Human Resource Management

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Guided By Ravi Gupta

Ripusudan Mahtha
Mr.Vasim Rohit Suryawanshi

khan Rekha Rawat

Samruddhi Khale
Selection is the process of
choosing from a potential pool of
applicants, the individual best
suited for a particular position.
 MutualMatching Process
Organisation Individual
Job Requirements Qualifications
Rewards Motivation
 Employee selection decisions are
instrumental to an organisation’s ability to
survive, adapt and grow (De Cieri & Kramar)
 Unwieldy selection procedures means
missing the most talented candidates
 Good selection procedures offer high
quality, diverse and available job
candidates (Bingham, Ilg & Davidson)
Types of Selection Methods
 Interviews
 Structured

 Standardized

 Focused

 Situational interview items

➜ experience-based
➜ Stress interview
Types of Selection Methods
Preliminary interview
Application blank
Written examination
Group discussions
Psychological test
Final interview
Reference check
Selection Method Standards
1. Reliability
The consistency of a performance measure; the
degree to which a performance measure is
free from random error (De Cieri & Kramar).
2. Validity
The extent to which a performance measure
assesses all the relevant—and only the
relevant—aspects of job performance.
Selection Method Standards
1. Generaliability
The degree to which the validity of a selection
method, established in one
context, extends to other contexts.
2. Utility
The degree to which the information provided by
selection methods enhances the effectiveness of
selecting personnel in real organizations
3. Legality
Whether a selection method is legally compliant.
Case summary
Vandana Mahajan is a bright, popular and well informed
mechanical engineer. who graduated with an engineering
degree from IIT Kharagpur. After her graduation she went
out on many job interviews, most of which she thought
were courteous and reasonably useful in giving both her
and perspective employees a good impression of where
each of them stood on matters of importance to both of
them. It was therefore, with great anticipation that she
looked forward to an interview with the firm in which she
most wanted to work. Apex Electronics Ltd. She firmly
believed that the best use of her training and skills lay in
working for a firm like Apex. Where she thought she would
have a successful career.
The interview however, was a disaster. Vandana walked
into a room in which five men including the president of
the company, two vice president , marketing director and
another engineer began throwing questions at her that
she felt were aimed primarily at tripping her up rather than
finding out what she could offer through her engineering
The questions ranged from unnecessary, in courteous to
irrelevant and personal life. Are you planning on settling
down and starting a family any time soon? Then after the
interview she was interviewed by two of the gentlemen
exclusively (including the president) and the discussion
focused almost exclusively on technical expertise.
She thought that these later discussions went fairly well.
However, given the apparent aimlessness and even
mean spiritedness of the panel interview, she was
astonished when several days later she got a job offer
from the firm.
The offer forced her to consider several matters from her
point of view. The job itself was perfect she liked what
she would be doing, the industry and firm’s location and
in fact the president had been quite courteous in
subsequent discussions, as had been the other
members of management team. She was left wondering
whether the panel interview had been intentionally
tensed to see how she would stand up under pressure
and if so, why they would do such a thing.
Analysis of problems
The panel interview did not
reflect a well thought out
interview strategy on the
part of firm and partly on the
part of management.
The interview does not
show the actual brand
image and hence
organizational goals.
Swot analysis
Panel of interviewers at Apex Electronics succeeded in
subjecting Vandana, to a lot of stress and annoyed
her immensely .
This interview provided the interviewers and
opportunity to select and emotionally balanced
Swot analysis
The questions aimed at Vandana’s personal life
were quite harassing.
During the course of interview Vandana’s opinion
regarding Apex Electronics changed. She
thought of having a wrong perception about
Stress interviews are a testimony to a candidate’s
withstanding ability during stressful conditions yet they
should not be overdone. In this context we are witness
situation when Vadana Mahajan was quite perturbed &
embarrassed when question pertaining to her personal life
were put up the interview must abstain from raising
question related to a personal life rather to try
to build stress by making the candidate
subject to a stressful situation requires
more of mental decisions making ability
& technical efficiency thus stress interview
when used judiciously as a wonderful tool
to shortlist candidates during selection process.
Thank You

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