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ASTR 1301 Exam 2 Review

The Nature of Light


can be treated as both a wave or a particle. It has a wave-particle duality.

In a vacuum electromagnetic waves (or light) travel at a constant speed, the speed of light c=3x108 m/s. All forms of light (or electromagnetic radiation) travel at this speed, gamma rays, x rays, uv light, visible light, IR light and radio waves. The speed of light is a product of the wavelength and frequency of the light, c = f The frequency of light is largest for gamma rays, and it decreases as one goes to x-rays, then uv, then visible light, then IR, then radio waves have the lowest frequencies.


energy of light is related to the frequency. Gamma rays are the most energetic, then x-rays, then uv, then visible (violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red) light, then IR, then radio waves have the least energy. The wavelength of light has the opposite behavior. It is longest for radio waves, and shortest for gamma-rays. Light obeys an inverse square law. The amount of light appears to decrease as you move further away inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Light 1/r2 This means if you move twice as far away the source appears 4 times fainter. Three times further away, 9 times fainter. Ten times further away, 100 times fainter.

If one uses a prism or grating, you can disperse light into its different wavelengths. Rain acts on light in a similar way, producing a rainbow. Using a prism or grating, we produce what is known as a spectrum. There are three types of spectrum: 1) A hot solid (or a hot dense gas) produces a continuous spectrum. 2) A hot low-density gas produces an emission spectrum, which means that only light of certain discrete wavelengths is produced. An emission spectrum looks like a number of bright lines. 3) When light having a continuous spectrum passes through a cool gas, dark lines appear in the continuous spectrum. This is called an absorption spectrum. An absorption spectrum looks like a continuous spectrum disrupted by dark lines.


emission spectrum looks like a number of bright lines.

An absorption spectrum looks like a continuous spectrum disrupted by dark lines.


peak of the spectrum of a star (the wavelength at which the stars spectrum reaches its peak) tells us how hot it is.

This same wavelength determines the color of a star. This means that blue stars are hottest, then yellow stars and red stars are the coolest.


obeys the Doppler effect. If a light source moves away from us its wavelength gets longer. The amount it gets longer by depends on its speed. Higher speed means larger Doppler shifts. A light source moving towards us has its wavelength decreased in a similar way.


must understand the Bohr Model of the atom. This explains why we see emission spectra and absorption spectra. It predicts that light is emitted falls from an outer orbit to an inner orbit. If the electron jumps from an inner orbit to an outer orbit that light is absorbed.

The frequency of visible light falls between that of

a) b) c) d) e) infrared waves and radio waves. X-rays and cosmic rays. ultraviolet waves and X-rays. short radio waves and long radio waves. ultraviolet waves and radio waves.

The frequency of visible light falls between that of

a) b) c) d) e) infrared waves and radio waves. X-rays and cosmic rays. ultraviolet waves and X-rays. short radio waves and long radio waves. ultraviolet waves and radio waves.

Does this object appear reddish or bluish?

Does this object appear reddish or bluish?

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A or Star B Which star gives off more red light? Star A or Star B Which star looks bluer? Star A or Star B

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A or Star B

Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A or Star B

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star looks redder? Star A , Star C, Same Which star gives off more red light? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star looks bluer? Star A , Star C, Same

Which star gives off more blue light? Star A, Star C, Same Which star has the higher surface temperature? Star A, Star C, Same

Blackbody Radiation
Which star has the greater surface temperature? Star A or Star D

Blackbody Radiation
Which star has the greater surface temperature? Star A or Star D

Types of Spectra






What type of spectra is produced in each situation above? Emission, absorption, or continuous Situation I Situation II Situation III -

Types of Spectra






What type of spectra is produced in each situation above? Emission, absorption, or continuous Situation I - Continuous spectrum Situation II Situation III -

Types of Spectra






What type of spectra is produced in each situation above? Emission, absorption, or continuous Situation I - Continuous spectrum Situation II Emission spectrum Situation III -

Types of Spectra






What type of spectra is produced in each situation above? Emission, absorption, or continuous Situation I - Continuous spectrum Situation II Emission spectrum Situation III Absorption spectrum

Infrared radiation differs from red light in

a) b) c) d) e) intensity. wavelength. its speed in a vacuum. [All of the above.] [None of the above.]

