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Introduction of Organizational Behavior

Management Skills/Dimensions
Technical: Ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise 2. Conceptual: ability to diagnose and analyze complex problems 3. Human: ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people (both individuals and in groups)

Organizational Behavior

An interdisciplinary field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organizations effectiveness.

Theoretical Foundations

The science that seeks to measure, explain and sometimes change the human behavior

Effect level

Social Psychology Anthropology Political Science

The study of people in relation to their fellow human beings

An area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology that focus on the influence of people on one-another The study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities The study of the behavior of individuals and groups within the political environment

Groups & Org. systems

Groups Groups & Org. systems Organizational Systems

OB viz-a-viz other disciplines

Micro Theoretical

Macro OT (Organizational Theory) OD (Organizational Design)

(Organizational Behavior) HRM Human Resource Management



OB deals with understanding, predicting and controlling the human behaviour in the organizations. What is behaviour? Why to understand, predict and control the behavior?

1. Intensified competition and the competitiveness challenge 2. Innovations 3. Information, intelligence, ideas (3 Is) 4. Diversity and conflicts in the workplace

Common Subjects/Problems
Productivity Absenteeism Turnover Job satisfaction Organizational Commitment Organizational citizenship behaviors Conflicts Stress (Distress)

The response to some stimulus

The purposeful act(s) intended at achieving some objective

Cognitive Framework
Human behavior is purposeful and goal-oriented.

Human behaviour is preceded by congitions

Cognition is the bits of information stored in human brain Thinking, expectancies and perceptions explain human behviour

The human beings tend to learn in the form of expectations

They learn to expect that a particular response with lead to the fulfilment of certain objectives OR That a particular response is appreperiate to certain stimulae

Behavioristic Framework
It deals with observable behaviors and the environmental contingencies of behaviour BF is environmentally based Human beings operate upon the environment to elicit the conditions (stimulate) more appropriate for the fulfillment of their objectives Classical behaviour S --- R Operant behaviour The stimulus only serve as a cue to emit the behavior. R ---> S or R -- C Multiplicity of stimulae, responses and/or consequences

Social learning Framework

SLF incorporates both the cognitive and the behavioristic frameworks.

Person, environment and behavior are in constant interaction with one another and reciprocally determine one another.
Social learning: refers to the information accumulated from others in the social settings around


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