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Brains Before Bros: Why Hiring Smart People Over Experienced People is a Winning Talent Strategy

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Note: Q&A will be addressed at the end of todays session

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Presenter Info
Kelly Dingee Strategic Sourcing Manager at Staffing Advisors Google Geek Contributor at Fistful of Talent

Kris Dunn CHRO at Kinetix (RPO, Recruiting) Founder of Fistful of Talent, HR Capitalist Hoops Junkie



Get Your Tickets Talent Scarcity is hitting an HR and recruiting shop near you.

And if Talent is Scarce, it makes sense to love the one youre with.. <retention reference>

One in three employers (34%) experience difficulties filling vacancies due to the lack of available talent.
Source: Oracle, The Future of Talent Management: Underlying Drivers of Change 2012

54% of employers feel talent shortages will impact their ability to deliver client needs.
Source: Manpower Group, Talent Shortage Survey 2012

Factors Driving Talent Scarcity

The Knowledge Economy
The use of knowledge technologies to produce economic advancement and job creation High demand for well-trained and tech savvy labor Makes talent a key business asset

Rising interdependence between economies for goods Increased distribution of customer base and workforce

Source: Oracle, The Future of Talent Management: Underlying Drivers of Change 2012

Factors Driving Talent Scarcity

Generational Gaps
The aging population is living (and working!) longer Complicates succession planning

Advances in technology
Technology is advancing at an exponential pace Increased expectation of technology standards of companies by candidates Technology increases access to other career opportunities

Source: Oracle, The Future of Talent Management: Underlying Drivers of Change 2012

#Truth: Talent will differentiate companies from their competitors. Those companies that invest in their strategy gain a major competitive advantage over those who choose to put talent management on the back burner.

What should you do?



So You Want to Hire Smart People That You Can Train for Success? First You Gotta Know What The Heck Smart means

Common False Positives In Hiring Smart

School Pedigree Degree or Multiple Degrees Positions Held Perceptions of Knowledge, Skill and Abilities from resume or profile Gift of gab in interview and interactions with team The Like Us syndrome Physical Attractiveness Level

What Incumbents Actually Do That Make Leaders Think They Are Smart
Once inside a company, being viewed as smart has little to do with the previous false positives. Instead, leaders identify the following preferred attributes as indicative as Smart : Quick on the uptake, makes accurate decisions with the data they have Can adjust on the fly Knows what to say and when Appropriately aggressive Can put them in a wide variety of situations and they ll survive and thrive Combine these factors with KSAs, and youve got a perfect smart profile leaders will respond to

Big Benefits to Hiring Smart With that Definition

You hire for that profile in addition to KSAs in a given functional area, and you get people who:
Can rapidly adjust to stretch projects Can move into other roles and be up and running at a decent proficiency level in a few months Respond in a high performing way to fluid situations they find themselves in within your company (without you having to coach them through every step) Innovate, Add Value and Drive Change without being asked to Make you look good as a manager or an HR Leader

Thats What I Want!!! How Do I Figure Out Who Those People Are?

Source: Forbes, 10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You

Dont Hang Up When I Tell You This

You Need a Light, Street Smart Assessment Layer to help you evaluate 4 things

Cognitive Ability/Processing Speed

Not IQ Looking for an individuals ability to take in lots of data and make quick, accurate decisions on the fly Everyone wants this today, not all candidates have it Lots of situational fluidity a persons comfort level with speed in the workplace is going to be based on this Smart people can have low processing speed

The ability to confront situations that need to be confronted is a big part of who appears to be smart in any organization. Confrontation includes people, situations, data, etc. It s not enough to come up with the right answer, youve got to take the right action. Beware of the right side of the bell curve you dont want the 100th percentile on this the 85th percentile will do just fine. Appropriately assertive people win, regardless of the position they are in

Detail Orientation
How organized is the individual in question? Directly linked to the ability to generate results in an organization, regardless of position You dont have to lead the world in detail orientation to be viewed as smart in an organization, it just cant limit your effectiveness Low Detail people need High Detail people that work for them

Rules Orientaiton

Probably the biggest non-negotiable for talent to consistently be viewed as smart High Rules people look for the operations manual to respond to any situation Low Rules people love the chaos, they dont want the operations manual, they want the freedom to figure out the best answer Which one is necessary to someone to be mobile in your organization and quickly adapt to any situation, project or role? Low Rules, accompanied by high cognitive processing speed and the right level of assertiveness = NIMBLE TALENT

What Im looking for

With Hiring Smart Expert, Kelly Dingee
2 years Accessibility Pay It Forward Step it up with outside interests And lastlyNo typos!

-Leadership -Tells Me How Smart She Is -Longevity with Groups

Poll Question: Do you screen for Smart ?