Infrared radiation differs from red light in

a) b) c) d) e) intensity. wavelength. its speed in a vacuum. [All of the above.] [None of the above.]

The frequency at which a star emits the most light depends on the stars
a) b) c) d) e) distance from us. brightness. temperature. eccentricity velocity toward or away from us.

The frequency at which a star emits the most light depends on the stars
a) b) c) d) e) distance from us. brightness. temperature. eccentricity velocity toward or away from us.

Light waves of greater frequency have

a) shorter wavelength. b) longer wavelength. c) [Either of the above; there is no direct connection between frequency and wavelength.]

Light waves of greater frequency have

a) shorter wavelength. b) longer wavelength. c) [Either of the above; there is no direct connection between frequency and wavelength.]

The solar spectrum is which of the following?

a) b) c) d) e) An absorption spectrum. A continuous spectrum. An emission spectrum. [All of the above.] [None of the above.]

The solar spectrum is which of the following?

a) b) c) d) e) An absorption spectrum. A continuous spectrum. An emission spectrum. [All of the above.] [None of the above.]

We can determine the elements in the atmosphere of a star by examining

a) its color. b) its absorption spectrum c) the frequency at which it emits the most energy. d) its temperature. e) its motion relative to us.

We can determine the elements in the atmosphere of a star by examining

a) its color. b) its absorption spectrum c) the frequency at which it emits the most energy. d) its temperature. e) its motion relative to us.

Sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum. How, then, do radio waves travel through interstellar space?
a) b) c) d) They are extra-powerful sound waves. They are very high frequency sound waves. Radio waves are not sound waves at all. The question is a trick, for radio waves do not travel through interstellar space. e) Interstellar space is not a vacuum.

Sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum. How, then, do radio waves travel through interstellar space?
a) b) c) d) They are extra-powerful sound waves. They are very high frequency sound waves. Radio waves are not sound waves at all. The question is a trick, for radio waves do not travel through interstellar space. e) Interstellar space is not a vacuum.

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the lights

a) b) c) d) wavelength. frequency. velocity. brightness.

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the lights

a) b) c) d) wavelength. frequency. velocity. brightness.

In the Bohr model of the atom, light is emitted from an atom when
a) An electron moves from an inner to an outer orbit. b) An atom gains energy. c) An electron moves from an outer to an inner orbit. d) One element reacts with another. e) [Both A and B above]

In the Bohr model of the atom, light is emitted from an atom when
a) An electron moves from an inner to an outer orbit. b) An atom gains energy. c) An electron moves from an outer to an inner orbit. d) One element reacts with another. e) [Both A and B above]

The intensity/wavelength graph of a blue-hot object peaks in the

a) b) c) d) infrared region. red region. yellow region. ultraviolet region.

The intensity/wavelength graph of a blue-hot object peaks in the

a) b) c) d) infrared region. red region. yellow region. ultraviolet region.

The emission spectrum produced by the excited atoms of an element contains wavelengths that are
a) the same for all elements. b) characteristic of the particular element. c) evenly distributed throughout the entire visible spectrum. d) different from the wavelengths in its absorption spectrum. e) [Both A and D above.]

The emission spectrum produced by the excited atoms of an element contains wavelengths that are
a) the same for all elements. b) characteristic of the particular element. c) evenly distributed throughout the entire visible spectrum. d) different from the wavelengths in its absorption spectrum. e) [Both A and D above.]

Each element has its own characteristic spectrum because

a) the speed of light differs for each element. b) some elements are at a higher temperature than others. c) atoms combine to form molecules, releasing different wavelengths depending on the elements involved. d) electron energy levels are different for different elements. e) hot solids, such as tungsten, emit a continuous spectrum.

