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By : Kashish Anand

This school is a christian minority institution established and administered by the sepraphina educational society of the institute of Franciscn Clarist sisters of the most blessed sacrament founded by mother seraphina in 1898.

The school aims at the

education of the catholic community around and extends its service to members of other communities to the extend possible .

The Educational Rights of the Minorities

5 Rights
Right to establish and administer educational

institutions of their choice. Right to appoint governing bodies of their choice. Right to admit students of their community first. Right to appoint principal ,headmaster , and teachers of their choice provided they have minimum qualifications prescribed by the government. Right to take reasonable fee from the students, if the educational institution are not receiving grant in aid from the government

5 Rights
Right to select the medium of instruction .

Right to fix a uniform dress for students.

Right to teach religion and conduct worship

for the children of minority community. Right to admit either boys or girls or both. Right not to be nationalized by the government .

The Hands
The hands are the hands of Jesus and that of

saint Francis of Assisi the founder of franciscan order .This symbol shows the total surrender of saint Francis to god and his response to francis by imprinting in his body the holy wounds of Jesus this beckons every student of this school to orient all her educational endeavours to God keeping in mind her ultimate goal

Deus Meus At Omnia

It means My God My All . The highest

proclamation of francis faith in God .this calls upon every student to accept the supremacy of God in their lives . CFMSS means clarist franciscan missonaries of the most blessed Sacrament .the title of the order of the sisters who own Sacred Heart Senior Sec. School.

Porto I Mysteri
It means I Carry the Mysteries the motto of

the sisters of the CFMSS. This motto speaks to every student of this school that they are the temple of God and this mystery the carry with them always.

The Cross
It is the symbol of victory over evil . It also

symbolizes suffering that leads to glory. It encourages every student to face the difficulties of student life with confidence and fights against every evil that threatens him/her.

It means Jesus the Bread of Life , given to

men to sustain their life during His earthly pilgrimage . This gives the message to every student to become life promoting agent and to give oneself to others in service.

The Leaves
They symbolize the joy and prosperity that

follows the person who is God oriented . It motivates every student of the school to pursue the path of truth ,peace and justice that gives them joy and prosperity in life

Thank you

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