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"Nursing is an art, and, if it is to be made an art, requires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation, as any painters or sculptors work; for

what is the having to do with dead canvas or cold marble, compared with having to do with the living body- the temple of Gods spirit? It is one of the fine Arts; I had almost said, the finest of the Fine Arts" Florence Nightingale (1868).

A set of activities, tasks and nurse duties carried out by the registered nurses, at any time whenever it is required keeping the persons health as their first priority.

Knowledge Spirit of inquiry Accountability Autonomy Advocacy Innovation and Visionary Collegiality and collaboration Ethics and Values

Definition: Understanding of or information about a subject, which has been obtained by experience or study.

Professionalism includes:

A body of theoretical, practical, and clinical knowledge. Being able to apply that knowledge. Using theoretical and/or evidence-based rationale for practice.

Synthesizing information from a variety of sources. Using information or evidence from nursing other disciplines to inform practice.

Sharing or communicating knowledge with colleagues, clients, family and others.

Nurses can be more productive and healthy in safe, ergonomically sound work environments, with access to the supplies, services and technology they need to improve efficiency, and work life enhancements to reduce stress and ease the home-work interface.

An inquisitive, inquiring approach to ones own practice.

Professionalism includes:

Being open-minded and having the desire to explore new knowledge. Asking questions leading to the generation of knowledge and refinement of existing knowledge. Striving to define patterns of responses from clients, stakeholders and their context. Being committed to life long learning.

Definition: Responsibility for ones conduct or the willingness to be answerable for ones actions.

Professionalism includes:

Understanding the meaning of selfregulation and its implications for practice. Using legislation, standards of practice and a code of ethics to clarify and guide ones scope of practice.

Being committed to work with clients and their families to achieve desired outcomes. Being actively engaged in advancing the quality of care. Recognizing personal capabilities, knowledge base and areas for development.

Definition: Right of self-government; personal freedom. Professionalism includes:

Working independently and exercising decision-making within ones appropriate scope of practice.

Recognizing relational autonomy and the effects of the context and relationships on this autonomy. Becoming aware of barriers and constraints that may interfere with ones autonomy and seeking ways to remedy the situation.

Definition: An advocate is a person who supports or speaks out for a cause, policy.

Professionalism includes:

Understanding the clients perspective. Assisting the client with their learning needs. Being involved in professional practice initiatives and activities to enhance health care. Being knowledgeable about policies that impact on the delivery of health care

Definition: Innovative:


Bring in new methods, ideas, etc.; make changes; introduce for the first time. The act or faculty of seeing, sight; imaginative insight; ability to plan or form policy in a far-sighted way.

Professionalism includes:

Fostering a culture of innovation to enhance nursing practice and client/family outcomes. Showing initiative for new ideas and being involved through taking action. Influencing the future of nursing, delivery of health care and the health care system.

Definition: A colleague is a fellow official or worker, especially in the same profession or business.
Collaborate means to work jointly with, cooperate.

Professionalism includes:

Developing collaborative partnerships within a professional context. Acting as a mentor to nurses, nursing students and colleagues to enhance and support professional growth. Acknowledging and recognizing interdependence between care providers.

Definition: Ethics: a system of valued behaviors and beliefs for determining right or wrong and for making judgments about what should be done to or for other human beings.

Professionalism includes:

Knowledgeable about ethical values, concepts and decision-making. Being able to identify ethical concerns, issues and dilemmas. Applying knowledge of nursing ethics to make decisions and to act on decisions.

Being able to collect and use information from various sources for ethical decisionmaking. Collaborating with colleagues to develop and maintain a practice environment that supports nurses and respects their ethical and professional responsibilities.

Engaging in critical thinking about ethical issues in clinical and professional practice.

Membership Communication Changes in Nursing Practice Diversity in the Population Lack of Autonomy Lack of Leadership skills Nature of the job Shortage of Nurses Limited Opportunities

Autonomous Practice Often in peoples home

Accountability to multiple stake holders

Population health context

Public right to know Allocation of resources Gifts Surveillance Maintaining therapeutic relationships Maintaining confidentiality

CHN Standards of Practice

Regulatory standards

New ethical frameworks CNA code of ethics

Regulatory standards

New ethical frameworks

CNA code of ethics Community ethics toolkit, etc.

Rural Health Issues Self, Home, Community Care

Access to Acute Care

Major Health Problem Job Difficulties

Author : Susan Jane Fetzer Title : Professionalism of Associate Degree Nurses: The role of self actualization

General System Theory

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