You must know the three powers of a telescope: 1) Magnifying power (magnification). Telescopes make things look bigger. It increases the angular size of an object. Magnifying power = focal length of objective focal length of eyepiece 2) Light-gathering power. Telescopes make things look brighter. Determined by the diameter of the objective


Resolving power (or resolution). Telescopes can see finer detail. The larger a telescope is, the finer the detail we can see with it. In other words bigger telescopes have better resolving power (or resolution). Larger objectives have better resolution.

Telescopes use refraction to focus light. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one transparent material to another.

The best site for an optical telescope is a place where the air is
a) b) c) d) thin and dry. thick and dry. thin and moist. thick and moist.

The best site for an optical telescope is a place where the air is
a) b) c) d) thin and dry. thick and dry. thin and moist. thick and moist.

Which of the following determines the light gathering power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

Which of the following determines the light gathering power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

Which of the following determines the resolving power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

Which of the following determines the resolving power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

Which of the following determines the magnifying power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

Which of the following determines the magnifying power of a telescope?

a) b) c) d) The diameter of the objective. The focal length of the objective. The focal length of the eyepiece. [Two of the above]

The resolving power of a telescope is a measure of its

a) b) c) d) magnification under good conditions. overall quality. ability to distinguish details in an object. [All of the above.]

The resolving power of a telescope is a measure of its

a) b) c) d) magnification under good conditions. overall quality. ability to distinguish details in an object. [All of the above.]

What power of a telescope increases the angular size of an object?

a) magnifying power b) light gathering power c) resolving power

What power of a telescope increases the angular size of an object?

a) magnifying power b) light gathering power c) resolving power

The Arecibo telescope is

a) b) c) d) e) A large ground-based optical telescope. An orbiting optical telescope. A single radio telescope. An array of radio telescopes An orbiting infrared telescope.

The Arecibo telescope is

a) b) c) d) e) A large ground-based optical telescope. An orbiting optical telescope. A single radio telescope. An array of radio telescopes An orbiting infrared telescope.

The Solar System and Planets

You must know the order of the Planets from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune You must know the definition of a Planet: (a) A planet orbits the Sun (b) A planet has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it has a nearly-round shape (c) A planet has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit Escape velocity is the minimum speed required to escape the gravitational force of a body such as a planet

Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet Mercury is the smallest and least massive planet Pluto is no longer considered a planet. It is a Kuiper Belt Object or Dwarf Planet. All planets revolve around the Sun in a counter-clockwise direction. They all orbit very close to a path or plane that we call the ecliptic.

The inner four planets (terrestrial planets) are mainly made of rocky material, and have higher densities than the outer (Jovian) Planets. They generally have thinner atmospheres than the Jovian planets.
The outer (Jovian) planets are mainly composed of gas (mostly hydrogen and helium) and have smaller densities that the inner (terrestrial planets). They have thicker atmospheres than the Terrestrial planets.

The inner (terrestrial) planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

The outer (Jovian) planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
There are two theories that try to explain the formation of Planetary Systems. 1) Catastrophic Theories. These suggest that a catastrophic event like the collision of two stars can lead to the formation of planetary systems. However, this would be extremely rare, and we wouldnt see many other Planetary Systems. We now know of 150 planetary systems, so this is very unlikely. 2) Evolutionary theories. These suggest that planetary systems form naturally out of a ball of gas and dust similar to what we now call the Solar Nebula.

The outer (Jovian) planets tend to have many more moons than the inner planets. Also, all of the Jovian planets have ring systems. They are larger than Terrestrial planets. Only two inner (terrestrial) planets have moons. The Earth and Mars. Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos. Terrestrial planets are smaller than Jovian planets After the Sun and the planets, the rest of the stuff we see in the solar system is essentially debris:

1) Asteroids are mainly found in the asteroid belt, although there are some that cross Earths orbit and are potential hazards.
2) The Kuiper Belt contains rocky, icy worlds beyond the orbit of Neptune. 3) Comets are thought to originate from the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud

The outer (Jovian) planets tend to have many more moons than the inner planets. Only two inner (terrestrial) planets have moons. The Earth and Mars. Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos.