A. Yes Im a hiring Smart pro. I could have presented that last section.
B. No but I will now that I actually know what Smart means.


Employees who are challenged, engaged and rewarded rarely leave. So what about everyone else?

So how do you know when an employee is about to jump ship?

Sign #1
When they ve stopped complaining, they ve stopped caring.
Employees who are invested in the company they work for have opinions When talent begins to disengage, they are less concerned about the future state of the organization Only focused on short-term projects/results

Sign #2
The social media overhaul + increased networking.
93% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates --and candidates know this! Keep tabs on your employees LinkedIn profiles. Do they have new connections? New recommendations? Have they beefed up their experience section? Changes in attire can also be an indicator that employees are attending networking events postwork and interviews during the workday
Source: Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey 2012

Sign #3
Their peers or other leaders on your team have expressed a noticeable change in behavior.
No longer volunteering to take on challenging projects and only delivering expected results Restricting time spent in the office to only normal business hours Stops accepting invitations to engage socially outside of the office


If leaders spent less time trying to retain employees and more time investing in them, retention would take care of itself.
Source: Forbes, 10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You

Poll Question: Does your organization currently have an employee learning & development program in place?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes, but Im not sure how effective it actually is D. Who needs employee development? People only care about raises anyway

Lets Start With Some Facts

30% of employees believe they ll be working someplace else inside of 12 months. 60% of employees dont feel their career goals are aligned with the plans their employers have for them. 70% of employees dont feel appreciated or valued by their employer. Only 4% of U.S.-based HR executives said they have an ample pipeline that will cover most of their needs
Source: Forbes, 10 Reasons Your Top Talent Will Leave You

Only 25% of companies actively provide further training to existing team members.

FOT is here to help the the other 75% of you get on board (without breaking the bank).

Employee Development (without Breaking the bank)

Lunch and Learn Series
Bring in an outside speaker/coach to help your team personally and professionally grow Ex: Toastmasters Group Leader or an Estate Planner Cross-promote departments by having organization leaders come discuss their role and career successes Purchase business books and start an in-house lunchtime book club
Develop an internal training on core processes in your organization and have alternating members of your team present/attend Create a schedule of free industry webinars and provide a group viewing area to promote attendance and conversation Reimburse employees for completing certificate programs of value to your organization and have them present their learnings to team members

Internal Training/Certificate Programs

Employee Development (without Breaking the bank)

Development Credits/Funds
Provide development credits/funds as part of your compensation package Provide flexible work hours for employees to engage in outside training Research external programs of value to your organization and promote those programs to your employees

Mentorship Programs and Continued Coaching

Provide the framework for employees to take the reigns of their own development Increased knowledge transfer between the parties, capitalize on The Knowledge Economy Clearly communicate an employees career progress and always highlight possible next steps within your organization

Employee Development (without Breaking the bank)

Take a cue from those doing it right
Googles 20% Time enables employees to spend time on projects outside of their normal job scope Encourage employees to bring forward suggestions to improve existing processes and enable them to implement change of value Create job enrichment by allowing managers from other departments to assign your employees special projects

But You Cant Retain The Smart Ones without Managers Committed to Employee Development

The Best Managers do 2 Things Well to That End:

#1 They Talk about WIIFM #2 - They Help EEs Build Portfolios

Whats In It For Me
This just in Employees arent motivated by what s good for you or the company They re motivated by their own self interests As a result, career agent managers focus on WIIFM in every performance convo, including:
How you get more valuable How you get more $$$ How you get better than others How the external world views what youre working on Praise and Recognition If This, Then That


The Best Managers Help Employees Build Portfolios Off of WIIFM

Old School Do this and youll get a Meets New School Meets performance equals this level of performance + <a deliverable that makes something better and is used moving forward> Deliverable is a work product that can be used in a career portfolio Managers prepared to deal with Talent Scarcity tell the employees why they re doing it Those Managers help their direct reports look for their next opportunity in the company


The Big But How do you get your managers to let their star talent go?
(you know youre thinking it)

Ask the Expert

Steve Parker VP of Solution Marketing at SumTotal Twitter: @SumTotalSystems
15+ years of global leadership, professional management, and strategic consulting experience in Talent Management

Poll Question: Have you as a manager, or have you known a manager, who has not advanced talent because you/they were afraid to lose them on the team?

A. Guilty as charged B. Nope C. Pleading the fifth

Want More? Check this out at your local library.

Its time for something different, SumTotal believes its time to set talent free. Get it here: lent-Manifesto_0413&pi=TM%20%20Complete%20TM


Thanks to our webcast sponsor!

Schedule a demo today! Kari HR Solutions Manager, SumTotal Systems1.866.768.6825


Kelly Dingee: Twitter: @sourcerkelly LinkedIn:

Kris Dunn: Twitter: @kris_dunn LinkedIn:

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