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Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Project Summary

Lisbon, June 2013

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For an object to achieve success in a competition its necessary to make initial strategic decisions that will be updated in the course of the race.
Review of the Components An OBJECT submitted to an Competition is equivalent to a system described by a complex set of interdependent subsystems, whose singular and collective behavior is known and for which decisions are made on departure and competition course, in an attempt to achieve the goals.

to achieve the goals its necessary:

At competition start gain an edge advantage over the competition by tuning the Object before the race During the race, due to the behavior of competitors, race events, and according Object behaviors information, decisions are to be made to guarantee that final objective is still achieved To ensure these points its necessary to use information to characterize the behavior of the several subsystems.

Fuel Aerodynamic Tyres
Start Up Conditions Object setup for the Race

Conditions update due to in race events

Transmission Engine


The IDEA is to build Objects behaviour models for each RACE with information collected into a platform

The Object can be sub-divided in sub-systems

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira



The creation of a Knowledge Platform that interacts with both Object and Race and provide information decision support constitutes an asset to a team
Knowledge Platform
Fuek Aerodynamic Tyres

Object Specific sub-systems and related information data structures are defined, input output interfaces are necessary to collect information Race

Temperature Competitors etc.


Transmission Engine








Race information is continuously acquire and Object information is identify by geoposition. Competitors information is also acquire.

Technical Platform Technical Platform

Information Communications Decisions
Interface com SI das aplicaes utilizadoras


App. 1

App. 2

App. n

information acquisition, storage, processing and display is guaranteed by the platform. object subsystems behaviour should be achieved before the Race

The Knowledge Platform reliability increases with informations volume collected before and during the race The Object is modulated before the Race and decisions are made based on in-race events and Object modulation to accomplish Race objectives

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira



The Knowledge Platform is an asset due to the increased understanding of the Object
Knowledge Platform

Knowledge Construction
Giovani da Silva, Notas de Probabilidade e Estatstica, Dep. Matemtica I.S.T. Paulo Cabral, Erros e Incertezas, Dep. Fsica I.S.E.P. Incropera, Fundaments of Heat and Mass Transfer, Wiley Paulo Peas, Gesto de Produo, Dep. Mecnica I.S.T.


Technical Platform Initial Strategy

Information Communication Decision Calculation

Sub-systems Behaviour Modulation
Information of each sub-system is acquire and use to modulate each sub-system. Prior to the Competition is necessary to collect the largest amount of information from each subsystem in order to be able to derive their behavior compared to the conditions expected for proof Planning is necessary to excel each subsystem from the others.

Initial Strategy Calculation

Strategy Update and P&L Calculation Strategy need to be updated according to in-race events. Strategy changes will be supported by the platform information in which is based on probabilistic and P&L calculation. P&L Profit & Lost

Paulo Barreiros, Notas de Gesto de Projecto, Dep. Mecnica I.S.T.

Initial strategy is calculated with sub-systems behaviour knowledge. Calculation is supported with an extensive information base

In-Race Strategy

Prajit Dutta, Strategies and Games, M.I.T.

The Knowledge Platform is a strategy decision support tool that is supported by pre-race Object information The Object is a complex system built by many sub-systems in which none of them works independently. Counter-measures are needed to correctly modulate each sub-system.

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira



The Knowledge Platform is modular and supports different phases of the Competition, modulating the behavior of the object through the information collected
Block Diagram Knowledge Platform
Procedure Steps and Result

Temperature Input 1 Tyres Models Information Acquisition Lat., Lon. Input 2 Efficiency Models Profit Maximization P&L

Historial Estatstico

Initial Strategy

Relevant Statistics

Recording Decision

Information Acquisition Models Construction Data acquisition Models construction Initial Strategy Configuration of each input through P&L maximization In-Race Decisions Competitors behaviour acquisition Possible competitors behaviour responses P&L and response probability calculation Decisions

Decision Tree

Fuel Rate Consumption Input 3

Race Driver Models


Practice Plan

Non-Linear Regressions

Behaviour Models Tyres Data Correction

Race Driver Non-Linear Regression Race Driver Behaviour

Tyres Non-Linear Regression

Cycle repetition Race Driver Data Correction until convergence achieved Fuel Data Correction Fuel Fuel Behaviour Model Non-Linear Regression Tyres Behaviour Model

Data acquisition Models Construction Decision Support

Cost Reduction
Race team strategist

Increase the number of times that a race team strategist makes during a race

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira


The Knowledge Platform have a step development approach and currently is in the first step (software development).
Current stage
12 mouth


Proof of Concept


IDEA development concept Software development Initial HW/SW platform development Sponsors

Test bed acquisition Concept tests Concept tuning Off-the-shell version development

Product deployment Feedback and product update and upgrade

The Knowledge Platform is currently in the software development stage and Idea road-show in necessary to find possible sponsorship. Different levels of partnership can be considered, depending on risk sharing.

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira


Project presentation

Collecting inputs and discuss next steps.

Knowledge Platform to Support In-Race Strategy Decisions Nuno Jorge Jesus da Silveira

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