After the Sun and the planets, the rest of the stuff we see in the solar system is essentially debris:
1) Asteroids are mainly found in the asteroid belt, although there are some that cross Earths orbit and are potential hazards. 2) The Kuiper Belt contains rocky, icy worlds beyond the orbit of Neptune. 3) Comets are thought to originate from both the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud

4) Meteoroids are objects smaller than asteroids, that have the potential to strike a planet or moon. 5) A Meteor is an object that burns up in the atmosphere of a planet or moon. On the Earth, most of them completely burn up without ever reaching the ground. 6) A meteorite is the remnant of a meteor that did manage to make it all the way to the surface of a planet or moon.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is also the smallest of all of the planets in the Solar System.

Mercurys surface is covered in impact craters. It has a very thin atmosphere

From Earth we cannot see the surface of Venus. We see only cloud tops because Venus has a very thick atmosphere compared to the other terrestrial planets Venus has a very thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide. This has resulted in a runaway greenhouse affect with an average surface temperature of 867 Farenheit. Venus appears to have a very young surface (about 500,000 years old) so we speculate that the surface of Venus was almost completely recovered by volcanic activity about 500,000 years ago

Mars is the red planet. It is the 4th planet from the Sun. Mars has the largest known volcano in the Solar System. This volcano is known as Olympus Mons Mars also has a very large canyon, Valles Marineris. Valles Marineris is about 2500 miles long and would stretch all the way from L.A. to New York city. There is evidence that suggest that water may have once flowed across the surface of Mars. These days we have evidence that indicates that there is frozen water (ice) beneath the surface of Mars.

Jupiter is

the largest planet in the Solar System. It has more mass than all of the rest of the planets combined.

Jupiter has a system of rings, although they are not as prominent as Saturns rings
The visible surface on Jupiter is actually the top of its atmosphere or the cloud tops. This atmosphere is mostly made up of Hydrogen gas (as is the case of all the Jovian planets). A feature in the cloud tops on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. This is a storm system which is twice the size of the Earth with wind speeds of more than 300 miles per hour.

The rotation rate of Jupiter varies across its surface as you move from the poles to the equator. When different parts of a planet have different speeds we call this effect differential rotation. Jupiter has 67 moons, and that is more moons than any other planet in the Solar System. Jupiters most prominent moons are the Gallilean Moons. In order of their distance from Jupiter, the Gallilean Moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System. It is larger than Mercury.

Saturn is similar to Jupiter in many ways. It is slightly smaller than Jupiter, and has an atmosphere composed mainly of Hydrogen. Saturn is most famous for its prominent rings

Saturns rings are made up of ice particles and in the plane of the Saturns equator.
The rings also exist within the planets Roche limit. The Roche limit of a planet is the radius within which a moon cannot form. Any particles within the Roche limit cannot come together to form a moon due to tidal forces. Also, any moon that crosses within the Roche limit will be torn apart by tidal forces

Saturn has 47 known moons. Its largest moon is Titan. Titan has an atmosphere that is composed mainly of nitrogen and methane, and may be another place in the Solar System that contains life.

Uranus and Neptune


and Neptune are the 7th and 8th planets from the Sun respectively

They both appear blue across most of their surface because methane in their atmosphere is frozen and therefore absorbs red light
Uranus Neptune

Pluto and Solar System Debris

Since the IAU defined a planet in 2006, Pluto has been demoted to have status as a dwarf planet. Indeed Pluto has much in common with objects found in a belt in the outer Solar System known as the Kuiper Belt (objects in this belt are often called Kuiper Belt Objects). Indeed Plutos orbit is contained within the Kuiper Belt, and is therefore a Kuiper Belt Object. The Kuiper Belt objects (including pluto) are composed of rock and ice. This is a very similar composition to comets. It is theorized that short period comets originate from the Kuiper Belt. If two Kuiper Belt objects pass close to each other it is possible for one to get knocked out of the Kuiper Belt and become a comet. These comets take tens or hundreds of years to orbit the Sun

Long period comets take thousands of years to orbit the Sun. It is theorized that these objects originate from a region in the Solar System that is far beyond the orbit of Pluto. This region is called the Oort Cloud. It contains rocky/icy objects that are remnants left over from the formation of the Solar System and the planets. It is theorized that most comets either originate from the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud.


is a region of the Solar System between Mars and Jupiter that contains most of the asteroids in the Solar System, and it is termed the Asteroid Belt.

