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Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs.

A group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective.
All teams are groups but not all groups are teams. Teams often are difficult to form. It takes time for members to learn how to work together.

Type of Team
Top-management team Research and development team Command groups A group composed of the CEO, the president, and the heads of the most important departments A team whose members have the expertise and experience needed to develop new products A group composed of subordinates who report to the same supervisor, also called a department or unit, A committee of managers or nonmanagerial employees from various departments or divisions who meet to solve a specific, mutual problem; also called an ad hoc committee

Task forces

Type of Team
Self-managed work team Virtual team A group of employees who supervise their own activities and monitor the quality of the goods and services they p A team whose members rarely or never meet face to face and interact by using various forms of information technology such as email, computer networks, telephone, fax and video conferences.

Keys to effective self managed teams:

Give the team enough responsibility and autonomy to be selfmanaging. The teams task should be complex enough to include many different steps. Select members carefully for their diversity, skills, and enthusiasm.

Managers should guide and coach, not supervise.

Determine training needs and be sure it is provided.

A team whose members rarely meet face-to-face Interact by using various forms of information technology Email, computer networks, telephone, fax, and videoconferences

Initial orientation and Interpersonal testing

Conflict over task and ways of working as a team

Consolidation around task and operating agendas

Teamwork and focused task performance

Task accomplishment and eventful disengagement

Personality conflicts. Individual differences in work styles. Ambiguous agendas. Ill-defined problems. Poor readiness to work.
Lack of motivation. Conflicts with other deadlines or priorities. Lack of team organization or progress. Meetings that lack purpose or structure. Members coming to meetings unprepared.

People arrive late, leave early, and dont take things seriously. The meeting is too long. People dont stay on topic. The discussion lacks candor. The right information isnt available, so decisions are postponed. No one puts decisions into action. The same mistakes are made meeting after meeting.


The creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

A team uses its membership resources to the fullest and thereby achieves through collective action far more than could be achieved otherwise.

More resources for problem solving. Improved creativity and innovation. Improved quality of decision making. Greater commitments to tasks. Higher motivation through collective action. Better control and work discipline. More individual need satisfaction.


Team Process






Non accomplishment of goals. Cautious, guarded communication. Lack of disagreement. Malfunctioning meetings. Conflict within the team.

Have clear mission/purpose. Set specific performance goals. Compose the right team size and mix. Have an agreed-upon structure appropriate to the task. Delegate the authority to make the decisions needed, given their mission. Provide access to or control of the resources needed to complete their mission. Offer a mix of group and individual rewards. Foster longevity and stability of membership.

the exploration of mutual expectations, is aimed at assisting a functional team to perform optimally by defining their vision/strategy, short and long term goals, critical success factors, roles and responsibilities. Improved understanding of working and communication styles and roles, thus building trust, team cohesion and congruency. Analysing individual and team strengths and weaknesses assists in identifying role duplication or gaps, and provides focus and direction.

A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way

Action-oriented roles
- Shaper, Worker, and Completer-Finisher

People-oriented roles
- Co-ordinator, Team-worker and Resource Investigator

Cerebral roles
- Plant, Monitor-Evaluator

Controller of team Stable , dominant and disciplined Establishes priorities Decision maker

Weakness Manipulative Personal credit for work of team

Provides the necessary drive to ensure that the team keeps moving Full of energy Pushes for decisions Weakness Aggressive Bad-humoured

One such individual in each team Creative Unorthodox Solves difficult problems Asks questions Concerned about basic issues

logical eye Sees all the options Impartial judgments Rarely wrong

Weakness Harsh

Conservative , Reliable Practical organizer Greatest asset

Weakness Obstructs change

Dominant as well as friendly Inside knowledge of opposition Develops contacts Brings outside ideas

Weakness Over optimistic May miss on a lead

Focus on Harmony Cooperative and listens Loyal Avoids confrontation

Weakness Avoids pressure situations Never gives opinion

Meets Deadlines Delivery on time Reliable Ill-at-ease until details work out

Weakness Rushing the planning stage Focusing on small mistakes

The Challenge of Team Leadership

Becoming an effective team leader requires:

Learning to share information Developing the ability to trust others Learning to give up authority Knowing when to leave their teams alone and when to intercede

New roles that team leaders take on

Managing the teams external boundary Facilitating the team process

Team Leader Roles

Team Leader Behaviors

Team Values Team Rituals

Team Learning

Commitment to task and team members Accountability

Lead to trust between team members

How to add new members How to provide information to new members How a member exits Work rituals How the team celebrates!

Continuous improvement process How team resolves conflict How the team handles diversity Harness team creativity

Lets try building some teams!


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