DR - Anggraini - Development of Gastrointestinal System

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Development of Gastrointestinal System

Dr Anggraini Barlian


Derivatives of endoderm only epithelial layer of gastrointestinal tract and glands The first tube, extending throughout the length of the body is: the digestive tube Buds from this tube form: the liver, gallbladder and pancreas

The digestive tube is derived from the primitive gut. As the endoderm pinches in toward the center of the embryo foregut and hindgut regions are formed.

The endodermal covers the ventral surface of the embryo & forms the roof of the yolk sac In the anterior, endoderm forms : foregut In the tail region, endoderm forms: hindgut. Between: midgut Midgut yolk sac by broad stalk: vitelline duct At cephalic end, foregut bounded temporarily by ectodermalendodermal membrane: buccopharyngeal membrane 4th week ruptures: open connection amniotic cav. & primitive gut oral cavity Hindgut 7th week breaks down : create openings: cloacal membrane In human yolk sac vestigial : has nutritive role in early

At 16 days, primitive gut appears still opens, until the posterior body fold begins, then forms hindgut and midgut

Human embryo at 18 days: 3 parts of digestive tube: foregut, midgut and hindgut

At first, the oral end is blocked by a region of ectoderm called the oral plate or stomodeum. Eventually, at 22 days the stomodeum breaks creating the oral opening of the digestive tube. The opening itself is lined by ectodermal cells.

At 28 days, buds from the digestive tube form important digestive glands: Liver Pancreas Gallbladder Digestive tube further differentiates

The digestive tube and its derivatives

Posterior of the pharynx, the digestive tube constricts to form the esophagus which is followed by the stomach, small intestine and large intestine
The endodermal cells generate only the lining of the digestive tube and its glands Mesodermal mesenchymal cells will surround this tube to provide the muscles for peristalsis

Specification of gut tissue

Endodermal epithelium responds differently to different regionally specific mesodermal mesenchymes different structure at different regions (Sonic hedgehog or Shh gene action): - esophagus - Stomach - Small intestine - colon

Further development of digestive tube: Esophagus Pharyngeal arches: tongue bud

Sagittal section of 3 weeks human embryo: the stomach region has begun to dilate, the pancreas is represented by 2 buds that will fuse

Develop caudal to stomach; from liver/ hepatic diverticulum. Developing of heart induces liver formation
The hepatic diverticulum is the tube of endoderm that extends out from the foregut into the surrounding mesenchyme (cardiogenic mesoderm) The mesenchyme induces this endoderm to proliferate, to branch and to form the glandular epithelium of the liver

Liver development. A portion of the hepatic diverticulum (closest to digestive tube) continues to function as the drainage duct of the liver and branch from this duct produces: gallbladder

Develops from the fusion of distinct dorsal and ventral diverticula Both dorsal and ventral diverticula arise from the ndoderm immediately caudal to the stomach grow, come closer together fuse Only the ventral duct survives to carry digestive enzymes into the intestine. Once pancreatic rudiments are initiated, they begin to form both exocrine and endocrine tissue.

Pancreatic development in human: A. At 30 days, ventral pancreatic bud is close to the liver primordium B. By 35 days it begins migrating posteriorly C. Comes into contact with the dorsal pancreatic bud during the 6th week of development D. Dorsal pancreatic duct loses its duct into the duodenum. In about 10% of population the dual duct system persist

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