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Kelcey Grogan, CED 499, February 11, 2011

Cradle of Civilization

East Africa 36 million people 4 million in capital city of Nairobi Neighbors- Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Somalia Comparatively- relatively stable political history

Kenyas History

1895- part of Britains East African Protectorate 1920- became a British colony 1944- Kenyans appointed to act on legislation 1952- Mau Mau uprising against British rule

time large majority of Kenyans were politically active

Kenyan Independence

December 12, 1963 Jomo Kenyatta- first president Ruled until 1978 VP Daniel Moi took office 24 years

Mois Reign

1982- Constitutional amendment - one party system 1991- was repealed 2002- Moi was voted out by National Rainbow Coalition

Plurality Majority System

Parliament System Plurality-Majority System Needed most votes, not majority Won in 1992 with 36.91% of votes

Government Branches

Executive Branch

of State and Military

Judicial Branch

appeal, and Islamic courts

Legislative Branch

parliament 210 members- 5 year term 140 rural districts


together to form seven provinces Nairobi is a separate province

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2007 Elections

Both Mwai Kiaki and Raila Odinga claimed victory Widespread Violence

1,500 deaths

Power Sharing Deal

Mwai Kiaki President Raila Odinga- Prime Minister

Expanded cabinet to 42 members

Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Development Ministry of Local Government Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Development

Promote Equal Rights Improve Quality of Life


Control Unit Child protection services from trafficking Adoption Services Charitable Childrens Institutions
Hon. Dr. Naomi Shaban, EGH, MP

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government

Solid Waste Management Rural Poverty Reduction Initiatives Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund

children and families living on the street Hon. Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi,
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

Youth Affairs in 2005 2008- Dept of Sports Challenges and Issues facing young people

of population is under 30 High unemployment

Develop Youth Resource Centers Life Skills Training Entrepreneurship

Hon. Dr. Paul Nyongesa Otuoma ,MP

2010 Referendum

12 million people voted on Aug 4, 2010 66% supported new amendments

Reduce Presidents power Distribute power among provinces Management of public land Create Senate Recognize Muslim Courts

Implementation over next 5 years

Future Government

Remain peaceful, stable country

Serve as mediator in conflicts in neighboring countries of Sudan and Somalia

Needs to address: AIDS pandemic High Unemployment

Job Creation President transitions Growing tourism sector

References Background Note: Kenya. (2010, December 28). Retrieved February 6, 2011, from r/ pa/ ei/ bgn/ 2962.htm Bratton, M. (1989). The Politics of Government-NGO Relations in Africa. World Development, 17(4), 569-587. Country Profile: Kenya. (2011, November 24). Retrieved from BBC News website: Kenya holds referendum as part of peace deal. (2010, August 4). Retrieved from BBC News website: news/ world-africa-10856761 Kenya- Information At A Glance. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2011, from about-kenya.html Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Development. (2005). Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Muthuri, J., Chapple, W., & Moon, J. (2009). An Integrated Approach to Implementing Community Participation in Corporate Community Involvement: Lessons from Magadi Soda Company in Kenya. Journal of Business Ethics, 85, 431-444. doi:10.1007/ s10551-008-9739-7 Nasongo, S. W. (2007, April). Political Transition without Transformation: The Dialectic of Liberalization without Democratization in Kenya and Zambia. African Studies Association, 50(1), 83-107. Retrieved from stable/ 20065343 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and local government. (2011). Retrieved February 9, 2011, from Q&A: Kenyas constitution referendum. (2010, July 26). Retrieved from BBC News website: news/ world-africa-10729860

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