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2G Cluster Optimization

Bali Area
Oktober 2010

Soc Classification level 1 Nokia Siemens Networks

Hotspot Performance Improvement Bandung Area February 2010

Activities Status

2G Trial

8 parameter trials Inbuilding 1 MTHR GALLERIA Inbuilding 2 Discovery Inbuilding 3 Kartika Inbuilding 4 Airport Inbuilding 5 RS Sanglah

8 Parameter Trial have already implemented except Service Layer which shows degradation on TBF failure rate and have already fallback NSN will investigate the drop call increment NSN have already presented the recommendation for retrofit NSN have already presented the Walktest, and no issues found NSN will investigate the drop call increment NSN have already presented the Walktest and recommendation have already delivered which shows improvement (improper layering) NSN have already presented the Walktest and recommendation have already delivered which shows improvement (TRX problem) NSN have already presented the Walktest, and no issues found

Closed Open Closed CLosed Open Closed


Inbuilding 6 Carrefour Inbuilding 7 Le Meridien Inbuilding 8 Grapari Inbuilding 9 Hotel Nikko Inbuilding 10 Bali Intercont

Closed CLosed Open Closed Closed Closed

NSN will investigate the MTC problem on 3G network (Ue sometime cant be paged on 3G Network)
NSN have already presented the recommendation for New Node B in Hotel Nikko for coverge enhancement NSN have already presented the Walktest, and no issues found NSN have already present the HR review and shows improvement on AMR utilization against HR conventional

Network Resource Optimizati on

Half Rate Review

Telkomsel propose a trial to clean up the HR conventional by increasing the HRACTT1 threshold NSN have already present cluster retune result which shows improvement.. And the degradation which observed, already plan for fallback NSN and Tsel agree to implement SFH DCS for Bali Inner which support 12/12/12 configuration for the next activity. NSN have already present the SFH plan including BSIC & HSN Replan


Cluster Retune 4 RF Retune SFH Proposal



Soc Classification level 2 Nokia Siemens Networks

Activities Status
ITEM ACTIVITY CLUSTER NAME REMARKS STATUS BSC_Id BSS05 BSS35 BSS25 BSS08 BSS41 BSS30 BSS10 Krobokan2 Tuban Gunung Islam Medewi Mas Ubud Singaraja Blah Batu BSC Name DCR/HOSR/SDSR

Degraded/Degraded/Passed Degraded/Degraded/Degraded Degraded/Passed/Degraded Degraded/Passed/Passed Degraded/Degraded/Passed Degraded/Passed/Passed Degraded/Passed/Passed

2G Cluster Optimization

Soc Classification level 3 Nokia Siemens Networks

Network Level Performance

2 3 1 6 4 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Due to BCCH Retune Due to BCCH Retune Due to BCCH Retune SDCCH capacity review Parameter Trial Degradation are mainly due to HW Faults Due to BCCH Retune on BSC Due to BCCH Retune

SDSR shown improvement from baseline but the value still under target. Blue line shown calculation on CW42 with cells that have problem excluded from calculation. Cells with problem impected to network performance.

CW 42

Soc Classification level 4 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

Network Level Performance

10 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

Due to neighbour retune Due to neighbour consistency Due to neighbour retune Due to neighbour consistency Due to problematic TRXs was locked and Parameter Trials Parameter Trial Someone unlocked the problematic TRXs and degradation on BSC17 Some New HW Failure appear especially on BSC35, BSC8, BSC25, BSC7, BSC 10 9. Due to HW Problem found on BSC05 10. After Locked the problematic TRXs increase on BSC35, BSC25, BSC05 11.Classification HOSR Degraded due to someone unlocked TRXs problem Soc level
5 Nokia Siemens Networks

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

HOSR shown improvement from baseline until end of september then degraded below the baseline. Blue line shown calculation on CW42 with cells that have problem excluded from calculation. Cells with problem impected to network performance.

CW 42

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

Network Level Performance

6 8 2

TCHDR degraded starting from Due to neighbour retune September 19 exceed baseline. Due to HW Problem found Due to neighbour retune Blue line shown calculation on CW42 Due to neighbour consistency with cells that have problem excluded Due to problematic TRXs was locked and Parameter from calculation. Trials 6. Someone unlocked the problematic TRXs and Cells with problem impected to network degradation on BSC17 performance. 7. Some New HW Failure appear especially on BSC35, BSC8, BSC25, BSC7, BSC 10 8. Due to Remote Transcoder Failure on BSC30 & Soc Classification level BSC41 6 Nokia Siemens Networks EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

CW 42

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

KPI Performance Cluster 1 (05) Kerobokan 2

SDSR at this BSC can reach above 98.5% if some cells that have problem repaired. HOSR shown good improvement and can reach until 99% if cell with problem already repaired. TCH drop still cant exceed the target with value around 0.8%.

Soc Classification level 7 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 2 (35) Tuban

SDSR at this BSC decreased below 96%. HOSR also decreased with value 97.5% TCH drop decreased until 1%.

Soc Classification level 8 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 3 (25) Gunung Islam

SDSR has slight improvement and almost reach 98% in end of week 42. HOSR has slight improvement and reach 97.5% in end of week 42. TCH drop decreased until 1.25%.

Soc Classification level 9 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 4 (08) Pantai Medewi

SDSR has good improvement with last value can reach 96%. HOSR shown good trend and stable at 97.5% TCH drop decreased until 0.9%.

Soc Classification level 10 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 5 (41) Mas Ubud

SDSR stable if compared with baseline. HOSR decrease until below 96%. TCH drop decreased until 1.2%.

Soc Classification level 11 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 6 (30) Singaraja

SDSR have slight improvement. HOSR shown good trend and value exceed 98%. TCH drop decreased with last value 0.9%.

Soc Classification level 12 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

KPI Performance Cluster 7 (10) Blah Batuh

SDSR & HOSR have slight improvement. TCH drop decreased until 1%.

Soc Classification level 13 Nokia Siemens Networks

EDGE Planning & Dimensioning / NSN Strategic Planning & Capacity Management Team

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