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Attitudes & Behavior

November 9, 2006

Do Attitudes Determine Behavior?

An underlying assumption in persuasion research is: Shift a persons attitude in the right direction and behavior will follow. Examples: 1. If people see the value of wearing their seatbelt then they are more likely to actually wear it. 2. If people think that smoking is bad for their health then they will quit.

Basic Questions

Is there a relationship between attitudes and behavior and, if so, how strong is it? When might such a relationship exist? How do attitudes influence behavior? In other words, what is the psychological process?

Do Attitudes Predict Behavior? Yes, but not strongly.

Classic Study of Cheating

Relationship between attitude toward cheating and actually cheating close to zero. Those who did poorly more likely to cheat. Meta-analysis of attitude studies showed less than .30 correlation between attitudes and behavior.

Relationship between attitudes toward cheating and actual cheating behavior. Students took True-False exam then asked to assign themselves a score. Instructor also graded the exam. Discrepancy between students self-assigned score and instructors score was measure of cheating behavior.

Attitude-Behavior Survey
1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7.

Students should read Homelessness is a problem I should exercise I should recycle I should designate a driver I should vote Should change strategy to fight terrorism

Yes, Important 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4

Yes, I acted

When do attitudes predict behavior?

Are there factors that make attitudes more or less predictive of behavior? 4 Factors that Impact the Relationship: Qualities of the

Behavior (General vs. specific) Person (Who is being asked) Situation (When and how are they being asked?) Attitude (How was the attitude formed?)

Behavior Being Predicted

Attitudes and behaviors must be measured at the same level of specificity. Example: A persons attitude toward their general health will not predict their propensity to jog. Specific attitudes will predict specific behaviors.

Person You Ask

Certain peoples attitudes are more consistent with their behaviors than others. Example: High Self Monitors

A high self monitor changes their behavior depending on the situation. A low self monitor behaves the same way across situations. Are you a high self monitor? The behavior of low self monitors is consistent with their expressed attitudes.

Situation in Which You Ask Them

Whether attitudes predict behavior may depend on the context in which you ask the question. Norms can be so strong that it is unlikely that overt behavior will reflect private attitudes.

Example: People who hate their jobs will still go to work because of normative and financial incentives. Attitudes toward work predict attendance when obligation to attend is removed. Question: How many people would show up if I made one class optional?

Additional Situational Factors

itudes are more predictive of behavior when:

People have a vested interest in the issue. When people are under time pressure. When situational cues make Attyour attitude salient (a focus of attention).

Situations can be changed to make attitudes more predictive.

Job Satisfaction and Performance

Studies have shown consistently that happy workers are not necessarily more productive. Why do think this is the case? How can job attitudes become more predictive of behavior at work?

Recent study shows that happy workers dont make firms more successful, but successful firms make their employees happier.

How do Attitudes Actually Predict Behavior?

Two theoretical models that explain why attitudes predict behavior. Theory of Reasoned Action:

Theory relevant when the behavior is thoughtfully planned in advance. Theory relevant when behavior is a spontaneous reaction to ones immediate situation.

Attitude-To-Behavior Process Model

Planned Behavior

Decision to Protest Parking Lot

Attitude Formation:

Saving trees is important to me. Environmental protests are effective. My friends are going to protest and they might not talk to me if I dont.

Social Pressure:

Result: I intend to protest and my intention will result in action.

Decision to Stay Home

Attitude Formation:

Protests never work and there are enough trees in Ithaca anyway. My friends think protesting is stupid and they will think I am weird if I go.

Social Pressure:


I intend to stay home.

Spontaneous Behavior

Sometimes peoples attitudes will result in a spontaneous (unplanned) behavior. Example: If you hate cockroaches then you dont have to think about what to do when you see one. Reason: Some attitudes are more accessible (memorable) than others.

Attitude Accessibility

Attitudes guide our interpretation of an object or a situation. If the attitude is memorable than it will have an immediate impact on our behavior. If the attitude is not memorable than it will impact our behavior only when recalled.

Attitude Change Through Priming

Title: ILR (Development/Recovery) Exercise Instructions: A recent external audit revealed that ILR has been (improving/declining) as an institution over the last decade. However, the audit was vague as to why this (improvement/decline) might be occurring. As a group, please list all of the ways that the administration can (keep/get) ILR moving in the right direction. In other words, list all of the things you (like/dislike) about ILR.

Satisfaction with ILR

Student who were randomly assigned to think about things they didnt like about ILR were also less satisfied:

With the academic resources at ILR (p < .05) That they are receiving a high quality education at ILR (p < .10) With the variety of courses offered at ILR (p < .05 That ILR has helped them prepare for career after college (p < .10)

Self Serving Bias

On average, people believe that they are above average. People take credit for their success but attribute failure to external/situational factors. Egocentric bias in groups such that each person believes they contributed more than any other person.

Satisfaction with Yourself

More Negative Even More Positive

On average you listed 6.5 strong statements vs. 4.9 weak statements, t (45) = 4.37, p < .01

In Sum

In general, the relationship between attitude and behavior is weak. However, it is possible to strengthen this link. Combine attitude with social pressure. Make attitude memorable.

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