNSIT


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