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Beer and Wine

Ingredients used in beer and wine production Microbe involved in beer and wine production How fermentation is used in the process?

Beer Production

What is beer?
centurys old process of converting sugared water to fermented liquid beer was a necessity in ancient times poor water quality social and medical contributions

Essential Ingredients of Beer

BARLEY the body & soul of beer YEAST the life of beer HOPS the spice of beer WATER the integrity & purity of beer

Not required, but frequently found ingredient

ADJUNCTS Additive grains like rice or corn, fruit or spices

Microbes involved in the Production of Beer

Yeast is an important microorganism used in beer production. There are two categories of yeast used :
Ale Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) : Lager Yeast (Saccharomyces uvarum) :

What is an Ale?
ale is synonymous for beer top fermenting yeasts ferment at higher temperatures characterized by more-fruity flavors & aromas with a malty, full bodied flavor

What is a Lager?
lager means to store bottom fermenting yeasts ferment at lower temperatures characterized by a crisp-tasting, lighter body and less-fruity aroma rounded, smooth beer

Processes of Beer Production

Processes of Beer Production

Steeping- grains are soaked in a vat for approximately 40 hours. Germination- grains are spread on the floor and allowed to form rootlets. At the end of germination process the starch has become soft and he enzymes have not started converting the starch into sugar yet and as a result Green malt is formed.

Processes of Beer Production

Kilning - The grains are dried over hot air in a kiln. The higher the kiln temperature the more malt sugar is converted into caramel. Milling/mashing- milling is the cracking of the grain. It allows the grain to absorb the water it will eventually be mixed to extract sugars from the malt.

Processes of Beer Production

Lautering- the liquid containing the sugar extracted during mashing is now separated from the grains. It is then generally termed as wort.


Processes of Beer Production

Brewing- during the boil, certain types of hops are added either for bitterness, aroma and preservation. Cooling- the wort is quickly transferred from the brew kettle through a device to filter out the hops and into a exchanger to be cooled.

Processes of Beer Production

Fermentation- at this stage one of the yeast types is selected to add to the fermentation chamber. The yeast consumes the sugar in the wort and turns it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, process also known as fermentation. After this process the wort finally becomes beer.
Ale Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) temperatures (59 77 F) (150 -200C) Top-fermenting yeast Lager Yeast (Saccharomyces uvarum) temperatures (410-50 F ) (50-100C) Bottom-fermenting yeast

Processes of Beer Production

Maturation- in this process the brewed beer is improved through maturation. Finishing- is the last step in the brewing process. The beer is filtered and carbonated. Bottling- The beer from a holding tank is bottled, canned or put into kegs.

What is Wine?

What is Wine?
To Serve with Knowledge & Pour with Skill copyright 2002 The Wine Society of Texas all rights reserved

Wine - The Definition

What is wine? Wine is the fermented juice of any fruit or vegetable. You can make wine from almost any organic substance that contains sugar and water typically found in fruits and vegetables. Five basic types of wine are: Red Wine White Wine Rose Wine Sparkling Wine - carbonated Fortified Wine - high alcohol content

Essential Ingredients of Wine

Grapes Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus) Water

Why grapes?
Wine from grapes possesses a good combination of balance qualities specifically for wine sweetness acidity alcohol content yeast also naturally occurs on grapes but winemakers tend to use developed strains of yeast today

Wine production
There are several steps involve in making wine today so that the end product in most cases is either red wine or white wine, and these steps are: Harvesting Crushing Pressing Fermentation Clarification Aging Bottling

The grapes can be harvested pickers. Manually picked grapes are typically higher quality. It is important to wait until the grapes reach the proper maturity for the varietal of grape & style of wine being made. As the grapes ripen, the sugar level increases and the acidity decreases manually or by mechanical

Manual picking

Mechanical picking

Crushing and destemming

The goal here is to remove as many of the stems as possible (at least 90%), and make sure that all of the berries have been sufficiently split open to allow the yeast to get in and work their magic. Sulphur dioxide (5 - 10% solution of metabisulphite) is usually added to the grape bunches as they are fed into the crusher/destemmer. This inhibits the growth of wild microorganisms and prevents oxidative browning of the juice (kills undesirable yeast and bacteria).

This is the separation of the seed and skin from the fermented juice in order to obtain the juice that is trapped within it.

Small Bladder Press

Large Rotary Press

This stage is begun by inoculating the juice with the chosen wine yeast. This yeast catalyzes a series of reactions that result in the conversion of glucose and fructose to ethanol: C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 This process usually takes 2-20 days. Red wine 250 to 32oC White wine 80 to 19oC

Clarification and Aging

This involves various steps such as filtration, that removes the remaining suspended particles producing a clearer or sparkling wine.

This is the placement of wine into wooden (oak) barrels for a period of time in order for them to gain taste and colour.

Wine from the various aging barrels are placed into glass bottles for distribution. Most wine is consumed within three years of bottling. But some fine wines gain added flavor and bouquet with time in the bottle if it is stored at 50 to 60 F. But, humidity is also important so that the corks do not dry out, which spoils the wine.

So what will it be this Friday night ?

Beer or Wine

U Decide!


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