The largest asteroid is Ceres and it is 600 miles (1000 km) in diameter.


rest of the material in the solar system is termed meteoroids.

As a comet passes through the Solar System its tail leaves a stream of debris in its wake. This stream of debris is composed of particles termed meteoroids. We therefore call this stream a meteoroid stream. As the Earth passes through a meteoroid stream, these meteoroids enter the Earths atmosphere at very high velocities. When they enter the atmosphere they become meteors. This is the cause of a meteor shower Meteoroids do not always exist in streams and so meteors can enter the atmosphere at any time. Most of them are small enough that they completely burn up in the atmosphere.

If a large enough meteor enters the atmosphere of a planet it can make its way all the way to the surface. It impacts the surface and leaves behind a scar or impact crater (such as meteor crater in Arizona). In this case the remnant of the meteor that struck the surface of the planet is called a meteorite.

Which planet is most massive?

a) b) c) d) e) Mercury. Mars. Earth. Jupiter. Saturn.

Which planet is most massive?

a) b) c) d) e) Mercury. Mars. Earth. Jupiter. Saturn.

Which planet is least massive?

a) b) c) d) e) Mercury. Mars. Earth. Jupiter. Saturn.

Which planet is least massive?

a) b) c) d) e) Mercury. Mars. Earth. Jupiter. Saturn.

The object whose orbit is more eccentric than Mercurys is

a) b) c) d) e) Saturn Earth. Pluto. Venus. Neptune.

The object whose orbit is more eccentric than Mercurys is

a) b) c) d) e) Saturn Earth. Pluto. Venus. Neptune.

Saturn is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Saturn is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Mars is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Mars is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Pluto is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Pluto is one of the ____ planets.

a) b) c) d) e) Jovian Terrestrial Minor Inferior Dwarf

Compared to Jovian planets, terrestrial planets have a

a) b) c) d) e) more rocky composition. lower density. more rapid rotation. larger size. [More than one of the above.]

Compared to Jovian planets, terrestrial planets have a

a) b) c) d) e) more rocky composition. lower density. more rapid rotation. larger size. [More than one of the above.]

Which of the following statements is true of Jovian planets?

a) They have low average densities compared to terrestrial planets. b) Their orbits are closer to the Sun than the asteroids orbits. c) They have craters in old surfaces. d) They have smaller diameters than terrestrial planets do. e) They have fewer satellites than terrestrial planets do.

Which of the following statements is true of Jovian planets?

a) They have low average densities compared to terrestrial planets. b) Their orbits are closer to the Sun than the asteroids orbits. c) They have craters in old surfaces. d) They have smaller diameters than terrestrial planets do. e) They have fewer satellites than terrestrial planets do.

If planetary systems are caused as proposed by the catastrophe theories, there should be
a) many planetary systems besides ours. b) few planetary systems besides ours. c) [Neither of these; the theories would make no predictions in this regard.]

If planetary systems are caused as proposed by the catastrophe theories, there should be
a) many planetary systems besides ours. b) few planetary systems besides ours. c) [Neither of these; the theories would make no predictions in this regard.]

According to the evolutionary theories of solar system formation, the outer planets contain much more hydrogen and helium than the inner planets because these elements
a) Never fell in near the Sun. b) Condensed quickly to liquids and solids and remained far from the Sun. c) Were blown away from the inner solar system by the solar wind. d) [Both A and B above.] e) [All of the above.]

According to the evolutionary theories of solar system formation, the outer planets contain much more hydrogen and helium than the inner planets because these elements
a) Never fell in near the Sun. b) Condensed quickly to liquids and solids and remained far from the Sun. c) Were blown away from the inner solar system by the solar wind. d) [Both A and B above.] e) [All of the above.]

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